He’s back!
The highly opinionated rvd1ofakind is back with another Chaos Daemons review. If you missed the first one, check it out here. Also, pop in to the Tactics Corner for more great articles to up your 40k game!
I use 4 things to review these units:
- Tournament results
- Mathhammer
- Top player opinion
- Personal experience
Tournament results: (deamon prince is mostly thousand sons)
Mathhammer: (everything is by pts value, so when I say something is durable and you see it is T3 6++, remember – without points cost, the stats mean nothing)
Before I start with characters, here’s a Chapter Approved update for daemonettes going 7->6 ppm:
Their 2 comparisons are Letters and Cultists. They now do more damage than letters when it comes to T3 S5 (up to S4 with herald). However the damage falls off as soon as we get to T4 S3 or better (even with herald). Durability wise you’re paying 1 point less for the same stat line as letters. But… no 3d6 charge.
Compared to cultists (which I think is reasonable as they stat lines are very similar) they are better in durability, however cultists usually come with -1 to hit, which skyrockets them above anything daemonettes could ever dream of. Even at 5ppm cultists do similar damage. When vets, double shoot comes into play, they do the same damage as daemonettes buffed with characters. Finally Cultists can go 1 step beyond and also get characters and then they do about twice the amount of damage for -1 pts at range instead of hoping to get to melee.
However if daemonettes make it into combat – that’s a different story. With all the minuses to hit and attack characteristics – they survive very well and can grind it out (heh). Top players are now considering a Slaanesh 90 daemonettes + heralds detachment instead of Nurgle or cultists. So they have gone from suboptimal to situational-competitive.
Daemon Princes:
- A (usually) flying psyker with great close combat abilities, who gives re-roll 1s for hits to daemons of their god. In competitive play the only DP that sees play from the codex is the Khorne Skullreaver DP. However since it’s the same miniature, I’m going to include all the Thousand Sons DP (the most popular version) and the Death Guard DP. Usually taken with wings (to be able to fly over and snipe characters) and claws (the most versatile weapon).
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- The #1 chaos unit.
- Durability: below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: above average, or one of the best in game for Skullreaver DP.
Personal opinion:
- It is the most successful chaos unit for a reason. A chaos list is not complete without a DP. It not only is a force multiplier in both shooting and fighting, it also does really good damage on its own and is pretty mobile. The Thousand Sons DP has 2 spells instead of 1, their smite doesn’t degrade AND all spells have +6” range AND you have 18 spells to choose from so it’s the default pick for a damage dealer and a supreme command with Ahriman, DPs, sometimes sorcerers is seen in almost every competitive chaos list due to their smites not getting worse and getting access to 18 spells, a lot of which are smite equivalents that can target characters. The Khorne Skullreaver DP can kill 2 knights on average rolls with fight twice… 180 pts for 700+? That’s pretty good, you just need to get him there alive which is sometimes easier said than done. Finally the Death Guard DP is the choice when you want to buff your DG+Nurgle army. The Slaanesh CSM DP +relic is the last on the list of good DPs, he got a bit better because Slaanesh got a lot cheaper but it’s not game breaking. The other DPs don’t see play is because the DG/TS/Skullreaver DPs are just upgraded versions for the same cost.
RATING: Competitive
- A flying psyker with great close combat abilities and CSM powers, who gives re-roll 1s for hits to all daemons.
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- Doesn’t see competitive play at 280
- Durability: below average on terms with winged DP with no defensive bonuses
- Damage: above average on terms with winged Tsons DP.
Personal opinion:
- So why does a unit go from the best unit in the faction to unplayed if the they do almost the same thing and efficiency is somewhat maintained? He’s the jack of all trades, master of none. He wants to be in a mixed daemon army but he breaks the Locus bonuses of the detachment so he’s probably best in the Slaanesh Herald + Be’Lakor + filler troops (brimstones, nurglings) detachment. His biggest strength is that he buffs all daemons, however that’s not as important because you want to bring a bunch of DPs anyway. He access to only 3 spells, thought they too shabby. The reason why he gets the situational rating post changes is that he isn’t focused on a role: if you want a psyker – you take a Tsons DP for +6” range, non-degrading smite and 18 spells instead of 3, that also comes with the perks of Tsons stratagems; if you want a beat stick – Skullreaver DP does up to 3 times the amount of damage and that’s without re-rolls against titanic. Finally, he’s just more of a risk because if a DP is exposed – he’ll die and you’ll lose 180 pts – in Be’Lakor’s case that’s 240 pts instead.
