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Taking Command of Your Points!

G-Dubs brings us more info on the new edition of 40k!

Anyone who’s played a game of Warhammer 40,000 with a Battle-forged army will know how awesome it is to have loads of Command points to spend. In fact, for many players, much of their army-building process has been geared towards ensuring they would have as many at their disposal as possible* – and preferably a way to replenish Command points during the battle too. Well, the good news is that you’re about to get more Command points, so read on and find out all about it…

All is Fair in Love and Warhammer 40,000

You don’t just get more Command points in the new edition – both players will also receive the same amount according to the size of the game.** After all, the larger the army a Warlord leads, the more strategic assets will be at their disposal.

With both players having the same number of Command points, they will be on an even footing when it comes to the number of Stratagems they can employ. As the army’s commander, the onus is on YOU to see if you can use them to gain an advantage over your opponent in battle!

Mustering Your Army

So, if you don’t earn Command points by taking additional Detachments, do they still interact with each other in any way? The answer is yes, but how they do so has been turned on its head. Instead of earning you Command points, each Detachment you take will instead COST you Command points. However, it’s worth noting that the Command points spent on a ‘core’ Detachment (Patrol, Battalion or Brigade) are refunded if it also includes your Warlord, so your first Detachment is usually free. An army drawn exclusively from the same Faction and comprising a single Detachment is the most strategically flexible on account of their experience fighting alongside one another, and therefore offers the most Command points.

Let’s take a look at the workhorse of many Battle-forged armies as an example – the Battalion Detachment…

You’re the Boss!

This concept was heavily inspired by the narrative and enables you to manage your army selection in the manner of a real commander. You can either maximise your Command points with a single Detachment or choose to draw upon powerful assets and summon allies to your cause by using Command points to unlock additional Detachments.

But there’s more! Not only do you start the battle with more Command points, but in each of your Command phases – the new opening phase of your turn – you will receive one additional Command point.

Getting an additional Command point every turn ensures that even in the late game, you can still rely on having a number of crucial Stratagems at your disposal.

More Stratagems for Everyone!

With all these Command points flying around the place, you’re gonna want some awesome Stratagems to spend them on, right? Thankfully, the core Stratagems available to every army have been increased to seven. Have you managed to fight your way across the battlefield only for your enemies to flee like cowards before the fury of your chainblades? Cut them down as they withdraw with this handy, and aptly named, Stratagem!

That will certainly hurt if activated on a unit of 30 Ork Boyz! Join us again tomorrow, when we’ll be discussing the more structured game sizes that are being introduced in greater detail. Meanwhile, head over to the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page to let us know what you think of the new mechanics for generating Command points.

* Ah, the ‘Loyal 32’… they served us well.
** Note that the total Power Level is based on the combined power of all the models used in the battle (so the combined Power Level of both your and your opponent’s armies).

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