In 1990, the world was introduced to the Primarchs – demigod children of the Emperor himself, created to lead the Space Marine Legions. In the course of a few pages in the now-legendary Lost and the Damned sourcebook, Warhammer history was forged forever, birthing one of the Horus Heresy’s most iconic images – the Emperor, Sanguinius and Horus on the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit.
This article was originally published on the Warhammer-community site.
28 years after he was first named in print, Sanguinius is being brought to life with a model of his own.
Sanguinius, in many ways, embodies the sacrifice and tragedy of the Horus Heresy – a symbol of purity, justice and hope whose death would fundamentally shake the Imperium forever.
To bring this character to life in miniature form is a monumental task, the fulfilment of decades of art and lore in one definitive representation.
Now, we’re incredibly proud to reveal a model years in the making.
Warlike, elegant and dynamic, Sanguinius is a stunning addition to the Horus Heresy Character Series. This is an instantly eye-catching miniature that’s both a fantastic gaming piece for the Horus Heresy and an incredible collector’s item.
Like other Primarchs, Sanguinius will be available as part of the Horus Heresy Character Series. However, unlike his brothers, there will be two versions available. The already impressive Character Series version (above), and a special edition of the model that features an extraordinary display base. Both versions will be available to buy at the Horus Heresy Weekender first. A little while later, the special edition will be available online for a limited time, and at future shows, meaning everyone has a chance to get their hands on one. The Character Series version will join the other Primarchs on the Forge World website soon.
Speaking of the Horus Heresy Weekender, today you can download the full schedule of events for the weekend, letting you plan your trip in advance.
What’s more, if you’re attending, you should have received an email by now letting you know about how to order food for the event – if you’re looking to get lunch at the venue (and thus maximise your time looking at awesome models!), make sure to check your inbox.
We’ll have more news on when you can get Sanguinius soon, as well as a vast number of new models to show off from the Horus Heresy Weekender, so stay tuned. In the meantime, let us know what you think of the new Sanguinius model on the Forge World Facebook page.
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!
Though this will trigger BA players worldwide, I need to see some 40k rules for this guy.
Yeah, it’s an awesome model.
I could not do it justice with my painting skills, so if I do purchase it would you happen to know of any commission paint studios that would do a decent job?
Sure do! haha =P
The pose and hair makes it look terrible and silly. I hope they make one for 40k that actually looks good. Just use the old gene-seed for something cool.
You think so? I love it, it’s a very dynamic pose and he looks just like the art. But hey, to each their own.
The model looks amazing, the armour is awesome, but the pose really ruins it unfortunately. Everything looks off; his hair, cape, and the strips of cloth hanging from his pauldrons each suggests movement in a different direction making the model look wrong. The way his right leg is cocked out also suggests he’s turning in mid air, but in the opposite direction that his cape indicates. And maybe it’s the angle of the photo, but it looks like his cape is going to get caught on that rock as he descends and leave him hung up and dangling.
It’s really too bad because the sculpt is absolutely breathtaking, if there were a way to get the same model but with him just standing on the ground I’d get one in a heartbeat.
I think if you trimmed off the strips of cloth and did a head swap for a helmet, it would fix most of the issues.
I’m kind of wondering of some of those aspects will look more correct on the full display base, with (I assume) K’Bandha.
Looks like he is about to take a dump mid air.