RATING: Suboptimal (280) -> Situational (240)
A (usually) footslogging psyker with OK close combat abilities, who gives +1 strength to daemons of their god. In competitive play primarily the heralds that see play are Nurgle (Poxbringer), Tzeentch (Changecaster or Fluxmaster) and Slaanesh (foot or on steed). The latter two also dropped in points in CA for some reason – yay!
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- the #8 chaos unit.
- Durability: very below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: average
Personal opinion:
- These are your HQ fillers that also are really great force multipliers and utility units. Poxbringer is taken in Plaguebearer armies with, usually, the -1 to hit spell (making Plaguebearers -2 to hit). Tzeentch Herald comes walking or on disc, usually determined on how many points you can spare, and he leads Pink Horror armies with, usually, flickering flames(making Pink Horrors S4 +1 to wound) and gaze of fate. This one can also be the warlord for the re-roll 1s to wound in shooting phase trait. The Slaanesh herald is a must for any Slaanesh daemons army, however it is still used with 0 other Slaanesh daemons because it’s a MASSIVE tool box against melee armies for 60 points: you can take a -1 to hit spell (or just smite), a -1 attack aura (warlord), a -1 attack stratagem and the forbidden gem relic so the big scary beat stick that just charged into your army to snipe characters just scratches it’s head instead of fighting in the fight phase. Access to all of this for 60 pts? I’ll take it! Probably in a soup detachment because who cares about that Tz/Nurgle locus anyway. Khorne herald doesn’t see too much play because letters are already s5 most of the time, which is usually the sweet spot, they don’t care about killing T3 models because that’s wasting efficiency and they kill them anyway. To add to that – he’s not a psyker so the utility drops hard but he’s still used as a filler HQ. The chariot heralds are awkward to use because of their gigantic bases and they cost too much for the same utility. Sure they might do more damage but it’s more efficient to pay points for troops to do that damage.
RATING: Competitive
- A footslogging beat stick, who gives +1 to hit rolls for units with the bloodletter keyword. Tournament results and top player opinion:
the #32 chaos unit.
- Durability: very below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: above average
Personal opinion:
- The other Khorne HQ filler. This one is used with Bloodletters in squads of 20 or less because you get the same buff for having 20+ Bloodletters or Skulltaker within 8”. You deepstrike Bloodletters and charge and string a line out to him so even if you lose your 20+ bonus on overwatch, you still get it anyway.
RATING: Situational
- A footslogging beat stick, which can deny 2 powers.
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- the #32 chaos unit (tied)
- Durability: very below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: above average
Personal opinion:
- The other Khorne HQ filler. This one is used when you are in a psyker heavy meta.
RATING: Situational
The Changeling
- A tricky footslogging psyker, that gives 6+ feel no pain to Tzeentch Daemons. He copies all the melee stats and the weapon profile of his enemy when fighting.
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- the #32 chaos unit (tied)
- Durability: very below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: hard to evaluate
Personal opinion:
- Going from auto-include (when it had -1 to hit aura) to situational. Taken in Tzeentch daemon armies with a lot of wounds. Since those don’t really see play – the Changeling doesn’t either. He has the added utility of making the enemy infantry beat stick characters very scared to get close to him as he can dish the same amount of damage right back. Sadly he can’t copy a lot of the really scary stuff so the utility drops down.
RATING: Situational
The Blue Scribes
- A tricky flying kind of psyker that annoys the enemy psykers within 12”.
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- saw only 1 top placing
- Durability: very below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: really bad
Personal opinion:
- Just not worth it. Costs too much, casts a random power and usually not the one you actually want and the -1 to psychic tests aura is only 12” on a very fragile character.
