We’ve got ongoing coverage of the ETC for you from our on the scene correspondent, Zach!
About our correspondent, Zach:
Being good at 40k is an art and Zach is an artist, just not a very good one. When he’s not playing 40k he’s part-time blogger for www.warhammer-tactics.com, part time TO of The London GT (link : www.london40kgrandtournament.co.uk), and part time Mournival playtester group for GW. If you ask him; he’ll say at heart, he’s a World Eaters player, though he was known to flirt with a Scat Bike or two in 7th edition and is currently playing 5 Storm Ravens plus Guilliman. Just don’t hold that against him!
There are many things which make a great tournament. Great food, great people, a challenging gaming experience, great beer; The ETC has all of these and more. Not only is it the largest gaming convention in Europe, the largest 40k teams event in the world, but it’s also the only place in the world where you can have an absolute laugh and pit your wits against literally the best 40k players each participating country has to offer.
For those of you who don’t know, the ETC is the European Team Championships. A gaming convention in which each country sends 8 players plus a coach to battle it out for national pride and ever lasting beauty (one of these is not true). Games are played across around a dozen different systems including Kings of War, AoS, 9th Age, 40k and many more. While the event may be called the ‘European’ Team Championship; it’s well and truly global. Teams from America, Australia and even the more exotic, like Wales, all attend. The only event of it’s kind where the 8 best players in each nation battle it our to take home the most prestigious prize in the wargamming world.
Over the course of the ETC I’ll be bringing you live updates, micro blogs, interviews with the teams, players and organizers, and much much more. After the event is done, when the dust is settled, hangovers are cured, ego’s are bruised and players have returned home. Then, we’ll dive a little deeper into some analysis of the event, the lists, the good and bad parts of the event, and the state of 40k right now. The next 12 months meta will be heavily impacted by what happens this weekend, so stay tuned to find out more.
Top day for France yesterday taking first place in both the 40K and the 9th Age singles events! If anyone has any pictures or news about the other singles events please share!
Round 1 Update
Roll up, roll up. This year’s round 1 results are in. Zach Becker here, reporting live(ish) all the way from sunny Spain and I’ve got tasty news. The defending Champions, Germany, lost their first game in a very unorthodox manner, the USA triumphed over Romania winning 6 to 2 and two of this years hot picks to win get matched up against each other for round 2. Details below.
So what happened. Let’s look a little deeper into the shock news that the odds on favourites to win the event: Germany, had their hopes and dreams shattered. Here are the results (the ETC works on a 0-20 scoring system where 0 points indicates a total loss and 20 points a total win, while 10-10 denotes a draw):
As you can see from the above the Germans lost 4 games and won 4 games, the overall loss therefore being determined by the margin of victory for each team. This is not what we would normally expect from the team which has dominated the ETC for the last two years. And there’s a reason why.Unfortunately for the German team, they had two of their star players get stuck in Germany as they experienced problems with their plane and didn’t make it to Spain in time. After struggling to find models to borrow and people to fill in the team was not able to perform at their normal standard and dropped to 15th out of 26 for round 2.In other news. The American team dominated Romania to push ahead and are currently sitting in third place. The only shocker was last year’s ITC champion Matt Root getting demolished by Romania’s Mihnea Capilneanu who was playing Gulliman + 5 Storm Ravens vs Matt’s Ork list. What do you think of his list, see below:== Outrider Detachment == [781 Points] +1 CP
HQ 1: Boss Zagstruk – [88pts]
ELITE 1: 5 Kommandos (45), Boss Nob (0), 2x Burnas (0) <Clan Goffs> – [45 pts]
ELITE 2: 5 Kommandos (45), Boss Nob (0), 2x Burnas (0) <Clan Goffs> – [45 pts]
FAST ATTACK 1: 24 Stormboyz (192), Boss Nob (0), Big Choppa (Boss Nob, 9) <Clan Goffs> – [201pts]
FAST ATTACK 2: 24 Stormboyz (192), Boss Nob (0), Big Choppa (Boss Nob, 9) <Clan Goffs> – [201pts]
