Did you know Wraithlords almost made top 8 at LVO last year? Probably not, as most people just remember them as “the bad eldar dreadnought,” but I’m here to tell you that they’ve got way more going on than that. Click to read the CA2018-updated article, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Wraithlords are perhaps the ultimate sacrifice that an Eldar can make- possessed by a spirit stone containing the soul of a departed warrior, unlike the lesser constructs such as Wraithguard, a Wraithlord holds the mind of a great hero of legend. Like a Dreadnought, they represent a service that passes even beyond the bounds of death, and the Craftworlds are loathe to invoke such service, but in times of utter desperation it may be necessary to draw upon their acumen and fighting prowess.
On the table, Wraithlords represent the bare-minimum tier of units that suffer from a degrading profile- something that we’ll come back to in a bit. They start with 8″ movement (which nudges down to 7″ or 6″ as they are wounded, a fairly trivial loss), about average for various non-flying monsters in the game. Weapon skill and ballistic skill 3+ (degrading to 4+/5+ as they are wounded) are also fairly standard for Eldar and make them pretty decent at both shooting and melee. Strength 7 and toughness 8 give them very solid melee stats and notably puts them a pip above anything smaller than a superheavy- they have little to fear from most races’ basic guns, and even plasma/melta struggle against them. Ten wounds and a 3+ save are far from ideal protection, but they are enough to keep the chassis running through a decent amount of punishment. Lastly, with four attacks, they can put out enough threat that most units won’t want to tangle with them. For 85pts stock, that is a very solid set of numbers overall.

Wargear and Special Rules
Wraithlords have only one special rule- Ancient Doom, which will let them reroll misses against Slaanesh units. Not typically going to come up, but it’s handy when it applies. Do note that they lack Battle Focus, as all of the Wraithguys do, and thus are limited to moving in the same fashion as all other factions in the game.
A Wraithlord comes stock with Wraithbone Fists (S7 AP-3 Dmg3) for free, which is a very solid weapon to have- the strength is enough to hurt most things pretty effectively, even if it’s not as high as one might like, and the fixed damage is excellent. It also carries a pair of Shuriken Catapults (12″ S4 Assault 2 6s are AP-3) on the arms, which can be exchanged for Flamers if one wishes- I will generally do this, as a Wraithknight’s biggest worry is getting bogged down by a horde unit and the Flamers give it a bit of protection there as well as superior shooting weapon. The Flamers are a bit more expensive (6pts each), but I think they’re still cheap enough to be worthwhile overall.
It can also add to its basic armament, taking a Ghostglaive (+10pts) that lets it fight with a S9 AP-4 DmgD6 profile instead- the extra strength and AP are definitely welcome, though the random damage is not. I go back and forth on the viability of the upgrade, but I think overall it’s best to leave it at home- though rule of cool says you should definitely take it, as everyone loves a giant ghost robot with a ghost sword. Wraithlords can also mount up to two heavy weapons from the Craftworlds list on their shoulders, at the usual costs; Shuriken Cannons are my go-to here as they are most places, as they are cheap and put out a good amount of firepower while still allowing you to potentially advance and shoot (albeit at a penalty in this case.) Scatter Lasers are also a very solid choice, as they are actually cheaper than the Shuriken Cannon, but are Heavy instead of Assault. Starcannons are also good, though they encourage a more static role; Bright Lances and Missile Launchers end up being a bit expensive but not wholly unreasonable, if you want a backfield shooter- personally I would lean towards the Missile to keep it as versatile as possible, especially given the recent price changes.
So let’s address the big issue first: the Wraithlord’s degrading profile. Starting with only ten wounds, a Wraithlord gets caught in the most awkward point in terms of its statline, and a lot of people see Dreadnoughts (who come with two less wounds for about the same price, but do not degrade) as being better. I would strongly disagree, and I think the math (and strategy) backs me up on this one.
