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M&Ms 2: How to Manage in a Changing Meta

So Space Marines just came out with a new broken supplement… again… What’s there to do about it!? Well come on in and see what myself and a couple of my locals are doing to deal with it.

Hey guys and gals, BigVik here with another in my series on metas and personal improvement.

We’ve all seen them, the looming bogeyman of the coming Space Marine supplement of the week. 

First it was White Scars, super assaulty, lots of tricks, also Ultramarines are still blue…

Next it was Raven Guard and Iron Hands, one EVEN more tricksy, and the other now the benchmark for brick to face.

Next were Imperial Fists and Salamanders, with Salamanders being the second best at taking a punch, the best at giving one, and Imperial Fists REALLY liking bolters and vehicle killing.

I’m writing this blog post after seeing a couple locals getting discouraged about how the meta seems to be pushing toward Marines only. The wailing, gnashing of teeth.. The … not playing any games.

I understand, I really do, I’ve played Guard since late 4th edition, and 7th had me about to quit the game entirely. But i did one thing that kept me in it. Even in the darkest days of never getting content for my army of choice, I was still pulling 3-2’s out of GTs. How?

It comes down to one thing, and one thing only.

Play the game.

Play with the marines, play against the marines, just play the game.

With the rapid hard FAQ’ing that Iron Hands got after they had a meta bending weekend, it is clear that GW will not just leave us all out to dry while the marine players just get to run roughshod on all of the other armies.

And even in the meantime, learning to play into strong armies can and will get your base skills honed in the game you love to play.

There’s a really strong aura ability?

Cool, figure out if your army has a way to snipe the character out, or turn off the aura entirely for the turn you’re trying to kill the buffed models.

Your opponent using an out of line of sight character to stop you shooting at their front line? Figure out a way around it, or figure out what you can do to win the game using that as an asset.

If your opponent has one of their units balled up in the middle being made untouchable, you now have one clear choice, kill everything on the table outside that buff. Pure and simple. Not easy, but simple.

Well that’s my two cents on how to manage the challenges of a changing meta.

What challenges have you had to deal with in and around gaming in the ever changing meta that is 40k, and other games, post below!

And as always, Frontline Gaming sells gaming goodies at a discount, every day!

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