Folks have been asking when they can expect to get BAO tickets and sign up for the next FLG League, and here are the answers to those questions!
The 8th annual Bay Area Open (and wow, time flies, can’t believe we’re on the 8th one!) will be held at Game Kastle again. Here’s the basic info:
What: A Warhammer 40k Tournament
When: July 28th and 29th, 2018
Where: Game Kastle: Mountain View, 550 Showers Dr., Mountain View, California 94040
Why: Because 40k tournaments are awesome!
Tickets will go up for sale on Monday the 12th of February. This event sells out extremely quickly so don’t wait to grab a ticket if you want one.
The next FLG League will open up for sign-ups on Wednesday, February 7th. We’ve had a lot of inquiries and expect it to be bigger and better this go around. Tickets will be $10 per player. The League will begin the first week of March and finish up the last week of April. We will seed players in a bracket according to how they did last season (unless anyone wants to play up, in which case they can!).
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!