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New BCP Updates!

Hi everyone, Paul from Best Coast Pairings here, and I wanted to talk with you about some of the cool new stuff we have been working on.

First up we have added the new “My Games” section to the BCP Player app. “My Games” acts as a virtual scorecard helping you to keep track of your casual games. Track your objectives, points, CP and more for you and your opponent. “My Games” is available now on both iOS, Android and on the new BCP website. 

Next up, we have been testing out the “My Games” scorecards on live events. With scorecards enabled, when players go into the Player App to see pairings, the scorecard will replace the standard scoring fields. These live score cards provide a level of live visibility to events unavailable ever before. Want to see how close your friend’s game is? Check out the live scorecard! TO who wants to see how far along a game is? Check the score card! As always you can go back and see a player’s total path to victory, when they scored, and what secondaries they took. You can even see who went first.

Working with an awesome group of TOs we have been able to work out the best way to get this amazing tool available to every event. We are happy to announce that the next new build of the Tournament Organizer for both iOS and Android will provide TOs with the option to set score cards up for their event! 

There are several different score cards available for each game system but we have tagged the one that we recommend you use. Selecting a score card will turn them on for your event and we suggest using “Pinless Scoring” for the best experience. And don’t fret a TO can override or alter a score card at any time like traditional scoring. 

We have much more planned for these incredible new tools, but in the meantime enjoy the live scoring and track your next game in “My Games”. If you like what we are doing and want to see all the lists, stats and now score cards for your favorite games subscribe to BCP at

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