Charlie here from 40kDiceRolls, here again to discuss one of the T’au Empire’s leader battlesuits, the XV85 Enforcer. As always, for more tactics articles, check out the Tactics Corner!
This article has been updated since its initial publication to reflect Chapter Approved 2018 changes.
Today we’re talking about the battlesuit on the front of the Codex, the Enforcer Commander. Commanders strive for years serving their caste and the Greater Good before being able to attain the rank of Commander, choosing the type of suit that best suits their strategic style and philosophy. The Enforcer battlesuit is known for its rugged strength and the commanders that choose it may prefer the unambiguous allure of its firepower.

On the tabletop, the Enforcer Commander is an incredibly versatile and lethal single model unit.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv |
8″ | 3+ | 2+ | 5 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 9 | 3+ |
The Enforcer Commander is equipped with a burst cannon and missile pod. It may replace these two weapons with choices from the Ranged Weapon and/or Support Systems lists. It may also take two additional items from the Ranged Weapon and/or Support Systems lists. Further, it may be accompanied by up to 2 Tactical Drones (p.109)
Ranged Weapon list (p.89 of the T’au Empire Codex)
- Airbursting fragmentation projector (AFP)
- 18″ Assault D6 S4 AP0 D1
- This weapon can target units not visible to the bearer
- Burst cannon (BC)
- 18″ Assault 4 S5 AP0 D1
- Cyclic Ion Blaster (CIB)
- 18″ Assault 3 S7 AP-1 D1
- 18″ Assault 3 S8 SP01 D[D3], mortal wound on any To-Hit rolls of 1
- Flamer (reduced in points slightly in CA2018)
- 9″ Assault D6 S4 AP0 D1
- Autohits
- Fusion blaster (FB) (reduced in points slightly in CA2018)
- 18″ Assault 1 S8 AP-4 D[D6]
- If within half range, roll two dice for damage and discard lower
- Missile pod (MP) (reduced in points slightly in CA2018)
- 36″ Assault 2 S7 AP-1 D[D3]
- Plasma rifle (PR) (reduced in points slightly in CA2018)
- 24″ Rapid Fire 1 S6 AP-3 D1
Support Systems list (p.89 of the T’au Empire Codex)
- Advanced targeting systems (ATS) (reduced in points slightly in CA2018)
- For all the bearer’s weapons (included the “unarmed weapon” used in close combat), make the AP one better (e.g. an AP0 of a weapon becomes AP-1)
- Counterfire defense systems (CFDS)
- Reroll failed hit rolls when firing overwatch
- Drone controller (DC)
- Add 1 for To-Hit rolls for any <Sept> Drones within 6″ of the bearer
- Early warning override (EWO)
- If any enemy units are set up with 12″ of the bearer as a result of an ability that allows them to arrive mid-battle (i.e. teleporting to the battlefield), then at the end of that phase, the bearer may immediately shoot at one of those units as if it was your shooting phase, but subtract 1 from To-Hit rolls.
- Multi-tracker (MT)
- Reroll To-Hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase for the bearer if it fires all its weapons at the same target and that target contains 5 or more models.
- Shield generator (SG)
- 4++ invulnerable save
- Target lock (TL)
- The bearer doesn’t suffer the penalty for moving and firing a Heavy weapon or for Advancing and firing an Assault weapon. The model may also Advance and fire Rapid Fire weapons, but must subtract 1 from To-Hit rolls.
- Velocity tracker (VT)
- Add 1 for To-Hit rolls when the bearer shoots at something with the <Fly> keyword.
