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Out With The Old

Old and new. Side by side. Photo credit

Our beloved Warhammer 40,000 has been around for a long time. Over 30 years ago Games Workshop* begun pumping out models and some of these tiny soldiers we lovingly build, paint, and spend countless hours going to war with, are starting to look a little dated. 

There are a few key reasons why a mini gets old:

1: Technology changes. The quality of minis GW now produces is insanely better than the stuff I had as a kid. The details are far superior due to the improvements in plastic injection  mold technology and the capabilities of the GW factory**. And now mold lines are taken into consideration during the modern day design process to make models look as seamless and clean as possible. 

We all hate the mold lines on these guy’s helmets and feet, the lack of details and the weird ass tunic uniform thing.

2: Sizes change. There is a slow, but steady scale creep going on and it is impossible to deny. 28mm used to be the norm, but a stereotypical trooper from any army is far from the same size their original squad mates were when GW first launched them. Have you seen the countless memes of old vs new Space Marines standing side by side?! In the far future (and apparently the present day), bigger is better.

Reclassified as Teacup Terminators. photo credit Google Images via Pinterest.

3: Style changes. Fashion trends are not just for supermodels…they  are a thing for miniature models too. Our mini’s armor, weapon designs and even hair have all totally changed over the years. And most obvious is how, the general gaming population seems to prefer more dynamic poses over stationary ones- classic sculpts are now forever clearly classified as antiques due to their lack of an action-hero-stance that each new model is brilliantly blessed with. 

Brand new and so damn dynamic!

While there is a constant release of new models, many of us still have a private  “shelf of shame” composed of unopened models that are just waiting to be built. Some of these models we once loved and spent good money on, have been patiently waiting and waiting and waiting to finally get busted out of their boxes. Years may have gone by, and these models now fall victim to one or more of the changes mentioned above, rendering them officially “old.”   

Years go by and models change. Photo credit Google Images.

Other armies are comprised of having  EACH of  their  troops choices badly in need of a rework. Ork Boyz,  Eldar*** Guardians, and Catachan Infantry are all over a decade old! And each of them are critical to building those oh so necessary battalion detachments. We are forced to use these dated models despite how ugly they look, because there are no official alternatives produced by GW yet. And while third party models are a thing, they are also not something that many tourneys allow. 

So instead of settling with the old sculpts and building an army that shows its age, I have found that you can take shiny new sculpts, and cleverly convert them into the models you need to win your next GT. Here are a few success stories to help you modernize old minis:

So much more badass than the old hunch-backed Orks!
One Orlock sprue, so many weapon options. photo credit Ebay

Hopefully the ideas listed here, will inspire you to create an army that properly personifies the vision you had when you first started reading your codex, so that you do not simply settle for outdated  models that really need should be shelved. 

*Our Lord and Savior

**The Ad Mech aint got nothing on the Brits when it comes to plastic model making

*** Who calls them Aldari?!

****Well technically now called the Mortal Realms, but you get the point

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