Hello, fellow Warhammer 40,000 aficionados! SaltyJohn from TFG Radio, and Las Vegas Open Head Judge, here to bring you a wrap up of this week in the ITC!
For week 4 of this article, I am going to go back to the region leaderboards again. I want to do a focus on the Teams but I want some information on the teams first, if you’re reading this and you are a member of a team in the top 10 reach out and let me know how best to contact you, otherwise I am going to start hunting people down through Facebook to get information on your team!

The ITC top 20 had quite the shake-up from the first article I wrote. Mostly this is due to Adepticon. Participating in, and doing well in, a Major is a lot of points toward your ITC score. As I pointed out previously the points for finishing in the Top 10 at a Major can sometimes be more than the points earned for winning a GT! If you want a chance at winning a Region or a Faction, let alone the ITC as a whole, you’ll need a GT win most likely and good placements at a Major. Not always, but it is a proven strategy. Taking a look at the top 20, and the top 10 from the US below, and you see a lot of correlation. The US tends to dominate the ITC with a good smattering of Canadians, hopefully, the ITC becomes more international as the seasons go on. A big change is Geoff, iNcontrol, Robinson jumping up the leader-boards with his showing at Adepticon. The top two spots remain Josh Death in first place, and Matt, I’m the reason the GW FAQ was postponed, Root in second.

For the US leader-board, we have Matt Root edging out Josh Death for first because one of Josh’s scores is counted towards his placing in Canada, rather than the US.

Mitch Pelham and Thomas Hegstrom-Oakey continue to be two big names in the West of the United States. With 4 and 3 events reported respectively it’s going to be a tight race to 5 and then a race to improve scores enough to replace some of those 5 with better scoring. Honestly, all the players in the top 5 in this Region have a real chance at taking the lead.

The US Southwest continues to be dominated by Tau wonder kid Anthony Bellm. Anthony, contact me I would like to include your take on the new Tau codex and how it is affecting your lists and play style going forward, in the next article or so. Shawn Prosser and Don Hooson are also quality players in the region and it will be interesting to watch the Southwest develop as they approach their full 5 events reported.

The US South serves as an example of why it is important for you to make sure your TO is auto submitting results through the BCP app and make sure they have their ITC key. Aurelio Correa wasn’t even on the leader-boards just two weeks ago and now he is in 5th place for the South! His 3 scores weren’t auto submitted through BCP and so he had to wait for those scores to be entered. The number of events reported to the ITC per week has grown exponentially and it is important to get those in. The US South is another great region to watch develop as the season goes on, there are often good players from this region in the mix at season’s end.

Trevor Harris, Patrick McAneeny, and Alex Fennel top the US Northeast region. The Northeast is another haven of some big names and these three continue to do well in events. McAneeny is still going strong with Adeptus Astartes and the Imperial Soup of Alex Fennel isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

The US Midwest is probably the most hotly contested, and active, Region in the ITC right now. With Matt Root and Joshua Death vying for overall ITC, US, and this region all at once, the Region is home to a massive number of ITC points in their top 5. In fact their top 5 has more points combined than any other by far. With Matt at over 500 for this region and Josh, Daniel, and Gary at all 400+, and Jeremy Applebaum on the cusp of breaking 400 points it’s a huge number of points in one Region. They all have at least 4 events logged into the ITC as well which is a huge help. Matt’s and Josh’s lists from Adepticon were looked at elsewhere but needless to say, if you’re looking to find lists that will take you far the leaders in this region are the place to start!

The UK, Scandinavia, South Pacific, and Europe as a whole represent Regions with the least amount of movement from the last article. These regions either have few tournaments being played or the tournaments being played aren’t being reported for the ITC. However this is likely to change now that the BCP Android app is out in beta, and Android is far more commonly used in Europe than Apple products.

Canada produces some quality players and has some great events. While the region is off to a slow start you can expect it to pick up pace quickly. Team Canhammer is predominantly, if not completely, Canadians I believe and they have a solid track record as a team. I look forward to getting to speak to Canhammer players about their team for my upcoming article on the ITC Team leaders.
I hope you enjoyed this brief interim rundown article. As always let me know what you thought about it in the comments. In the next few weeks, I hope to get to focus more on a few individual lists that are doing well and the teams! Again, if you’re on one of the teams in the top 10 currently please have someone from your team get in contact with me so we can discuss your ITC performance so far this season!
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!
Hey Salty John. Shawn and Tony MotherF****Tau are teammates told tony to reach out to you.
Love these recap articles, John! Fun to watch the season develop.
Hey Reece, I’m wondering what happened to the Primaris marine project. Are you still working on that?
Yes! We just had some crazy delays but got it going again.
Hey John, it’s Anthony. What’s the best way to contact you?
I have two scores from events that I’ve been told are “waiting on tokens”…so the hold-up isn’t always getting things auto-submitted via BCP. Or maybe I just need to go sit on some TOs (but since I’m also one, I won’t, because I know what a thankless job it usually is).
Where exactly are the region boundaries?
Which region is Nashville in?
Hey, that’s a good question I don’t know the answer to. I will try to find that out and include it in future articles.
Hey Sir Salty,
Just wanted to see if you can do anything about a small issue with current rankings atm. The LVO 2018 40K Doubles event this year is being scored as a Major when it only had 3 rounds. Hoping you have some power to fix this. Appreciate what you do man!