Special Rules
The Enforcer Commander’s special abilities include:
- For the Greater Good
- Allows units within 6″ of a charged unit to fire overwatch as if they were the target of the charge, at the cost of not being able to fire overwatch again that turn
- Master of War, once per battle choose one of the below choices by declaring Mont’ka or Kauyon
- Kauyon
- For the remainder of the turn, Tau sept units within 6″ of the Commander can reroll failed To-Hit rolls, but cannot move for any reason
- Mont’ka
- T’au sept units within 6″ of the Commander can both advance and shoot as if they have not moved
- Kauyon
- Manta Strike
- Standard deep strike ability as long as you come in >9″ from an enemy unit, at the end of your Movement phase
Overall, CA2018 didn’t really affect the Enforcer. Yes, actually, it changed the points for nearly all his available weapon choices and some of his support systems, but it didn’t change its relative use compared to the Coldstar or the Crisis Commander. You’ll save a small handful of points if you choose to equip them with fusion, missiles, plasma (HA!), flamers (get out), or ATS but these point changes aren’t going to rock the boat for the Enforcer T’au Commander. If you took one previously, you’ll probably still take one. The reductions, especially because they also affect the other Commanders too, aren’t going to persuade you to take one post-CA2018.
The Enforcer Commander is extremely customizable. He can be made to do practically anything you want him to do, but the most obvious is a direct source of firepower. CIB’s are the best option due to their flexibility against just about any sort of target. The dual profiles and a large number of shots simply make this one of the best weapons to take and the Enforcer, with its BS2+, is an excellent platform to take them on. You can easily obtain a single markerlight to virtually ensure that you won’t take damage from the improved profile and hit with all your shots. For the most part, you don’t want to mix weapons – take more of a great thing by taking 4 CIB’s. Should you have a more defined role in mind for your Enforcer Commander, you could consider dropping one of the CIB’s for something like a Shield Generator or Advanced Targeting System, though ATS, in particular, is somewhat situational due to the fact that you’re going to have fewer shots that are slightly more efficient. Point changes in CA2018 don’t change this.
Whether you start him on the board or decide to use his Manta Strike ability will be completely up to you, though with the restrictions that come with Manta Striking, my personal preference is to start them on the board. This allows you to set up for a turn-one Mont’ka or Kauyon. Furthermore, Manta Striking will place you outside of the 9″ distance required to roll for better damage on fusion blasters, so apart from tearing into your opponent’s flank (valuable in its own right), there’s not a huge advantage to Manta Striking him in most cases.
I think 4 CIB’s is the way to go about 90% of the time for the Enforcer because it plays into T’au’s strengths of “shooting, shooting, and more shooting” while having variable stats and lots of shots. Other loadouts are sometimes feasible thanks to some decent Signature Systems (relics) and depend on the role you want your Commander to take on. The Supernova Launcher takes the place of an AFP and changes its stats to 18″ Assault D6 S6 AP-2 and D2. It might pair well with other AFP’s, BC’s or an SG to result in a Commander who can get close to the enemy but hide behind terrain or tank enemy fire with invulnerable saves. Overall, I’m not too impressed with the S4 of AFP’s so if you were going to take the Supernova Launcher, I’d suggest pairing with CIB’s or BC’s if you didn’t have the points to spare (but you really should make the points for them).
If your Commander is from the Vior’la sept, you could replace a flamer with a Thermoneutronic Projector which is 8″ Assault D6 S6 AP-1 D2, auto hits. Clearly a better stat line than the normal flamer but it completely disregards the Commander’s SB2+, which is unfortunate. BS2+ is rare for T’au so to not take advantage of it seems like a waste. If you are determined to take it though, consider an SG in one of your other three slots because you’ll have to be close enough to take retaliatory fire. I personally believe the Enforcer Commander is not the best Commander to use for this type of role, that the Coldstar could do it better, but we’ll touch on that more in the Coldstar article.
