The Warhammer-community team brings us a look at the new plastic Sisters of Battle over their first year of existence and gives us a few peaks of what is to come!
One year after the most hotly anticipated Warhammer 40,000 range we’ve ever released was launched, we’re taking a look back at how the Adepta Sororitas returned to take the 41st Millennium by storm. Let’s begin this time last year, and one of the most impressive boxed sets Games Workshop has ever made was about to make its global debut…

You asked us for it in the Warhammer Big Community Survey, and our Tech-Adepts in the Warhammer Studio answered with a brand-new plastic Adepta Sororitas range. Not just any old range, mind, but one of the very best they’ve ever produced! After following the development of the new miniatures with the Battle Sister Bulletin, hobbyists everywhere got their first glimpse of what the new Adepta Sororitas were all about with this dedicated army box – the Adepta Sororitas: Sisters of Battle Army Set. Not only did it include a huge selection of miniatures, but also an exclusive copy of their upcoming codex, datacards, and more besides. The Sisters of Battle were back with a bang!

A few months later, the Adepta Sororitas codex was available separately for the first time, accompanied by a huge range of multipart plastic kits – including what turned out to be this year’s most popular Warhammer 40,000 unit, the Battle Sisters Squad! Not only that, but the set could also be used to make Celestians and Dominions too – what a kit!
This wave of releases also included the astonishing collection centrepiece and diorama that is the Triumph of Saint Katherine. The design and composition of this model ensured it would be an early contender for Miniature of the Year 2020 – even in the face of stiff subsequent competition in the stunning forms of Teclis and Celennar, the Silent King, Ghazghkull Thraka, the C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon and the Mega-Gargants.

The new Immolator (complete with its own stained glass window!) blazed its way onto the scene in March, along with the rest of the Adepta Sororitas range. With that, the Sisters of Battle were ready to take the fight to the God-Emperor’s foes like never before!

As the events of the Psychic Awakening (specifically, Pariah) wracked the galaxy, Ephrael Stern arrived to help combat the growing threats to the Imperium. As always, accompanying the Daemonifuge was her fated companion, the enigmatic Harlequin Kyganil.
We also saw a valiant Battle Sister star in the new Warhammer 40,000 cinematic trailer.
This very character would also go on to be immortalised as a McFarlane action figure!

Well, that’s far from the last we’ve seen of the Adepta Sororitas. We’ve already seen glimpses of a new VR game featuring the Sisters of Battle, and there’s also a new miniature on its way in 2021 – the Palatine!
This senior Sororitas is an experienced battlefield commander, equally at home fighting alongside her Order’s Canoness or taking charge in her absence. In addition to offering the Adepta Sororitas a dedicated ‘fighty’ character, the Palatine’s zealous presence will bolster her Battle Sisters thanks to her Fury of the Righteous ability.

If you’re looking to start your own holy crusade, grab yourself a squad or two of Battle Sisters to lay the foundation of your force. If you’ve got some painted Adepta Sororitas units you’d like to show us, head over to the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page and share your photos – we’d love to check them out!
I still think the old immolator was so much better