RATING: Sub-optimal
- A guy who sits in the corner and globally buffs your entire Nurgle Daemons army based on how many unit kills they got.
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- #13. Nick Nanavati has said that he’s a “win more” character. When you’re doing well – you’ll do better. But if you’re already doing well – what’s the point?
- Durability: below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: below average
Personal opinion:
- Sees play in pure Nurgle Daemon armies. However Nurgle is pretty bad at actually killing stuff so you usually ally in CSM Nurgle Obliterators (who can then stand on the tree for a 0+ save but lose the shoot 2x ability) or DG vehicles to do that part of the job. Once the kills stack up – your army becomes very hard to beat but you’re probably winning already.
RATING: Situational
Horticulous Slimux
- Aka: Snaily the Snail aka the best model (scientifically proven, don’t question it)
- A beat stick with a ton of abilities: buffs beasts of Nurgle, annoys people that want to fall back from him, plants trees and heals 1 wound for a Nurgle Daemon every turn.
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- Doesn’t see competitive play
- Durability: below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: below average
Personal opinion:
- I’m sad. The beast of Nurgle synergy is not used because beasts of Nurgle aren’t used. The 1 wound heal is not used because multi-wound non-character models for Nurgle are not used (except Nurglings but restoring 1 wound to them doesn’t matter). People don’t fall back from him because you usually surround them anyway. So the only thing he has left is the tree planting ability and that’s not enough. I’m sad. Why didn’t he (or beasts of Nurgle) get a points drop in CA :(? Did I mention I’m sad?
RATING: Sub-optimal
Sloppity Bilepiper
- Aka GW naming convention
- The guy that makes Icons proc more often and gives +1 attack to non-plaguebearers.
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- #20
- Durability: below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: very bad
Personal opinion:
- You just take him with Plaguebearer units so their Icons proc more often (as you roll 2 dice and pick the lowest for morale). The +1 attack to (mostly) nurglings is mostly irrelevant. People tend to drop him after failing to roll a 1 on two dice too often though.
RATING: Competitive
Spoilpox Scrivener
- The guy that makes plaguebearers a lot better offensively. Got a pts increase in CA
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- #13
- Durability: below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: very bad
Personal opinion:
- You take him with Plaguebearer units so they move 2” faster, get +1 to hit and generate extra attacks. However Plaguebearers still don’t do great damage even then. So you mostly take him for the +2” move. Some people have already started dropping him before the pts increase.
RATING: Competitive but might become Situational.
The Masque of Slaanesh
- A melee beat stick that gives -1 to hit to daemonettes in the fight phase. Also adds +1 to hit against an enemy unit within 1” in the fight phase. Got a pts decrease in CA
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- Saw no competitive play before CA
- Durability: below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: below average
Personal opinion:
- A must have with large daemonette units. If they make it into combat with masque they’ll be really hard to kill in the fight phase: multiple -1s to hit, multiple -1 attack auras, fighting first. The +1 to hit though is very risky because you’re placing a T3 5++ model on the front line.
RATING: Situational–Competitive. Completely dependant on the Slaanesh battalion being competitive
Infernal Enrapturess:
- The new hawtness. 24” range to make enemy perils on a double. She can summon Slaanesh daemons with +3 on the roll and resurrect a model from units within 6” on a 6 every turn.
Tournament results and top player opinion:
- New model.
- Durability: very below average (as tends to be with characters)
- Damage: below average
Personal opinion:
- So the resurrection is meh as the most expensive model you’ll usually be resurrecting is a daemonette (6pts) and that’s only on a 6. Fiends and seekers will usually be elsewhere as they’re faster. There’s something to say about resurrecting Slaanesh obliterators though but on a 6… eh… the opponent will usually want to finish them off anyway. The summoning bonus is slightly useful for summoning daemonettes in a summoning list or summoning Keepers of Secrets as those are very efficient for their pts damage wise. Finally the perils on doubles is pretty good. It increases the chance from 1/18 to 1/6 because the range is the same or bigger than all the attacking spells so armies like Tsons just kinda have to deal with it to use their army and they’re pretty much forced to spend re-rolls on those casts as you can always turn that D3 MW into 2D3 MWs with the daemon stratagem.