Let’s take a hypothetical Dreadnought versus Wraithlord comparison. As I said, they cost about the same overall and are armed with similar weapons- two Bright Lances vs Fist + Twin Lascannon is an obvious comparison, but there are plenty of other loadouts that work out to be pretty similar as well, so I think the juxtaposition is very apt. Now, right out of the gates, the Wraithlord has one higher toughness- that makes it not only resistant to small arms (which, having only a 3+ save on both models, is a nontrivial factor) but also to Autocannons, Plasma weapons, Missile Launchers, and many others. However, let’s set that aside and look at the issue of the degrading profile itself.
Degrading is the cost you pay for the extra wounds on the Wraithlord and a lot of people aren’t happy with it. They say they’d rather have a shorter, non-degrading statline, but let’s look at the numerics of it. When either unit has taken 0-4 wounds, they are equal- they have the same offensive stats and so the degrading is irrelevant. When they have taken 5-7 wounds, the Dreadnought has the advantage- both units will be alive, but the Wraithlord will be down a point in its WS/BS. But when they have taken 8-9 wounds, the situation flips- yes, the Wraithlord has degraded even further, but it is still alive and on the battlefield, whereas the Dreadnought has already been removed as a casualty. With Craftworlds having multiple ways to heal their units (including a stratagem, Tears of Isha, and a character who also happens to be a psyker) it doesn’t take a lot to bump that Wraithlord back up to being a legit threat again- and even heavily wounded, it can still be quite obnoxious for your opponent to get rid of.
This is where we should take special note of the Wraithlord’s combination of statline and other bonuses. For a relatively cheap cost (~105) we can get four effective guns and a dangerous melee weapon built-in, all on a T8 chassis with a goodly pile of wounds and the -1 to hit penalty from Alaitoc. This is why Nanavati and many other members of his team were considering running Wraithlords in their previous LVO lists, as I alluded to in the opening- the combination of versatility and durability is something that a lot of people don’t expect from Craftworlds armies and especially when brought in larger numbers (which is to say trios, thanks to the FAQ rulings) they can be a real hassle to get rid of.
Although I mentioned the “pillbox” Wraithlord earlier, sitting in the backfield with its heavy weapons and firing away, I think overall this is not the best way to run them- it does have the advantage of being a backfield shooting unit that is innately protected from any kind of reserve melee shenanigans your opponent might try to pull, but I don’t think it makes best use of the unit’s strengths. That said, though, don’t discount it completely; the model is small enough to get cover relatively easily and that only adds one more layer of problems for your opponent to deal with when they are trying to shoot it out.
However, I think the “aggressive” Wraithknight is probably the better one overall. Eldar armies are running more and more frontline elements these days as part of their strategy- Shining Spears, of course, but also Howling Banshees, Harlequin Troupes, Taloses (Taloii? Talox? Taloinians? Talors?), and others as well, and especially as part of a “combined front” like this Wraithlords can be a real threat. With almost all weapons hitting them on 4s (or worse) thanks to Alaitoc and wounding them on 4s or worse, it can take a pretty intense amount of firepower to deal with one- and that’s firepower that isn’t going into your other units. And if the enemy chooses not to shoot at them… well, now they have a big monster assaulting their vehicles and flaming their infantry, causing general havoc in the back lines where you don’t want such things rampaging around.
Even in a list that doesn’t employ extensive forward aggressive units, Wraithlords can serve as a strong deterrent for the enemy’s aggressive forces- Craftworlds armies are often very shooting-heavy, and there aren’t a ton of options for where to get countercharge units without spending a large part of your points on them. The Wraithlord solves this dilemma by being both a solid countercharge unit (well able to dissuade basic squads and even some of the tougher customers, especially if they are wounded) as well as a part of the gunline itself with its heavy weapon options. It may not be as durable as a Wave Serpent or Crimson Hunter, but it can support the army in a very different way and will prove surprisingly resilient to those people who haven’t tried to deal with one.
