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GW Grognard: I’ll do what I want

Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to grumble my way to mediocrity!

Welcome back everyone. I’m taking a break the working the FAQ salt mines to talk about 40K. As many know, I have been playing the game for a long time. I have been playing in tournaments since the early days, when Games Workshop ran the show. Due to the latest FAQ from Games Workshop I have had to rethink the way that I build my army, at least for now. A few people have suggested that I change the legion trait that I use, or use certain models. To that I said *Cartman voice* “whatever, I’ll do what I want”

This is how I see my army

I’ve played chaos from the beginning of my Games Workshop gaming life. I’ve specifically played Black Legion since Rogue Trader and the Slaves to Darkness chaos book. I have been fortunate enough to have played during the 3.5 edition codex and continue to play Black Legion. I played during the sad days of 5th and 6th edition. We got a little boost with the formations during the last days of 7th edition. All this time I’ve only played Black Legion.

With the new edition, most players have the flexibility to include other chapters, septs, or legions, to cover whatever shortcomings your army may have had. I understand that if I include certain legions or units that it would make my army better. There is plenty of evidence that those specific legions and units actually would make my army better in a tournament, but there is a very good reason I don’t use them. I don’t care!

I would never cheat on you, Abby!

I’m a Taurus, in case anyone is asking. Stubbornness is a trait of a Taurus and I have plenty of it. I know what I like, don’t like, and don’t care about. Simply put I do not have the desire to drastically change my list in order to be more competitive. I like being that special snowflake that is able to win by using an army or unit that other people either don’t consider good, or even consider at all. Let’s face it, we all want to be a special snowflake.It is difficult for me to even consider another legion whose color scheme isn’t black and gold.

I’m also a tactile learner. I learn better hands on than by being lectured. During training for work, I would always get sleepy and nod off, but would become wide awake and alert when we start actually doing what we were learning. As a result, the best way for me to actually learn how armies  and codexes operate is to play with and against them. That being said, I still refuse to make the necessary changes to my army.

Will I ever make the necessary changes to better my chance at wining a RTT or *gasp!* a Grand Tournament. No. My stubbornness, and laziness, kicks in and I refuse. Although some would say my play style is also a reason that I don’t win the tournaments. Lies and slander, I say! I will win in my own way, dagnabbit*.

That’s all for this week, I hope you enjoyed the read. Hopefully you’re more flexible than I am. Drop a note in the comments about anything you refuse to change or include in your army and let me know if there is anything you want me to cover. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook, Twitch, and Patreon pages to stay up to date on what we’re up to and when episodes drop!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

*I will be adding an Alpha Legion detachment to my Black Legion army. Don’t tell my teammates, shhhh.


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