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GW Grognard: No Man is an Island

Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about 40K and 40K related issues!

We recently had our local grand tournament, the Hammer of Wrath Grand Tournament. My teammate, from #REKT, was fortunate enough to win the tournament. That was the second tournament that one of my teammates won, or went undefeated, in a grand tournament. This got me to thinking about the the make up of my team. We have over twenty five members of various degrees of competitive abilities. They range from players that are new to the game, to players that have been playing for as long as some members have been alive. What I realize was that, if you’re looking to improve your team as a whole, you cannot rely on just one or two players from your team.

As I mentioned, we have a range of levels in terms of competitiveness (I think that’s a word). We really don’t have a stand out player that wins tournaments consistently. What we do have is about 6-7  good players that just need to basically spike for a tournament to win it. So the more players from our club that attend an event, the better our chance of them getting on a hot streak and able to go undefeated. If you rely on only one player, or two, then you run the risked of your club not doing well at a tournament. If your top players start to struggle, it can effect the performance of your team and may even affect the mental state of some players. It can also make it harder to practice. The attention of those top players is divided over the group, so that they can’t give the proper attention to players that really need the help, or even to help improve their own armies. So what to do, if you feel your group falls into this?

One of the things I would suggest is to not be too exclusive. If you only include a higher caliber players, or do not include newer players, then you run a couple of risks. One is that you won’t have anyone to pick up the slack if your top player stumbles, and, two, you won’t have the player base to step up if a higher tier player in your group “retires”, or, worse yet, goes to another group. My adding in lower skilled, or new, players, and taking the time to teach them up, you can build a new set of good players to enhance, or even replace if people “retire”, the player base in your group. The other thing I suggest is that you actually talk to each other and try not to exclude certain players. It may seem obvious, but I know of clubs where certain embers were ostracized from the other members of the group and subsequently left the group. So be sure to include everyone in your Discord, Messenger, or Facebook group. I know that not everyone will get along, but you should all come together for the betterment of the team.

This really assumes that you want your team to do well as a whole in the competitive scene. If your group is more of a narrative or a casually competitive mind set, then you may not want to do that. If you, or your group, want to improve your game, then you may want to look at ways to improve the game play of your tam on the whole and not depend on just one person.

That’s all for this week, I hope you enjoyed the read. Let me know your thoughts, and if you have any stories about your team/club, in the comments section. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook, Twitch, and Patreon pages to stay up to date on what we’re up to and when episodes drop!

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