FAST ATTACK 3: 24 Stormboyz (192), Boss Nob (0), Big Choppa (Boss Nob, 9) <Clan Goffs> – [201pts]
== Spearhead Detachment == [1219 Points] +1 CP
HQ 2: Big Mek on Warbike (81), Choppa (0), Kustom Force Field (20) <Clan Goffs> – [101 pts] – WARLORD (Tenacious Survivor)
ELITE 3: Mek (22), Choppa (0), Slugga (0), Grot Oiler (4) <Clan Goffs> – [26 pts]
HS1: Gorkanaut (295), 2x Rokkit Launcha (24), 2x Twin Big Shoota (28), Skorcha (17) <Clan Goffs> – [364 pts]
HS2: Gorkanaut (295), 2x Rokkit Launcha (24), 2x Twin Big Shoota (28), Skorcha (17) <Clan Goffs> – [364 pts]
HS3: Gorkanaut (295), 2x Rokkit Launcha (24), 2x Twin Big Shoota (28), Skorcha (17) <Clan Goffs> – [364 pts]At the end of round 1 the top 5 looks like this:1. England
2. Wales
3. USA
4. Denmark
5. FinlandThis year a familiar face is playing as a mercenary for team Wales. Some of you may remember the popularity for the ‘leaf blower’ imperial guard list from ‘back in the day,’ well Mr Nick Rose is largely responsibly for it’s creation/popularity. This years he’s brought the guard back again and is helping the Welsh out of a spot of bother as they face off against England in Round 2 which is currently underway.Stay tuned for all the updates and if you want to take a browse through some of the other army lists from this year’s event. You can find them all on my blog www.Warhammer-tactics.com
Round 2
An absolutely nerve biting round two is now over. The big match up for this round was up on tables 1-8. Arguably two of the best teams at the event where showing down and every match was a nail biting clincher. 4 hours into the round (ETC rounds are 4.30 mins including time for pairings) and game 5 of 8 drew to a sudden conclusion. Team England’s captain Josh Robertson, currently running daemon princes and brimstone horrors was beaten 20-0 by the Welsh mercenary running Stormravens. This was a close game which would of ended 13-7 in England’s favour on turn 5, but ran to turn 6 when the Welsh team took the victory with a tabling that cost England 20 points.
Until then, here’s some more tasty treats for you. One thing this event teaches you, it’s how truly global 40k has become. Admittedly there has been little penetration into the Brazilian, Indian or Chinese block, however, a wide wide variety of nations are represented here from pretty much every other corner of the globe. And, to give credit where credit is due, here are the teams and players who are riding the top 3 positions into day 2.

Round 3
Here’s the round 3 review:
The sun rises, and as dawn gives way to day the American team faces their toughest challenge yet. Round 3 of the ETC vs the French team who are more experienced and arguably have better lists. It was a match of great interest after the German loss and the England / Wales draw from the day before. The USA, a team who have never won the ETC, were on the top table vs the current favourites.
Let’s look at what the match ups were before we get into the results.
- Matthew Root (USA – Orks) vs Nemos Jean Charles (France – Dark Angels)
- Tyler DeVries (USA – Imperium) vs Wilme (France – T’au Empire)
- Brad Townsend (USA – Grey Knights) vs JONCOUR Matthieu (France – Adeptus Astartes)
- Andrew Gonyo (USA – Astra Militarum) vs throst (France – Blood Angels)
- Matt Schuchman (USA – Aeldari) vs Dehan (France – Astra Militarum)
- Nick (USA – Chaos Daemons) vs Ronzier Mikael (France – Adeptus Ministorum)
- Sean Nayden (USA – Ynnari) vs Xavier Abraham (France – Chaos Daemons)
- Brad chester (USA – Imperium) vs Makai (France – Aeldari)
One this to bear in mind is the difference between team play and single play. In team play, due to the way the pairings work. After each team gets paired against each other, according to a swiss pairing system, the captains and coach of each team sit down and work out whose playing who. This is ultimately an exercise in predicating accurate outcomes of match ups, in terms of lists and player skill. Each captain selects a ‘first defence’ (a player on the team, typically with a very resilient army that can scrape some victory points out of any game) which are placed face down at the same time. These are then revealed simultaneously, after which each captain selects two ‘first attackers.’ The defending player then picks one of the two attackers to play against, and the rejected attacker is returned to the pool of available players. This process repeats until all players are matched up.