If you’re feeling more of a long-range Commander (comparatively), and running Bork’an sept, the Plasma Accelerator Rifle (which takes place of the standard Plasma Rifle) might be more your jam at 30″ Rapid Fire 1 S7 AP-3 D2. Staying just inside it’s 15″ rapid fire range and screening with units in between seems like the way to go with this. Other weapons that would work well with this would, of course, be CIB’s, but even an ATS could be considered for the flat 2 damage and to give most regular tanks no save (thanks to the resultant AP-4). A backfield dakka-commander with 4xMissile Pods whose job is just to activate stratagems and Kauyon isn’t terribly out of the question now, thanks to the much more reasonably-priced MP’s, though by no means are they a steal or even highly-advised.
If you’re a “Johnny”, like I am, you might also look into Fusion Blades. These are specific to Farsight Enclaves and replace two fusion blasters. They give you a shooting (18″ Assault 2 S8 AP-4 D[D6], exact same as two fusion blasters) and melee (melee S8 AP-4 D[D6], can only make two attacks with this weapon each time it fights) profile. Commanders can use their WS3+ to somewhat take advantage of this, but against a T8 target, they will hit with 1 of their 2 attacks (remember Fusion Blades limits your melee attacks to 2), and then only wound half the time. In order to take this, you’d also have to take an FSE detachment, which is somewhat questionable already. If you were really committed to this type of strategy, you’d probably also want Farsight, but due to the Commander restrictions to only one per detachment, you’d now be signing up for two FSE detachments. This seems far less than ideal. I’m all for trying new things, but Fusion Blades seems like something different for different’s sake instead of an alternative and valid strategy.
Other notable Signature Systems for Enforcer Commanders include the T’au sept only Vectored Maneuvering Thrusters and the Dal’yth sept only Dynamic Mirror Field. The thrusters allow the bearer to move up to 6″ after attacking in the Shooting phase. It’s reminiscent of the old T’au tactic Jump-Shoot-Jump and if your Enforcer Commander were positioned well enough, could keep the enemy from returning fire. The Mirror Field requires enemy units to subtract 1 from all To-Hit rolls that target the bearer. Hopefully, you’ll be able to count on the <Character> keyword from reducing/eliminating shots against your Enforcer though, of course, that’s not always possible.
Enforcer Commanders are not just useful for their lethality, they’re also useful to take advantage of several stratagems. Some of the below stratagems require a commander to utilize and others are beneficial to the Enforcer Commander due to the fact that they are also <Battlesuits>.
- Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (1CP)
- Use this before a <Battlesuit> unit shoots, the target of the attacks cannot claim cover bonuses to their save for this phase.
- Fail-safe Detonator (1CP)
- Use when a <Battlesuit> unit is destroyed in the Fight phase but before removing the last unit. Roll a D6 for each unit (friend and foe) within 3″ of that model and on a 4+ it takes a mortal wound.
- Automated Repair System (2CP)
- Use at the start of any turn. A <Battlesuit> or <Vehicle> can regain D3 lost wounds.
- Neuroweb System Jammer (2CP)
- Use this at the start of the enemy Shooting phase. Pick an enemy unit within 18″ of a <Battlesuit> <Commander> in your army. Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls made for that unit this phase.
- Repulsor Impact Field (1CP)
- Use after an enemy successfully charges a <Battlesuit> unit. Roll a dice for each model in the enemy unit within 3″ of your unit. On a 6 that model suffers a mortal wound.
- Command-and-control Node (1CP)
- Use this stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Pick a <Sept> <Commander> form your army. That Commander may not shoot, but one <Sept> <Battlesuit> unit form your army that is within 6″ of that Commander may reroll failed wound rolls this phase.
- Emergency Dispensation
- Your standard “pay 1CP for an extra relic, pay 3CP for two extra relics” stratagem.
- Orbital Ion Beam
- Use in your Shooting phase if a <T’au Empire> <Commander> from your army did not move or use their Manta Strike ability in the preceding Movement phase. Pick two points on the battlefield 2D6″ apart. Draw a 1mm imaginary line between the two points and roll a die for any unit (friend or foe) under this line. On a 4+ that unit being rolled for suffers D3 mortal wound. Once per game stratagem.
