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Space Marine Review – Warlord Traits

Welcome to the continuing breakdown of the 2020 9th edition Codex Space Marines. Today we will be looking over the 12 generic warlord traits, as well as the Chapter specific ones. I originally was going to do the relics as well, but the Warlord traits took me longer than expected. Relics next.

Ranking System

Space Marine Warlord Traits

The following Warlord Traits (WL) are available to any Adeptus Astartes (read: Space Marine) Character who you choose to have as a warlord, either for your battle forged army or by using Hero of the Chapter Strat. Note that Named Characters may not select these, but will have one specified for them. In a beautiful clarity, GW has also listed if an ability is an Aura, which will help clarify rules interactions.

Vanguard Warlord Traits

If your Warlord is a Phobos Character, you may elect to take one of the below traits. Most of these impact Phobos units only, which limits them a good deal. Phobos units are: Captain/Librarian/Lieutenant in Phobos Armor, Infiltrators, Incursors, Reivers and Eliminators. This is a list that is just smaller than the Harlequin Codex. With Reivers still not being good, and Infiltrators and Incursors costing a pretty penny for middling damage out put, most Phobos units are a tad lack luster. This combination of mediocre units and limited pool makes the following Warlord Traits all quite limited in scope.

I really hate ranking all of these so low, and some of the traits themselves would actually be very good if they were not limited to Phobos only units. Few of them will punish you for choosing them, but the other options available are simply better. I really can not complain though, as like, in all things, marines get so many more options then any one else. It is almost like they are the most profitable for GW or something…

Ah well, moving on to Chapter specific traits. Note that these may have some slight changes when the supplements come out, as we have already seen with the Space Wolves one.

Chapter Warlord Traits

And there you have it. All the Warlord traits (other than those as covered in the Chapter Command section). There are a lot of options for different builds, and Marines being able to effectively take 4 traits means you may see some of the more fringe cases being taken and built around, although at the cost of CP, I would doubt many players will take all 4 traits in one army. As more events start happening, it will be interesting to see which traits and combinations open up in unexpected ways.

Next up will be the relics.

Thanks for reading, and happy Wargaming!

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