There are two critical points here:
- Team performance is not dependant on an individual game taken in isolation. 8 relatively weaker lists can repeatedly beat 8 stronger lists, if their captain is able to pair them more favourably.
- Poor individual performance is not indicative to poor team performance or player skill. A great player with a solid list might find themselves in the position where their captain knows that the most optimal outcome for the team, is for this player to get smashed, so that the other players can avoid playing that person/list.
Now we’ve covered those two bases, let’s make a couple of predictions about the pairings, then compare these to the results. If these are similar it denotes a few possible things. Either player skill was not properly accounted for in the pairing process or list mechanics were not. There is of course a tertiary skill which we need to factor in, which is more easily measured. This is: Pairing skill. How well and reliably a captain is able to pair their players into favourable match ups.
So looking at the above we have:
- Matthew Root (USA – Orks) vs Nemos Jean Charles (France – Dark Angels) This was a Ork boy and Morkanaught combo vs the Dark Angles Car Park and should reliably favour the Dark Angles – France 1 USA 0
- Tyler DeVries (USA – Imperium) vs Wilme (France – T’au Empire) 6 Ravens and Gulliman vs Tau Commanders with melta, another win for France
- Brad Townsend (USA – Grey Knights) vs JONCOUR Matthieu (France – Adeptus Astartes) Brad had Greyknight mixed Dakka vs Joncour’s Ravens with Las Centurions. Due to Celestine and some sisters with inferno pistols, this arguably goes in favour of the USA – Current predicted outcome: USA 1 – France 2
- Andrew Gonyo (USA – Astra Militarum) vs throst (France – Blood Angels) Captain America (Gonyo, A.) is playing mixed guard, with some plasma dropping in, some Turox primes and some boots on the ground. Thost has Stormravens. This is a delecate match up and all depends on the number of revens and the effiecency of the Guard dakka. On average, allowing for a order to reroll 1’s it takes 2 plasama drop command squads and 1 troops squad to pop a raven. Andrew has enough to deal with Frances Ravens, so should win the match. USA 2 – France 2
- Matt Schuchman (USA – Aeldari) vs Dehan (France – Astra Militarum) Mixed Eldar….sorry, Aeldari vs conscripts with smite spam. This guard list is a potential ‘best list in the game’ and the match up follows suite. USA 2 – France 3
- Nick (USA – Chaos Daemons) vs Ronzier Mikael (France – Adeptus Ministorum) Nick had is usual mix of brims with flamers and plaved a sisters list with lots of chaff killing dakka. This type of fire power is highly nerfed by the brims’ 4++ save and the -1 to hit from the changling. USA 3 – France 3
- Sean Nayden (USA – Ynnari) vs Xavier Abraham (France – Chaos Daemons) Sean has the flock spam and Xavier daemon princes + brims. This match up depends a lot on who has the objective weighted side (note: ETC plays and objective deployment system which allows 1 player to pick a side with 4 objectives on at the expense of deploying a unit first) Prediction : Draw
- Brad chester (USA – Imperium) vs Makai (France – Aeldari) Brad’s Ravens vs the flocks, this should be an easy win for Brad
All the army lists featured above can be downloaded from www.Warhammer-Tactics.com
Final prediction USA 4, France 3, Draw 1
On first impression then, it looks like the USA has the better pairings, purely on lists alone. Though, we need to factor in player skill before you know if the pairings were better for one person than another.
Let’s look at the results
- Matthew Root (USA – Orks) 3 – 17 Nemos Jean Charles (France – Dark Angels) As predicted
- Tyler DeVries (USA – Imperium) 0 – 20 Wilme (France – T’au Empire) As predicted
- Brad Townsend (USA – Grey Knights) 0 – 20 JONCOUR Matthieu (France – Adeptus Astartes) France win
- Andrew Gonyo (USA – Astra Militarum) 20 – 0 throst (France – Blood Angels) As predicted
- Matt Schuchman (USA – Aeldari) 0 – 20 Dehan (France – Astra Militarum) As predicted
- Nick (USA – Chaos Daemons) 19 – 1 Ronzier Mikael (France – Adeptus Ministorum) As predicted
- Sean Nayden (USA – Ynnari) 11 – 9 Xavier Abraham (France – Chaos Daemons) USA win
- Brad chester (USA – Imperium) 20 – 0 Makai (France – Aeldari) As predicted
So we can see that game 7 which was predicted as a draw wasn’t far off. An 11-9 is often considered a ‘winning draw’ and Sean helped team USA by pushing on top of this match up. Game 3 is the only other game which did not go as predicted. After speaking with Brad (who is an all-round lovely guy btw) this loss appears to have come down to player skill as he underestimated the impact of the revised ominiscope rules the centurions have, which was particularly devastating in combination with their hurricane bolters. He’ll never forget that one again.
