Hey Guys and Gals, BigVik here with another series on gitting gud! Let’s dive in and see what’s in store for this series.
Hey guys and gals, BigVik here, after a year out of the competitive scene, I’m back, ready to roll. But I come back to the store and my meta has shrunk, my skills at the game have atrophied, and the diversity of the factions in my local meta just isn’t that deep.

My previous series was on the art of mastery, how to figure out where you are in that spectrum and how to find the space you feel the most comfortable. But none of that matters if you don’t ensure the health and diversity of your local meta.
I came back after a year to find that Warhammer Monday’s at my local game store, Flipside Gaming in East Greenbush NY, had gone from a cool dozen gamers on the regular to 1-2 40k games going surrounded by a seat if magic and casual killteam (It doesn’t count! I NEED my ARMY scale space manz!!)

Now what to do? Mine the warmachine players? Done, grabbed a great kid who really looks to be a good player in the making. This kid caught me sleeping with my now antiquated calladius/ knight/ guard list, top of one’d my knight and crippled my list… It was his first game of 40k EVER!
So what is this article going to be about?
Well it’s in the name.

Follow me as I work with a couple of the local players to help them get to a competitive level in 40k. I’ll also be looking at building the local meta up, starting to run some local events, and starting some local content on YouTube and streaming on Twitch.
This series will be on improving myself and a couple players I’m working with to improve ourselves as players. That will include quality of play, stress management techniques, ways to manage social anxiety, ways to manage meta changes, among others moving forward.

This series will have paired content on subject matters like how to paint an army in a weekend to a good standard. As well as content on how to manage your stress at the table, wellness in and around the hobby, how to deal with burn out, target priority, among other subjects.
I’ll be pushing suggested videos on the channels I make content for as they pertain to this article series.
But what after that?
Well that’s where this blog comes in, you’ll be reading and watching me try to help bring my meta back up.
Maybe I should run a tourney….
But how to do prize structure…
Post in the comments below, how you would run a fun casual event!
And as always, Frontline Gaming sells gaming goodies at a discount, every day!
Frontline Gaming will buy your used models for cash or store credit!