- The gun on her is fine but that’s not enough of a reason to take more than 1 of her (since the auras don’t stack). I could see her replacing the 2nd slaanesh herald for flavor or if the meta is offensive/debuffing psyker heavy as those will have to be within 24″ of her. This model remind me of a weaker scrivener – it just has so much stuff piled on it that it can’t ever be THAT bad.
RATING: Situational–Competitive.
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Greater Daemons will be a follow-up article?
I think you are throwing the Masque under the bus with “Saw no competitive play before CA”. I played her at SoCal and a number of other events of varying sizes this season.
Greater daemons will be later. This is =10W ones.
SoCal wasn’t in my dataset. I’m looking at all 20+ pll tournaments.
top 3/58ths of them only. So only the winners of RTTs and only the top 2-3 of GTs,etc
I forgot this website butcher greater than and lesser than. Anyway this is for untargettable characters
Paul, your list is rad as hell and looks really nice, but I don’t think “competitive” is a way I would describe it. If the Masque’s aura applied against shooting or it was a psyker I think that it could be called on par with the Herald, but lacking both those things I just don’t think there’s a lot to impress about it.
That is a fair take, Sean.
Not from lack of trying but I am pretty much stuck in 4th or 5th place in every RTT. As Slaanesh Daemons don’t have that “umph” to get a top finish.
Also worth throwing out that chariots, seekers, and foot herald, are also Keyword. Some of those units had the Keyword added in errata. So, they also benefit from the Masque’s Locus of Beguilement. The 3 Index Heralds do not.
The Masques, in general, seems off to me. She is supposed to be the most graceful creature ever spawned by Slaanesh and on par with a Harlequin Solitare according to the fluff but she doesn’t even get a 4++ “dancing” save like the Harlequins or the Dark Eldar Wyches.
Yay someone else agrees that the snail is the best.
All in all pretty accurate. Have seen horticulous do silly damage thanks to mulch but not reliably.
Very interested in the greater daemon article.
I am looking forward to trying out Bloodthirsters again, i wish An’grath would have come down in points this time around…
I just picked up a 3rd Bloodthister today, i only wosh Skarbramd had come down to say 290-300 points, i stipl think he is pretty cost prohibitive at 330…
I used skarbrand before the points drop. He’s really underrated IMO. His points drop offset the increase cost of Cultists for my list a bit so that was nice.
He always seems to meet a rather spectacular end, he is always in need of Deepstrike, but yeah, he can take Cultists and make them absolutely Savage when combined with the World Eaters CT.
Im going to try out 3 Thirsters, Skarbrand and World Eaters, Im just unsure what i would do about bubble wrap at that point…
Looks about right, even tho there are points I wish I could disagree with. 100% on board with Horticulous as Best Model.
The one thing I would change here is how you rate durability. Since they’re all Characters, the durability ratings all get squashed down into Very Below Average and Below Average. Which is useful in an overall context, but not so much when comparing Units that all have the Character Keyword for extra defence. Maybe do something like rating them from Very Below Average (for a Character) to Very Above Average (for a Character), with a note at the top mentioning that, as Characters, they all have fairly crap durability compared to regular Units, and these rankings aren’t meant to be comparable with the durability ratings for other Units.
Well I’m kinda out of characters lol
The problem is that I really don’t value character durability. So it’s just a throw-in.
Just thinking for if you re-use this article series sometime, or do a similar one on another Dex. You may not value it, but others may want more info there as a tie-breaker or something. Providing more info so people can make better informed decisions is usually good.
Not sure what you’re trying to say with this sentence.
“He access to only 3 spells, thought they too shabby”
Also, The masque of slaneesh did see competitive play! I summoned her a couple times, notably at ETC against russia. I made a squad of my plague bearers hit on 2+ against an enemy squad of 19 plague bearers and blew them away.
