After two years of Aeldari soup and Knight soup, I’m happy with this.
The stream has had a variety of armies – we even got to see IH lose to IG in the first game. And a few “loud” generals running SM lost and went on a tour of Vegas.
Other tournaments do get a better variety and winners with Tau, Orks and GSC all winning Nova, Adepticon and GW GT Finals in the past two years.
The “summer of diversity” with Tau, Orks, GSC, Knights, etc.. all having a shot (despite Chaos being the probably slightly-too-good-to-beat favourite) is an interesting contrast against the current monotony.
“Two years of Aeldari and Knight soup”? Really. LVO 2018 had 2 Ynnari lists in the Top 8 (and three Blood Angels actually).
If Aeldari or Knights had ever put up “50+% of Top 10 showings”-numbers ever, people would’ve freaked.
The most unbalanced Meta known (pre 8th Ed. Marines) was 5th Edition Grey Knights, who got around 25% of Top 10 placings in big tournaments like Adepticon at their prime.
The current meta is unprecedented in how bad it is.
I think he was on Chapter Tactics a while back (a year or maybe two) talking about his list with…Yncarne and Avatar of Khaine? I also remember he was kind of unpleasant towards Pablo (maybe they’re friends and it was good natured, but that didn’t come across) and I haven’t heard him anywhere since.
Looks like Jesus, plays like Lucifer. Guy is a beast. I’ve been a huge fan of Headstrong since day 1, but Hunter of Ancient Relics is just so cool. What a baller
6 marines oh boy
The one time Pablo doesn’t call for orks to make top 8…
So the top 7 is 6/7 marines.
(that’s cause one spot is reserved for Nayden)
Jeff Poole!
I know that dood. I played at his house.

team Beer Hammer
Both completely predictible and completely infuriating, faction-wise. It’s what, 5 pure marines, 1 mixed marine and 2 other ?
The worse part is that it’s probably exactly what GW want given the amount of bullshit they gave to space amrine.
After two years of Aeldari soup and Knight soup, I’m happy with this.
The stream has had a variety of armies – we even got to see IH lose to IG in the first game. And a few “loud” generals running SM lost and went on a tour of Vegas.
Other tournaments do get a better variety and winners with Tau, Orks and GSC all winning Nova, Adepticon and GW GT Finals in the past two years.
The “summer of diversity” with Tau, Orks, GSC, Knights, etc.. all having a shot (despite Chaos being the probably slightly-too-good-to-beat favourite) is an interesting contrast against the current monotony.
“Two years of Aeldari and Knight soup”? Really. LVO 2018 had 2 Ynnari lists in the Top 8 (and three Blood Angels actually).
If Aeldari or Knights had ever put up “50+% of Top 10 showings”-numbers ever, people would’ve freaked.
The most unbalanced Meta known (pre 8th Ed. Marines) was 5th Edition Grey Knights, who got around 25% of Top 10 placings in big tournaments like Adepticon at their prime.
The current meta is unprecedented in how bad it is.
Sooo many successor chapters with stealthy and master artisan!
And who knew bs 2+ characters with a couple lascannons on them would be a must have for the points they cost!
It’s amazing the number of Centurians running around!
Sean Nayden’s list is fascinating. Does he talk about it anywhere?
I think he was on Chapter Tactics a while back (a year or maybe two) talking about his list with…Yncarne and Avatar of Khaine? I also remember he was kind of unpleasant towards Pablo (maybe they’re friends and it was good natured, but that didn’t come across) and I haven’t heard him anywhere since.
Looks like Jesus, plays like Lucifer. Guy is a beast. I’ve been a huge fan of Headstrong since day 1, but Hunter of Ancient Relics is just so cool. What a baller
The absolute state of 40k’s meta
SPACE MARINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!