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Nerdery: Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel – Trailer 2

The new Captain Marvel Trailer is looking pretty damn good!

As quite the comic nerd, I was always a big fan of Marvel’s cosmic story lines, with Silver Surfer being one of my all time favorites (and the first comic I ever spent more than $20 on as it was a limited edition #50 with collector’s cover!). The stories with the Nova Corp, the Skrulls and Kree were always awesome to me. So, this looks great and I can’t wait to see how the tie this in to the Infinity War story line as they seem to be hinting that Captain Marvel will be able to somehow be an answer to Thanos in the cinematic universe as we saw in the last scene of Infinity War when Nick Fury uses his cosmic pager to signal her and let her know things were going seriously pear-shaped back on Earth!


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