Although Wraithlords aren’t currently something you see on the table all that often, it’s still worth knowing how to take them down. The easiest way, in my opinion, is to hit them with a focused hammer blow- a Wraithlord’s strength is in its resilience and flexibility, but if you can annihilate it in a single go that doesn’t matter. Lacking any kind of invuln or other special defense, if you drop a powerful squad onto one you should be able to take it out in a single turn, or two turns at the absolute most. An assault unit equipped with Thunder Hammers or the like will probably be able to do the job, as can a squad with a heavy plasma loadout or similar weapons. Anything with poisoned weaponry (such as Drukhari or Deathwatch models) can give it a very bad time, and Lascannons and other S9 weapons will as well. Wraithlords have a comparatively-small wound count given their price and other stats, so every point of damage you can push through is golden. This can also include mortal wounds (Smite, etc) or even just S5 guns in armies like Tau that have abundant access to them.
Final Thoughts
I probably wouldn’t lay any money on seeing Wraithlords jump up to the top tables this coming season, but I don’t think I’d bet against it, either- they have a lot of things going for them and it’s very possible that we’ll see some sort of shift in the meta or breakthrough list that will push them into the spotlight. They’re definitely one of the many units in the Craftworlds codex that you should keep an eye on, because it’s very possible that they will make their presence known in a big way at some point in the future- and maybe you’ll even use them in a list of your own.
As always, remember that you can get your wargaming supplies at great discounts every day from the Frontline Gaming store, whether you’re looking to start a new army or expand an existing one.
Talos are just better, 4++, PfP, units of 3, and the all important fly keyword. Wraithlords would have to get something more, like units of 3 to make them really shine.
Wraithlords have better melee weapons (AP-3, Dmg3), better survivability against most shooting attacks (-1 to hit, T8), and better shooting (two flamers, two heavy weapons.) It certainly has plenty of advantages over the Talos.
That said, the Talos is probably a better unit overall due to being somewhat cheaper and fulfilling a better role in the codex, not to mention being able to field up to nine of them (rather than just three.)
I’m surprised it’s taken people this long to catch on. My friend ran an all-Wraithlord army (before the rule of 3), and it was hell to play against. Unless you specifically built to counter it, it would just destroy most “all-comers” lists.
They also are a great example of GW’s complete illogic when it comes to points cost. Compare a SM Dreadnought with Multi-Melta and Fist (139 pts) to a Wraithlord with Ghostglaive and Brightlance (133 pts).
The Wraithlord gets:
– +2 wounds
– +1 Toughness (this is HUGE. The difference between t7 and t8 is MASSIVE — all str 4 weapons are now doing half as much damage. 25% damage from str 8 weapons like melta and OC plasma)
– Extra 12″ range on gun
– Higher AP on it’s CC weapon
– d6 damage instead of 3 damage on CC weapon
– 6 pts cheaper!
Almost no upside to dreadnought:
– Doesn’t degrade (but if you run the Wraithlord as Ilyanden, it effectively doesn’t degrade either)
– +3 str on CC attacks (but the difference of str 12 to str 9 is meaningless is almost all situations. The only Toughnesses it matters for are 5, 6 and 9, which are rare)
– Melta damage within 12″
– Whatever chapter tactic you choose (none of these are very good)
Wraithlord is just flat out better.
Sure, many units cross-codex can compare oddly to one another which can feel weird but it’s not like they compete with one another for the same slot. You can’t take a Dread in an Eldar army and likewise, you don’t have the same buffs and such available to you. Also, a Dread doesn’t have a degrading profile which does matter (unless you play Iyanden where it is downplayed quite a bit).
Also, you can’t assume the game devs are writing the rules for each dread type unit at the same time across all books, etc. You’d have to assume different things come in to play at each point in the process for each Dex.
And things are always changing and adjusting to achieve more balance. Long story short, don’t judge so harshly in the near term =)
I don’t disagree with you that the Wraithlord is better than a standard SM Dreadnought. But the multi melta is not a good weapon for it , and the Ravengaurd Chapter tactic is the exact same as Altaoic for a Dread. Also I don’t see a lot of people running Dreads competitively so maybe we are comparing bruised apples to bruised oranges.
Nice to hear that they might be making something of a comeback. I remember WraithLords being absolute terrors in 3rd Ed*, and it’s been kind of disappointing to see them slide down to utter garbage between the game in general moving past them, and the WraithKnight** in particular more or less supplanting them.
