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My New Favorite Model!

Sometimes a model just hits the right notes with you and this one does so for me!

This new limited edition Catachan Colonel is just too awesome! I love it. Reminds me of Carl Weathers from Predator, one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of all time, duh! Mix that with the Dutch character from the awesome Aliens Vs. Predator arcade game from a ways back and sprinkle on some Sgt. Apone from Aliens (another cinematic masterpiece, duh again!) and you have the new model above. So good!

Now I just need to paint up some cool teammate bros for him and go on a bug hunt!

And for those of you wondering what this model is from, it is a new and limited release from GW for independent stockists (like us!) as they begin to reopen their business in a limited fashion. That also means we will be able to begin fulfilling orders again and restocking, huzzah!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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