The few of these that I find myself regularly using are Neuroweb System Jammer (NSJ) and Command-an-control Node (CnCN). It’s not impossible to be within 18″ of a major source of your opponent’s firepower either on your opponent’s first Shooting phase (if you went first) or their second (if they went first). It’d be such a shame if that big, bad Knight was -1 on all his To-Hit rolls, wouldn’t it? Did your opponent heal something just enough to raise it up a damage tier in preparation of some clutch shooting? Sorry, friend, here’s a -1 To-Hit. NSJ is a vital tool at your disposal to be able to keep something at bay until you can kill it. CnCN is another excellent stratagem as it allows a <Battlesuit> unit to reroll wounds. Take something like a Nova Charged Riptide with a Heavy Burst Cannon, which would normally wound a T8 Knight on 5’s – about 33% of the time. But, by using CnCN on it, your average wounds jump up to about 55%. Since each of those shots are D2, getting more successful To-Wound rolls means you’ll be getting a more damage through which is always a good thing.
The other stratagems are either obvious as to when/how you’d use them or are a bit gimmicky, like the Orbital Ion Beam. It’s expensive to start, at 3CP. It also requires you to not have moved, which can flow well from a Kauyon. However, the fact that the distance is variable, the change of wounding is variable, and then the damage is variable all add up to too much variability. If I’m spending that many CP, I want a sure thing from it (like a 22% increase is successful To-Wound rolls…) and the Orbital Ion Beam is not a sure thing.
The last thing to cover regarding the Enforcer Commander would be warlord traits, should you decide to make one of yours your warlord. If you’re playing your Enforcer Commander with 4 CIB’s, surrounded by your other units, then Through Unity, Devastation is probably the best take, as it allows you to choose one enemy unit visible to your Warlord and friendly units within 6″ of your warlord that shoot at and wound on a 6 increase their AP by 1 (e.g. AP0 becomes AP-1). This pairs well with nearby Riptides, Firewarriors, and any other T’au unit with a high volume of fire.
If you’re playing more into a frontline commander who will utilize more close fighting, Exemplar of the Mont’ka (can Advance and fire as if he had not Advanced) and Precision of the Hunter (re-roll wound rolls of 1’s against <Vehicle> and <Monster>) may prove useful, though the effect of Exemplar of the Mont’ka could also be obtained through the Vior’la Sept. Precision of the Hunter would be useful for a Commander specifically tasked with taking out high toughness targets, like the currently-so-popular T8 Knights.
Other warlord traits could be worth taking, occasionally such as Academy Luminary (increases the range of Master of War to 9″ and if your army is Battleforged, gain 1 additional CP) or Seeker of Perfection (for each To-Hit roll of 6+ made by your warlord, add 1 to the To-Wound roll for that attack), but don’t quite bring the same amount of synergy as Through Unity, Devastation. These are, personally, more for friendly games than top table lists.
To start with, Enforcer Commanders come with a built-in “counter” in that you can only take 1 <Commander> unit per detachment. Not only can you not take more than three of the same Commander, you’d have to take three detachments in order to be able to take three <Commanders>. Speaking of Enforcer Commander in particular, with their 8″ movement, they’re not exactly able to zip across the board to harass an enemy unit. If they are trying to get within 9″ of something to fully utilize Fusion Blasters, they may be given a hard time of it if their target is fast. Most of the time they’re going to be hanging out around the outer limits of their range (18″ in most cases) so certainly within the range of a charge for fast units.
Unless they specifically take one, and like I stated before the most common loadout you’ll see for an Enforcer Commander is probably 4 CIB’s so they won’t have one, Enforcers don’t have an invulnerable save. That means that anything AP-4 or better will just pass through as damage. A good T’au player will make sure to keep drones (probably Shield Drones with a 4++/5+++) nearby to offload wounds via Savior Protocols, so take that into account by preferably taking out the drones first or by overwhelming the Enforcer with the weight of fire.