*OK, yeah, part of that was because of the lack of available information at the time, and the resulting fact that most people’s Armies sucked, but still. It was an icon of the era.
**It also has never stopped bugging me that the WraighKnight is bigger and more powerful than the WraithLord. A Lord should outrank a Knight, dammit.
Not sure why you didn’t mention the barebones 103-point build as viable. I am running 3 in my Alaitoc and Ulthwé armies as cheap counterattack/bully units that range forward and just generally annoy people and/or take far more than they cost to remove.
I was running three with just basic kit in Iyanden and got good results, too. When you pop the Psytronome they go bananas.
I love Wraithlords, and I’m determined to make them work. Most Eldar players would rather spend roughly the same number of points to pick up a Fire Prism, though.
Really interesting article, I must admit I was in the camp that had written them off comptetively, but now I’m wondering about whether running a trio of double catapult double cannon ones in upcoming 1750 events, where it’s harder to squeeze in the normal complement of heavy stuff, might be a cool thing to try. Definitely food for thought!
I have run that configuration quite a few times and it’s pretty solid. Not like, A++ or anything but certainly playable and a lot of fun.
Yeah, I probably wouldn’t try it in a hardcore 2k event because I think there are better options, but the fact that they’re extremely resilient for 123 pts might tell more in a smaller game. They’re also an efficient way to pack out a very solid spearhead, which again matters more at lower points.
Yeah, totally. I brought them to a tournament, played 3 very tough armies with skilled generals and they did great for me every game. I never felt like I wished I didn’t have them. Even if all the did was soak a lot of firepower, it was till quite useful.
1750 might be pushing it with the new rule of three, but it would depend a lot on how the meta shapes up- and right now that’s still pretty uncertain most places. I can see it as plausible, though, and at 1500 it’s definitely worth thinking about if you want to run Craftworlds (as opposed to Ynnari, etc.)
I very much prefer the Flamers to the Catapults, though. While it does add a nontrivial cost to the chassis, the ability to ward off assaults from infantry is extremely helpful, doubly so with the surge of Catachan IG lists we’re seeing. I think Cannons on the shoulders is a good call, though, and leaving the Ghostglaive behind as well.
Hmm. Three Wraithlords backed by nine Talos. Hmm.
18pts for the flamers is a *lot* is the thing – they’e super overcosted imho. I’ve got a 1750 event coming up in a few months that I wasn’t quite sure what to do with because my normal 2k list is already spread quite thin on things i don’t want to cut, and I can *just* rearrange things to fit three catapult cannon wraithlords in instead of some of my normal things while keeping in the “must haves” (wave serpents, flyers, Drukari patrol for warlord trait and strategem). Legitimately considering trying it.
Three wraithlords plus 9 talos does also sound appallingly hideous. I suppose we should expect no less from the pioneer of the 6 flyer list.
I think whether or not it’s worth the points depends on how likely you are to get in and be able to use them. The Wraithlord is tough enough, and massed infantry are common enough, that I think it’s a legitimate choice. However, I do see the advantage in saving those ~20pts per model as well, since that can make a big difference in an army. I haven’t actually brought them to tournaments, so if you do end up trying them out I’d love to hear about your experiences with them and how you feel about the weapon loadouts after.
(I’m basically the hipster dude of Hemlock/Hunter spam, I was doing it way before all those ETC posers got on the bandwagon. That one dude running nine total flyers, though, that dude has _balls_.)
I agree Warithlords are fantastic and very much underrated. Particularly with Iyanden.
The Ghostglaive is not a bad point filler if you have the points to spare. For an all corners list, if you go against IKs for example
Yeah, it’s an alright option, and in the right circumstances it can be very handy.
No mention of the Wraith Host specialist detachment?
It is a thing, but I think of all the units that it can apply to, the Wraithlord is actually the least important. The Wraithknight makes better use of the 4++, Wraithguard do more with the +1A, and just in general I don’t think I would actually bother to spend the 1CP required to open the options if a Wraithlord or three was all I had benefiting.
It’s not useless, it just isn’t really important enough to warrant specific mention or discussion.