The gang over at Para Bellum have released skirmish level game rules for their popular game, Conquest!
Para Bellum Wargames, the developer and publisher of the fantasy Regimental Miniature Wargame “Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings”, designed a “sister” Skirmish system to its Rank and File Game. Named “Conquest: First Blood”, the new skirmish ruleset is available online and for free at Para Bellum’s website. Veteran Conquest players already have everything they need to play First Blood; one would only need to download the FREE First Blood rules. It is also affordable to new players, as it requires but a few Regiment Expansions and Characters.
“Since the very beginning, we have been talking about Conquest being a complete gaming experience, not simply a game” says Founder and Creative Director Stavros Halkias. “ First Blood is another step we take in that direction, in us delivering on that promise, designed to provide to the players the opportunity to experience a different type of Conquest combat – but still play a Conquest battle.” While related to its Rank and File sibling and mirroring many elements that made the game stand out, “Conquest: First Blood” is designed with a Skirmish mentality and play style in mind. “Conquest: First Blood” promises multiple skirmish battles of filled with fast-paced, thrilling action!
Conquest now offers an entire, two-in-one wargaming experience, all with the same Conquest minis:
• First Blood for heroic Skirmish clashes and game action.
• The Last Argument of Kings for fast-paced mass combat epic battles.
Any existing Conquest player can simply dive into the new game; they already have the minis after all! On the other hand, as one’s “First Blood” collection grows, it provides one with the opportunity to use one’s Models to play its Mass Battles brother, again, simply by downloading the FREE rules of both game play styles.
“Conquest: First Blood” is available now at: https://www.para-bellum.com/conquest-first-blood/