Enforcer Commanders are far from untouchable, though they are shielded from direct fire via the <Character> keyword, unless of course, they’re the closest. If you’re not able to shoot it directly (this will most likely be the case), kill what’s in front of it or charge it. Like most T’au units, the Enforcer Commander will crumple under any sort of dedicated close combat aggression. It will have to be within 18″ to do a lot of what it will want to do, so if you can close that distance, use it to your advantage.
If the T’au player does choose to Manta Strike it, make sure to try and control the areas which it can come down by using screening units and general unit placement to block off key areas. The last thing you want happening is an Enforcer Commander Manta Striking near some key piece of artillery that you didn’t adequately protect. Don’t under estimate the frustration a Turn 2 or 3 Enforcer can give you by Manta Striking in your backfield (supported by two shield drones that are placed behind a building, not in your LoS) that can not only direct a lot of firepower at something key but also not be shot at directly because of the supporting out-of-sight drones. A good T’au player will also understand that charging something like a Basilisk or Wyvern with his Enforcer can also make sense tactically sometimes. Don’t get caught off guard.
Overall, the Enforcer Commander is a great swiss army knife. It can be nearly whatever you want it to be, though if you play against enough T’au players, you’ll start to see similar builds reoccurring (4xCIB for example). The Enforcer Commander is one of the T’au’s strongest units at the moment due to the direct firepower and point efficiency they bring but also the synergy with other units and stratagems. It would be a rare list indeed to not have any T’au Commanders within it, though there are notable substitutions to the Enforcer that we will get to in future articles. Enforcer Commanders are not impossible to deal with however and understanding what they’re good at and what the T’au player will want to do with them is the first step towards adequately combatting them.
What are you loading out your Enforcer Commanders with? What’s their specific role?
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Obligatory if you aren’t wanting to run cib… There is no reason to not run coldstar commanders..
…unless you want wanna to run 4 cyclic ion blasters and shoot 12 s8 shots a turn, which is really really good! Remember that coldstars can’t take ion.
That is literally what he just said.
Yeah, I hate that that is the case, but feel you’re right. And any time there is a clear winner with little/no reason to take alternatives, I feel that’s bad design. What do you think? Do you think the Coldstar is just too good? The Enforcer not good enough? Or fine the way it is?
Mmm. The problem is the price difference between the two; whether one or the other (or both) is too cheap in an absolute sense is another issue altogether. But for a pretty trivial price difference (15pts?), you gain 12″ of movement- that alone is better than, say, buying a Jump Pack for a Marine character. But then you can also advance 20″, which is hugely useful, especially since so many of the Tau guns are so short-ranged.
I think there’s things that could be done to close the gap between the two, but given that Tau are not exactly ruling the tournament scene right now, I don’t think anything particularly needs to be done. We just sort of accept that Coldstars are the way to go for the time being.
GW made Coldstars unable to take CiB precisely so there wouldn’t be a clear winner. If you could run 3 Coldstars with CiBs, would you ever run anything else?
Nitpick, the Mirror Field stratagem wouldn’t affect sniper MWs as those proc on 6s to wound, not to hit. Great article!
Personally, I think that as great as Commanders are (and they’re easily one of the best units period), they’re symptomatic of the problemes of the Tau Codex — namely, there was a big issue with the Index (Commander spam) and instead of trying to fix it (say, up Commander body cost, drop suit weapons cost, drop Crisis cost), Commanders were made even better and patched over with the forced restriction, heedless of the other issues this caused (massive opportunity cost for named Commanders, making support-oriented builds unappealing, FSE being forced to spam Fireblades for detachments, etc). (Holy run-on sentence Batman.) The article on the topic by AbusePuppy had a bunch of interesting things to say about it. Sadly, I don’t see this getrig fixed anytime soon — by and large, it seems that if it doesn’t warp the tournament meta, GW is content to leave design issues alone.
