New FAQs for recent supplements.
Blood of Baal
Faith and Fury
What do you think?
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New FAQs for recent supplements.
What do you think?
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!
Bit of a bummer that they chose not to allow Tyranid named characters to get Adaptive Physiology, they both really liked Murderous Size (and it wasn’t even especially OP in a post-Marine world). Considering they could pick a Hive Fleet, a bit more customization seemed perfectly in keeping.
And Black Templars got kinda dicked. Not getting the full suite of IF stuff including double Doctrines is reasonable, but the BT supplement is lacking in a bunch of the stratagems that all the other Marine supplements get, like extra WTs and global bonus AP on 6s. I mean, not that Marines as a whole are particularly hurting, but BT are a contender for the coolest chapter around and they got the most gimped ruleset anyway. Kind of a shame.
Damn, CA must have a ton of mistakes to be taking so long to FAQ.
INB4 “It doesn’t have mistakes”.
Yes it does.
55 point Neophytes, anyone?
yeah, I would have liked the adaptive physiologies on named characters, especially since they named characters have assigned warlord traits and adaptive physiology is a trait substitute. But I’m not surprised by the ruling, since the named characters are not customizable for warlord traits.
I’m more surprised by bio-metallic cysts. I really thought this would be a category of things, like “flamers” or “shuriken” weapons. But I guess all AP-4 on monsters is a bit nuts maybe.
The biggest bummer in the Tyranid FAQ was the ruling that the reroll psychic tests. Only one unit per turn is unnecessarily harsh, it would hardly break the game if all units got to reroll their psychic tests.
Contender for worst army trait in the game now. Should of just made this a warlord trait.