I also summoned the khorne herald that game to make my 20 blood letters wound plague drones on 3s.
I loved summoning armies because you could make a solid army out of a collection of situational units.
After I’m tired of orks I’ll likely try to go back to that army cause it was so damn fun.
I should proofread this more.
“He has access to only 3 spells, thought they aren’t too shabby”
The dataset has what’s in the registered list. So I don’t know what people summon every game as that info isn’t documented lol. Also summoning is another thing entirelly. This is just “do you want this in your list”. It’d need another review/guide entirelly to write up summoning… and you’re one of the most qualified people to do it ?
I would love to know about how you use summoning.
How many points to you dedicate to it?
How do you get the summoner to where you need it?
Do you use any stratagems to make it better?
Favorite unit to summon?
I won’t pull up my ETC and ATC list as you can find it online but there was 683 points of summoning if memory serves.
Generally I would hope to go second and let them come to me. It turns out when you only deploy about 2/3 of an army and that’s mostly plague bearers, people aren’t too scared of getting close.
My games went 1 of 2 ways. Either I go first and move to middle and just assume that my opponent can’t deal well with 90 plague bearers then turn 2 my character sit still and I summon a bunch.
or the way I preferred which was my opponent gets real aggressive and comes to me and I summonned turn 1 in my deployment zone (remember that rule?). These games were the ones I think I excelled at the most because I could usually turn them into real grinders.
I actually used several summoning strats that no one knew about. There is a strat for summoning on 4d6 and the character that summoned also gives that unit reroll 1s for the rest of the game. I think I may have used that strat more than the rest of ETC and ATC combined. I liked to use that on my tzeentch herald, get 30 pinks then add +1 wound to them and they could clear hordes nicely then. Something my plague bearers just absolutely could not do.
The other strat I used a lot of was the summon twice strat. It’s dangerous cause you can kill your own characters but I was playing an underpowered army so sometimes you gotta take chances and I was remarkably fortunate to not lose more characters.
The core of my army was 90 plague bearers and 20 letters in reserve. so letters could kill armor, bearers could hug tanks and not die. Usually that meant that a bunch of chaff was functionally immortal unless I brought in pinks. So pinks was definitely the unit I summoned the most.
That being said, it definitely was not guaranteed. Against a heavy eldar flier list I summoned 2 princes and 30 more bearers. Against orks I would have summoned all my points in pinks if I had the models. Against nurgle mirror I mentioned above I summoned pinks, masque, khorne herald, and pinks. I think tau was usually just pinks and pray they didn’t bring riptides.
Usually it boiled down to 60 lesser daemons and 2 heralds of summoning unless I was getting real weird with it. Like custodes I’m pretty sure I summoned like 5 slaneesh heralds. They’re surprisingly decent with smites and 2 damage ap2 swings.
In summary, It was a ludicrously high skill cap army that I wouldn’t recommend playing unless you enjoy outplaying your opponent and still losing most of the time.
The issue I run into when I talk about summoning is that I maximized my list for team games. I’m not convinced it’s worth talking about in a singles environment. I played 11 games between ATC and ETC and I’m pretty sure I only won 3 of them.
I basically was the team punching bag continually jumping on the hand grenade to take a minor loss to a list that no one else wanted to play.
So I can write about how I played the list and how I used summoning but I haven’t used it post FAQ and I don’t think a guide on “how to lose 70% of your games BUT ONLY BY A LITTLE BIT” is something people are interested in.
I’m hoping that there is something more in the book post faq but the weird nerf to pinks and the arrival of knights and orks will be difficult. I lost pretty badly to INDEX orks so I’m pretty sure my current ork army could comfortably table 2500 points of daemons, maybe even more if the daemons have poor list composition.
I look forward to the greater demon article. though I expect you to simply say ‘demon princes are better in every way…. just take one of those instead’.
So Sad. There are so many people (including myself) that want a reason to field horticulous both in AoS and 40k, but GW seems committed to scattering his functionality around expensive, low number units, that perform perform terribly alone, and provide contradicting benefits together. None of them are strong enough to function as your armies core, yet they are collectively so expensive they eat up too many points to build a different core.