Right you are! The Mirror Field signature system wouldn’t stop mortal wounds, I’ll go back and fix that.
Commanders are definitely not in the healthiest of spot, I think for several reasons. 1) the Codex gives you many reasons to want to take many commanders (stratagems, reclics, etc.), but then limits you to one per detachment, on top of the “rule of 3”, 2) named commanders use up this slot within a detachment so if you take Shadowsun for example, you’re further limiting yourself. 3) There’s very, very little reason to not take a Coldstar if you’re going to take a Commander. I feel that the different variations of commanders aren’t different enough to give pros and cons to each. Thus, there’s not much strategy behind list building because “just take the one that can move 40 inches”. I think the Tau Codex and the state of commanders right now works…it could just work so much better.
It’s made worse that commanders are one of only 4 units actually good at shooting in what is supposed to be a shooting-specialist army (The others being hammerheads, fireblades, and firesight marksmen).
Definitely right on the different varieties not offering enough distinction. If it weren’t for coldstars having an arbitrary restriction from taking CIB then there’d be no niche left for the other generic commanders.
Absolutely. It’s like they ackowledged that some distinction needed to be there (Coldstar’s not being able to take CIB’s), but left it at that.
People keep saying that T’au are supposed to be a shooting army, when I’m not sure that’s really the case. I always thought they were a synergy army that shot. Most T’au units on their own are not good, but when combined with other things and combos, they become good. Maybe I’m splitting hairs. Other armies have synergy too, but if I’m remembering decently, I think that was no always the case.
Pretty much all armies have internal synergy.
Tau are a shooting specialized army. They have no psykers, no way to ally in psykers, pretty universally terrible melee stats, and with the loss of jump-shoot-jump lost a lot of their mobility options. What they do get is to overwatch better. So all that’s left is their shooting, but they only have army-wide bs4+. Whereas all the generalist armies (space marines, chaos marines, eldar, even necrons) have bs3+. Sure, if you can get a whole 5 markerlights on a target then you’re hitting on 3+ reroll 1s; but only against that one target and in all likelihood only getting to that level vs one target a turn at most.
Yeah but T’au have always been a generally BS4+ army right? They’ve typically been great at removing whatever one or two units a turn that you deem most offensive, rather than be able to shoot indiscriminately. I think their type of synergy excels in that scenario. So I guess I meant that they seem capable at being good at shooting via synergy rather than just generally excelling at shooting.
I mean, it’s hard not to be a tad salty when, say, Eldar or AdMech have weapons as good as Tau’s, models with not-shit BS AND the force multiplication that’s supposed to be Tau’s saving grace on top of that — not to mention being useful in more than one phase. I think the whole “Tau weapons are good, accuracy is bad” idea applies only to infantry Pulse weapons and nothing else really, sure Pulse Rifles are a cut above bolters or lasguns but Tau plasma is strictly worse than the Imperial version, Fusion weapons are the same as everyone’s, and the only long-range anti-tank a la lascannons are Railguns, which are shit.
Excuse my saltiness, but even if there are competitive builds, it’s hard not to feel like the codex was a tad phoned in.
I’m less bothered by BS4+ (which you see on other shooting armies like Guard also) and more by the Tau inability to play in two phases of the game. Like, just an absolute lack of any presence at all, by proxy or otherwise, during the psychic and assault phases. It wouldn’t be a hard problem to fix- in the past there have been relics that granted some limited psychic defense, so it wouldn’t be hard to have included one or more of those; likewise, with Tau ally races there’s perfectly good reasons to have included Nicassar units to give them some psychic shielding, or some sort of Necron-style technological solution.
The melee lack is even worse, because we at one point had a semi-competent melee unit in Kroot, but with their reduction to one attack each (and splitting off Kroot Hounds/Krootox into their own units) that really isn’t true anymore. Other melee armies have options for bringing countercharge units or extremely resilient delaying units to slow enemy assaulters; Tau simply do not have that option.
