Move quick, they’re selling fast!
Grab all the pre-orders, here!

SOLD OUT: Warhammer 40k Indomitus Box Set

Warhammer 40k Core Rule Book

Chapter Approved: Grand Tournament 2020 Mission Pack & Munitorum Field Manual
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

GW has already sold out on their site. Those who preordered through your website, how will we know if our preorder will be fulfilled and we will get an indomitus box set?
That was insane. I have never seen a product sell that fast. Our system couldn’t handle it, we’re going through it now to see who actually gets one and who doesn’t. You will know today what your order status is.
That is nuts hopefully it’s by timestamp since I ordered at 10:01
Yeah, it was crazy and mega annoying. Our web-cart got overwhelmed and it oversold the product big time, we were freaking out watching the sales keep coming in after we took the item out of the web-cart, lol. It just isn’t built to handle the traffic it got.
Wow, that was insane and frustrating. We set aside 20% of our stock for the possibility of the web-cart overselling (which happens when orders come in faster than the software can process them and update inventory) but within minutes the cart was dramatically oversold and our email server crashed (which has never hapenned).
Oh boy. So, if you ordered an indomitus set with us, keep an eye on your email, we are not going to be able to fulfill all of them, frustratingly and despite our best efforts to avoid that hapenning. We’re doing our best to get more but the likelihood of that is low.
My order was placed at 10:03 and received a confirmation of payment at 10:04. Will orders be fulfilled based on when they were placed?
Yes, it will be in the order they came in. The gang are sending out emails now to folks that may have to get a refund. Keep an eye on your inbox. You probably should have already gotten an email if you didn’t make it.
So on a scale of 1-GW how likely are they to change their pre-order practices?
Is a made to order model that bad? (I am not a business person)
Like take preorders then make product based on the pre-order. Even if it takes some time I know a lot of people who use Kickstarter who would wait to guarantee a set.
That and maybe the starter set will fill some void in people who missed out
Not sure, honestly. They’ve often underestimated demand for these box sets so it’s entirely possible.
I have several order emails under my name, but it won’t let me process payment for whatever reason even though I’ve used my cards several times today. Haven’t received anything that I won’t receive an Indomitus set but it won’t let me pay for my boxes and stay as “awaiting payment.” Placed these orders at 10:14 and I haven’t been able to contact you guys through email or phone to get an answer on this.
We aren’t in the office on the weekends, as it says in our store hours, which is why the phones doesn’t get answered. But if you call now you will reach a human being. Sorry for any inconvenience.
We got seriously overwhelmed with this, never seen anything like it before.