Be’Lakor has a few nice perks worth mentioning.
Be’Lakor gives all daemons rerolls of 1 to hit. Stick him next to your bloodletters, daemonettes, or even possessed CSM, they are all getting the +1 to hit. If you are bringing multiple factions of chaos gods (and you should) then this gives some options. I’ve been playing with a CSM daemon engine list with 3 soul grinders for casual play, and Be’Lakor is the perfect daemon HQ.
Be’Lakor can cast two psychic powers a turn, putting it’s psychic output the same as a 1k sons DP. His powers are mostly extra versions of smite, which the option of Death Hex being a critical punch on the right target. When your opponent is throwing a 9 grotesques that have a 4++ rerolling 1’s down your throat, ripping out those invluns is such a great feeling. (60% overall save)
Be’Lakor’s blade is really good. STR 7, -5 AP, 3 damage. He gets 6 attacks with it, with another from his claw. When compares to just a talon prince, his damage output is significantly higher.
Be’Lakor is more durable than other princes. He have an effective 55% invuln save — which goes up to a 75% invlun save if you use Warp Surge. His regular save is a 75%, putting it between a 3+ and a 2+.
Be’Lakor is faster than a normal DP. While 2″ extra of move is not huge, every little bit helps.
Be’Lakor is a smaller model. While this might change in the future, it’s much easier to hide Be’Lakor than a standard DP.
Be’Lakor lower’s enemy leaderships by 1. This is not an auto-win feature, but it’s a nice touch. It helps with things like Treason of Tzeentch.
Be’Lakor clocks in at 60 points more than a standard DP (1/3 more) . I don’t think you will see him in every list, but I think he can be a nice addition to quite a few different lists.
I’ve been using extra heralds in a lot of lists lately.
One thing I’ve been playing with lately is a Supreme Command Detachment of Khorne, which I throw in 2 heralds of Khorne and a DP of Khorne with the Skullreaver.
For their cost, a bloodmaster does great damage. Their blade of blood is STR 6, (7 on the first round of combat), AP -3, D3 wounds, 3 attacks (4 on first round)
For cheap extra punch they are great models to throw into a squad of plaguebearers.
The other thing that this supreme command detachment does is allow me to sub in other units into my battalions without losing access to CD stratagems. In my tzeentch battalion I can use a squad of scarab occult terminators and a 1k sons DP. As the loci for tzeentch sucks, I don’t lose much by doing this.
I also wanted to comment on the D-Thirster. I’ve played 4 games with them lately, and it’s been a decent unit.
The D-Thirster can do tremendous damage. I’ve had them wipe out an entire squad of 30 boys using the sweeping blow. I’ve had them wipe out smash captains and tanks with the mighty strike. The exploding 6’s on the ‘to hit’ is great.
The armor of scorn is a must. That 4++ helps to push them to the next level. While the bloodthirster is still fairly fragile, it helps. In most games you will wind up using Warp Surge on them anyway, so you might as well just drop the 1 CP and get the power.
I’ve had luck using the bloodthirster as a counter assault unit. In the game where I whiped the ork squad, he struck his boys near one of my soul grinders and charaged it. I used the D-thrister to clear out the boys around the grinder.
I’ve also had luck using Denizens of the Warp with my D-Thirster. If you have the loci, you can reroll charge distances. While it does not guarantee your chances of making that 9″ charge, it does increase the odds greatly.
As mentioned, the D-thirster is still fairly fragile. It’s died in every game I’ve played with it thus far (unlike my GUO). That’s probably it’s biggest weakness. I personally think 240 would be a better price point for the D-Thirster.
Would I bring one to LVO? No. I’m not going to spend thousands of dollars to build an army, fly out to an event, rent a hotel room and then play semi-competitive units. Would I use them causally with my friends when goofing off? Definitely.
I’ll do the Big monster part of the review… when I get to it. Maybe this week. It’ll include a bonus super cool tactic of how to use the BT.