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Beta Rules and Reinforcements for the Custodes

Today, we have a fantastic treat for all stalwart guardians of the Emperor. Ever since the release of Codex: Adeptus Custodes, you guys have been asking when the range of incredible Legio Custodes miniatures from Forge World would be getting Warhammer 40,000 rules. Well, the answer is… right now!

This article was originally published on the Warhammer-community site. And no, these rules will not be in effect for the 40k Champs event for the LVO 2019.

The tech-archivists have scoured the vaults and unearthed a set of Adeptus Custodes Beta Datasheets. There are no fewer than 12 new units for the Golden Legion, including a variety of vehicles, ranging from speedy grav-vehicles to mighty Dreadnoughts. There’s also the devastating Orion Assault Dropship, which can carry Custodes into battle as well as devastate foes in a hail of heavy gunfire.

You’ll also find new infantry units for your Adeptus Custodes, such as mighty Aquilon Terminators in their nigh-impenetrable armour, and the Sagittarum Guard, who can fire devastating armour-piercing disintegration beams from their Adrastus bolt calivers, adding heavy firepower to your force.

Download the beta rules now and start planning the next additions to your army – and remember to let us know how you get on with them so we can make these units fitting additions to the Ten Thousand.

You’ll also find a brand-new unit in the beta rules – Venatari Custodians. These are a fast-moving formation within the Legio Custodes, charged with hunting threats to the Throneworld from above. Using winged flight packs known as auramite pinions, they’re a fast, responsive and deadly addition to your Talons of the Emperor (or Adeptus Custodes) forces.

This resin kit contains 54 components, which build 3 Venatari, including a choice of archaeotech kinetic destroyers and Tarsus bucklers, or mighty Venatari lances. You can download their Horus Heresy rules and pre-order the models right now. 


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