If Tau only get to play in one phase of the game, they need to be clearly superior in that phase- they are not. I think that’s the fundamental problem.
“If Tau only get to play in one phase of the game, they need to be clearly superior in that phase- they are not. I think that’s the fundamental problem.”
I think we’ve reached the crux of the issue. Thanks, AP.
>If Tau only get to play in one phase of the game, they need to be clearly >superior in that phase- they are not. I think that’s the fundamental problem.
I largely agree with you. T’au’s best hope in the Charge/Fight phase is to utilize keyword and to utilize their mobility to take advantage of enemy units without the keyword. They’re mobility is not bad, but not the best either.
Since the Shooting Phase is so strong right now, I’m not entirely convinced that them being the best at that wouldn’t overly offset their nonparticipation in the other Phases. Change their widely-seen BS4+ to BS3+ with markerlights working like they do and I think that would be too strong combined with their weigh of fire and above average S. So any effort to make their shooting more “top tier” has to be a bit more nuanced than a direct improvement to accuracy, I feel.
What other options do we have? Play around with the tiers of markerlights so that you don’t need 5+ to increase your chance to hit? Have a tier of markerlight correspond to removing to-hit debuffs (Blacksun Filter)? Other?
I have played tau since release although not much in 7th. Ive always seen them as a shooting army and while kroot could fight in melee it was not usually recommended except against tanks to hit the rear armor.
I would like tau to really remain that way. They were never as tough as space marines or as vulnerable as eldar but a space in between. More mobile then space marines but less then eldar. My ideal tau lets me win in the movement phase and the shooting phase with rugged units that need synergy to punch back.
The current problem with tau to me is a lack of durability, lack of speed that doesnt punish you, crisis suits being in an awkard spot and the t1 beta deepstrike changes. A monat sacea crisis suits with 3 fusion blasters t1 would be a great tool but i am stuck with 3 suits which then is too expensive on turn 2 which will not live to see turn 3.
I see this same mistake every where. CIB only cause 1 mortal wound total. Not one for each roll of a one.
The rule literally says “if you roll one or more hit rolls of 1, the bearer suffers a mortal wound after all of this weapon’s shots have been resolved.”
It is not ” for each hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all of this weapon’s shots have been resolved.”
Which is what most people seem to play it as.
The 6″ move after shooting is the old old way of jsj when tau were first released. So technically it isnt remeniscent of the old way it just is the older method.
You didn’t have to roll for it at first? That’s before my time with T’au
I just recall having to roll for JSJ in 7th.
Yeah before you just moved a flat 6″ in the assault phase. Since jump packs could move 12″ in the movement phase it was a pretty neat way to show the added agility since you could move the same speed but with greater resolution. Although mostly it meant you jumped in front if a piece of terrain and then exactly back with no risks of under shooting. Probably part of the reason why they got rid of it.
Yeah, when they were introduced in 3rd, it was a fixed 6″ jump back. I can’t remember when it changed to 2d6.
6th edition, to match up with the introduction of random charge length. Prior to 6th, charge distance was a set 6″ as well.
Just too let you know that in the master of war section you have got the order wrong. Mont’ka translates to The Killing Blow in the T’au lexicon and is the 6″ units can advance perk where as Kauyon Is the “Patient Hunter” which is the 6″ re-role 1s for units that stayed still.
Fixed, thanks
I am quite partial to 3x missile pods and ATS myself after CA 2018. The missile pods themselves still feel about 5pts too expensive but in the context of the commander I like them as my T’au struggle with long range which is something people don’t consider too often. So an accurate platform that can move and fire a 36 inch all rounder weapon gains some value in my opinion.
In addition flyers is a thing around here and the missile pod is a decent weapon in that context.
Cyclic Ion blaster is really good as well of course.