We’re changing our media schedule here at Frontline Gaming.
Times and circumstances are always in flux and we can but adapt to them! The lovely and talented Mariana is cutting back her hours here at Frontline Gaming to pursue new options. While she is certainly not leaving the team and will be with us for the foreseeable future, we’ll be getting less of her time.
As she essentially runs all of our video production and video media, we will have to cut back on the amount of content we put out as a result.
So, we will be pulling back to a single podcast per week. This will combine Signals from the Frontline and the Ninth Realm into a single show, which will air every Friday. This coming Friday will be the last “standard” Signals from the Frontline featuring Reece and Frankie at the usual 11am PST time. Next week we will air a single show on Friday, September 1st. There will be no Ninth Realm tomorrow. We will save that discussion for next week’s new format show and dig in to the General’s Handbook 2017 as well as discussing 40k news and happenings.
We will also, unfortunately, have to pull back on our live 40k games as those are extremely demanding of our time and without full time Mariana are not going to be possible. We will have one more live game this Friday, August 25th.
But do not fear! We will still be streaming our weekly podcast which will be available to those of you who join live before it hits iTunes and YouTube! We will also continue to live stream hobby classes with our paint studio.
We will be producing one high quality video battle report per week as well, so get excited for that!
Thank you so much for the support everyone and we look forward to continuing to entertain you all with a bit less frequency but more quality.