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Chaos Daemons – Slaanesh Overview

An overview of the Chaos Daemons loyal to She Who Thirsts: Slaanesh! Read on my intrepid friends. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles.

“Hold.” Scout Telmarious croaked on his throat mike to his small insertion squad. Sent to Helmanus IV with a small regiment of Salamanders to seek and destroy a rumored Chaos uprising, Telmarious and his squad were the forward reach of the spearhead.

They were at the mouth of a small valley a short distance from the nearest hive city and the rumors of the populace pointed them this direction. A fog hovered around them, making it hard to see, but their optics sensed no heat signatures.

“Press forward.” Telmarious said to his squad. They moved silently forward and as soon as they were all in the mouth of the valley and the fog pressed in on them they felt it. A presence. Telmarious raised his bolter up and then a figure, or the hint of a figure formed in the corner of his eyesight.

Beauty. Slick. Lust. The form beckoned to him to come closer….closer. His foot shifted towards the figure, then his discipline cleared his mind and he went to pull the trigger.

Too late.

A claw flashed through the fog and plunged into his chest, tearing through armor, cloth, and flesh in one swift motion. His appendages ceased to obey and he slowly cascaded to the ground. While falling, the forms of other beau…no not beautiful women, half women half beasts as repulsive as they were seductive fell upon his squad. In the span of a nanosecond, Telmarious and his men were laid low.

The Herald looked down upon Telmarious and smiled the way only a lover could towards its mate. “Come.” It said to its companions. “The hunt begins.”

Who is Slaanesh

The Dark Prince came into being from the decadence  of the Aeldari, birthed by the eons of their pleasure filled ways. The Dark Prince came forth and laid waste to the Aeldari, killing their peoples and their gods in the process, only missing a couple, and was finally thwarted by none other than Nurgle himself. The Aeldari were laid low, with only certain Craftworlds missing the cargnage of their home worlds and the Harlequins, mad jesters of the webways, left alive to carry on the Aeldari legacy. Slaanesh continues to thirst for them, and now the Aeldari burn for their hatred of this thing they created and almost destroyed them.

Faction Strengths

Slaanesh has a few main strengths at their disposal. The first and foremost of them is speed. Slaanesh units move faster than most, with even their troops moving seven inches across the battlefield and their beasts and cavalry moving double that. They also get to charge after advancing when next to a character with a loci, giving many of their units a 32” threat range by assault. The average is more like 24”, but even that is the distance most armies are separated by in deployment. You have a chance of having your entire army in or next to their deployment zone in one turn. That is fast!

Another strength of this group is their abilities to debuff the opponent. You have many ways to make units and characters worse in the form of stratagems, psychic powers, relics, and warlord traits. You have a stratagem to give -1 to a units attack characteristic, a psychic power that gives -1 to hit, a warlord trait that also reduces attacks, and a relic that can shut down a character for an entire phase, rendering their wargear. Imagine shutting down Guilliman or Azrael on a critical turn, taking away their aura abilities as you rush in to their impending doom.

Next up is their innate ability to always strike first. Slaanesh has the special rule Quicksilver Swiftness, which allows them to always strike first in combat, even if they didn’t charge and then alternate with units with a similar ability. This always gives them a threat factor to other units in the charge phase.

They also have one of the better Loci’s with being able to advance and charge when within 6″ of  a character that has that loci. Very powerful as it allows you to plow up the field and get into your opponent quick.

The last thing that Slaanesh has is a chance for additional AP on their units when they roll 6’s. Every unit in the Slaanesh range raised their AP value to -4 when they roll a six, and most have -1 as standard for their weapons. Against units with armor, this can be deadly. It can’t be counted on, but when you hit with a volume of attacks, even titans should quake a bit in their boots.

Faction Weaknesses

The main weakness of Slaanesh is that their toughness and save are rather low. They are extremely susceptible to any kind of weight of firepower, which most armies can dish out. They don’t care nearly as much against things like melta and lascannons for their troop units, but their multi wound models will be laid to waste if caught out in the open.

Another issue is their lack of ranged firepower. They have to reach assault to impact the enemy for the most part and have to claw across the table to do so. If terrain is weak, and the enemy has any kind of massed firepower, even things like lasguns from Imperial Guard can hurt a Slaanesh force.

I think another difficulty of the Slaanesh force is that they require a general with finesse to make them work right. You will need to be able to set up charges that pin down enemy forces and keep them from falling back. Positioning and model placement will be key factors.

Key Units


Warlord Traits


Psychic Powers


I will be brutally honest here. In my opinion, to have a chance at using Slaanesh competitively, you will need a ton of practice. This will be especially true for the assault phases (charge and fight) as you will have to become an expert at setting up locks on screen units to keep the enemies shooting at bay.

I still think Fiends will be key here. The goal would be to put the Fiend unit in the middle of a screening unit. Say a unit of 10 Kabalite warriors. Try to get the first Fiend into the middle of the squad, then you’re your tail attack which takes you from 4 attacks to 1 attack. Keep the other Fiends 2 inches behind to keep them out of combat. This will help to ensure that the warriors are locked in combat and no other units can fire on them. Do the same with your other units like Daemonettes or Seekers in the same way to hit with minimal force on the first charge, but be sure to have as many of your other models just out of 1” to pile in on their turn to hope to wipe the unit out on the enemy turn.

Another strategy could be to overwhelm their screen and completely wipe it out, doing a maximum threat overload style of play and hope to weather the fire enough to then move forward again into the juicy part of the army.

Mono Slaanesh feels to be the weakest of the four gods, but I wouldn’t count it out. Comboing it with other Slaanesh CSM units to shore up their weakness of shooting, witch units like Obliterators, Noise Marines, and Cultist Blobs to take the pressure off of your low strength Slaanesh Daemon units. If you are looking to run Slaanesh, get good in the charging and fight phase to really get their full potential. It will probably take you a while to really master those phases and there is a good chance you will lose a lot at first. Keep at it and plug away until you are more comfortable in your premeasuring and placement to ensure maximum output.

Aaron’s Daemons

Potential List

Daemons Battalion – Slaanesh

CSM Patrol

Lots of obsec rending ladies backed up with CSM Slaanesh Shooting. You have plenty of options to deep strike/infiltrate if need be. You could also go to a spearhead and get 3 units of 3 Obliterators instead.


While Slaanesh has some hurdles, especially in mono mode, a savvy general will be able to lock enemy units in combat to avoid getting shot up, and will use all the tricks at their disposal to weaken other units as well. They have a very unique play style, appearance, and can be a great themed army on the tabletop. What do you think? What role do you see Slaanesh working in.

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