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Chapter Tactics #39: Imperium 2 Index Review and Hammer of Wrath Top Lists

Chapter Tactics is a 40k podcast which focuses on promoting better tactical play and situational awareness across all variations of the game. Today PeteyPab and Rob from the Wolfkin review the Imperium 2 Index and go over the Hammer of Wrath GT results. 

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Show Notes:

We got a new webcart! Check it out and purchase some GW product, FLG mats, and ITC terrain to get your new edition man cave going!

Have you purchased your Iron Halo tickets yet? If you haven’t go buy them now and come say hi to me! I plan on Facebook livestreaming games, and covering the entire event. Email me if you would like to be on the stream. 

Need help with a list idea? Got a rules question? Want to talk tactics? Then email me at… 

Please do not send an army list in a format such as Army Builder, send them in an easy to read, typed format. Thanks!
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