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What I’ve Learned Playing Tyranids in 9th ed 40k

Hey everyone, Reecius here with some thoughts on my 9th ed 40k games with the good old Tyranids!

I love playing bugs, they’re easily my top 3 favorite armies in the game, the other two being Orks and Astra Militarum (and you can read my article in the same vein as this one on Guard, here).

Let’s Get Real

So first things first, playing Nids right now is a bit challenging. Many of our big bugs are comically bad in melee and/or over-costed, and many of our smaller bugs hit even more like a wet noodle and you no longer want to take them in big units due to the hurting the Blast rules can cause. To play them well you really have to think outside of the box and play smart. Many units lack much appeal in a competitive context.

The Bright Side

Tyranids do have a few things they do really well, so take heart! They have a few units that can get the job done so let’s take a look at those.

What I am Contemplating Currently

Where I’m at now is the troops section. I am messing around with some different combos trying to see what I like. Units of 10 Hormagants have been reasonably good for systematically taking objectives away from my opponent or securing for me. They die quickly but their speed and huge pile in moves means you can cover a lot of ground for those critical turns when you have to swing the primary score in your favor.

Tyranid Warriors can still work in larger units with multiple buffs. I tried running them in min maxed configuration and was not impressed. Termagants haven’t been too hot for me unless taken en masse which is a bit boring and eats up a lot of the points I’d rather spend on kill power. My next experiment is to try running min maxed units of Genestealers as their combination of speed, hitting power and reasonable durability means they should easily overpower other objective holding units and have a puncher’s chance to survive reprisal due to that 5++.

I am also debating how many and what type of detachments to run. Currently I am leaning towards a Patrol of Kronos for all the shooting units, and a Battalion of Leviathan for everything else to increase durability of the already durable Zoans. However, there is still room to move there and experiment.

Overall, I have found the army to perform admirably, to melt MEQ units, and to be solid at scoring objectives. What it lacks is the ability to screen super effectively, and with relatively few bodies, if things go sideways they can do so in a hurry. I do not, however, feel outclassed so far and think with some smart play can hang in there and win games, particularly with adequate terrain.

What have been all of your experiences with Nids so far? What units have worked well or poorly for you?

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