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Space Marine Review – Stratagems

Space Marines got a total of 34 stratagems in the codex, broken into a number of groups. This article will be focusing on each strat, and rating it by usability. For more awesome tactical content, check out the Tactics Corner!

The stratagems in the New 9th ed Space Marine Codex have been broken down into 5 categories. As of right now, these categories have little bearing on the game, but it does make remembering and finding them much easier. They are also color codded which I find quite helpful. The categories are as follows

This is a very well organized, and even characterful way to present the stratagems. The flow makes sense, and it feels appropriate. Lets take a look through each of these then.

Ranking System

Battle Tactics

Epic Deeds


Strategic Ploys


If this is the direction GW will be moving all strats I am quite pleased. The strats are mostly all useful, but few are overpowered or broken. A couple need some clarification, but they give a lot a play to the army.

Next time we will be looking over the Warlord traits, and Relics

Thanks for reading, and happy Wargaming!

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