Hello, competitive Warhammer fans! SaltyJohn from TFG Radio here to discuss what’s been going on in the ITC!
While this ITC season will be a little bit different than those in the past it is good to see tournaments that can be played, still are being played, and players who can make it to events are still accruing points! Last weekend was the Branson Brawl, I shout casted round 4 with Brandon Grant and Tony Myers and it was a blast. You can catch a repeat of the round on Twitch, it was Sisters of Battle versus Space Marines, and the Sister’s player Dan Sammons would go on to win the whole event! There was also a really cool new paint judging app debuted at the event by Jason Horn. Jason is a fellow LVO Judge and he runs the Lord Marshall Conference among many other tournaments. You can check out the painting results here from the Game Fortress App and you can watch the final round between Dan Sammon’s Sisters and Howard Well’s Ultramarines on Twitch here.
With events slowly beginning again, about 7 months left in the season, and 9th edition around the corner I have noticed a lot of people getting excited about 40k again. A lot of what’s been going on in the ITC this week is a perceptible upward trend in posts about getting ready for 9th, hobbying for 9th etc. Those of us at TFG Radio have decided to do a Necron army for the podcast and so we each painted a Necron Lychguard and put it up for a community vote, on which paint scheme we should do. If you’re interested gives us a vote by going to this Google Form.

Personally I have been painting a Harlequin’s army for a teammate of ours, and it’s been a lot of fun. I’ve been using Contrast Paints for the base coats and with an army as colorful as Harlequins that’s been both very helpful and a lot of fun. For myself I have organized my current 40k backlog so I can begin to work on finishing a lot of Space Marines I have lying around, a few more Knights (mostly Armiger variants), and my stalled Grey Knight project that I was supposed to finish and play at the Bay Area Open. I am quite happy to be looking through social media right now and see so many people posting up work they’ve done, thoughts on the new rules that keep getting leaked by GW and more. It’s a nice bit of fresh air in a community that was hit first by Coronavirus issues, then arguments over the ITC season, then doldrums of the initial new edition announcement. I’m excited to see what the coming months bring us in terms of 40k.
Right now there are a few more events that are still on the docket, and not canceled. One is Slaughterfest in Temecula CA, which had it’s first year ever last year and is set to be a big success again this year. Temecula has been lucky in terms of Covid-19 cases and it’s been stable a long while, it was one of the first areas in Southern California to meet the requirements to begin opening back up so it’s no surprise Slaughterfest 2020 is a go! ***NOTE SLAUGHTERFEST HAS NOW BEEN POSTPONED. OFFICIAL STATEMENT HERE***
Here is a quick look at the ITC Top 10 and the Top 40k Club tracks.

With 7 months still in the season and more places opening up slowly there’s plenty of time for movement on these boards! While we may not have as many Super Majors, or even Major’s, this season to boost scores there are still plenty of GTs lined up! It will be an odd season in the record books of the ITC but no less important, it will be an interesting season to look back on and analyze. Here is the current Hobby Track top 10.

Some very recognizable names are still keeping it going on the Hobby Track. Jeffery Merrick in first place has a decent lead over the rest and John Lennon is chugging along too. I look forward to more events using the new Paint Judging App so we can see some of these armies much easier!
As always let me know what you think in the comments, and if there are any events coming up you think I should highlight let me know!
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