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40k 2018 Live Day 1 Blog

Follow along here for all Las Vegas Open day 1 coverage. Peteypab has Warhammer 40k Champs coverage, vendors, events, and much more to come! 

Updates in red

We have a dizzying amount of information to give you guys, and the LVO is well on it’s way! Check in on our facebook page for live video feeds of the event, and to catch some of the fun action. For now i’m going to just give a quick update in the 40k champs. Currently our top 10 players managed to avoid each other, so we won’t have any guaranteed early heartbreaks round 1. However, there are some very interesting matchups still! Round 1 features two great games between phenomenal players with Aaron Aelong playing our very own Geoff “Incontrol” Robinson, and Joshua Death playing William Abilez, a player who made the top 8 at the LVO last year with a great meta-busting Tau list. I couldn’t call either of these games as both come down to who plays the best, and rolls the worst.

Another special player I want to highlight is Ben Mohlie. Widely regarded as one of the best players in 40k history (by the best 40k players in 40k history) Ben is piloting the “Mona Lisa” of Ork lists. I would suggest taking a look at it in the BCP player app.

Don’t forget to follow along live on Twitch and our Facebook page for more LVO action!

Some other quick news, our Infinity tournament hit a record high 50ish players, and is considered one of the largest infinity tournaments in the world. The Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire Grand Clash just hit it’s stride and is shaping out to be a gud un’ (it’s dominated by Ironjawz players)



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