As noted in an earlier post. It’s crucial to remember at all times this is a team event. Ultimately the games ended USA 4 – France 4, but crucially the French beat the Americans by a greater margin overall and took the victory; moving into 1stplace and pushing the USA down to 4th going into round 4 where they face a previous ETC champions: Team England.
On the other tables. Germany have started to recover now their players have arrived and could still clinch it, if another top team drops a game. Poland still have not lost a game and will play France in round 4 and England smashed host nation Spain to move up to 3rd.
More actions as it comes in Live(ish).
Round 4
Alas, round 4 did not treat the boys from America well, the most notable defeat of which was Brad Chester not only losing his perfect score, but scoring zero point and getting tabled by Brett the team England Blood Angles player.
This big one to wat this round was Poland VS France. After round 3; these were the only two teams left on three wins and no losses. Both have featured regularly on the ETC podium in the past and Poland have some of the most notorious (in a good way!) players in the world. You may never have heard of them, but if you’ve ever played or been played by a net list: these guys probably made it famous.
This year was no exception. Not only were their lists anti meta, but no doubt the will set the tone for the new meta to come, here’s one of the more interesting ones:
Super Heavy Auxiliary detachment +0 CP [360]
LOW1: Roboute Guilliman WARLORD (Tenacious Survivor). +3 CP [360]
Vanguard Detachment +1 CP [1640]
HQ1: Kayvaan Shrike [150pts]
Troop1: (10)Scout Squad (110), 10x sniper rifle(40) <Ultramarines> [150pts]
Troop2: (10)Scout Squad (110), 10x sniper rifle(40) <Ultramarines> [150pts]
Troop3: (10)Scout Squad (110), 10x sniper rifle(40) <Ultramarines> [150pts]
Elites1: (5) Company Veterans on bikes (170), 4x stormshield (20), 5x Combi-plazma (75), 5x twin
boltgun (10) <Ultramarines> [275pts]
Elites2: (5) Company Veterans on bikes (170), 4x stormshield (20), 5x Combi-plazma (75), 5x twin
boltgun (10) <Ultramarines> [275pts]
Elites3: (5) Company Veterans on bikes (170), 4x stormshield (20), 5x Combi-plazma (75), 5x twin
boltgun (10) <Ultramarines> [275pts]
Elites4: (4) Company Veterans on bikes (136), 3x stormshield (15), 2x Combi-plazma (30), 4x twin
boltgun (8), 2x plazmagun (26) <Ultramarines> [215pts]
Notwithstanding this, France battered Poland and are now the only team with straight wins. Second is England and third is Germany. Will the protagonists stay the same? Will America recover to still claim a place on the podium or will mother Russia send its favourite sons forth once again to disrupt things. #make40kgreatagain.
Further down the field the rest of the results are in:
Russia (106) 2 – 0 (54) Denmark
England (104) 2 – 0 (56) USA
France (88) 2 – 0 (72) Poland
Switzerland (90) 2 – 0 (70) Ukraine
Sweden (112) 2 – 0 (48) Scotland
Wales (53) 0 – 2 (107) Germany
Spain (81) 1 – 1 (79) Ireland
Canada (84) 1 – 1 (76) Belgium
Italy (87) 2 – 0 (73) Norway
Northern Ireland (73) 0 – 2 (87) Romania
Austria (40) 0 – 2 (120) Chichken Stealers
Netherlands (83) 1 – 1 (77) Czech Republic
Turkey (69) 0 – 2 (91) Finland
Round 5 review up next: coming soon to an internet near you.
Round 5
Round Five is over,
The battles are lost and won,
France drew with England.
There’s nothing I like more in life than a haiku about 40k. But that’s just me. Maybe you’re not into Asian poetry and that’s fine. Maybe you’re into competitive 40k, in which case, you’ve come to the right place.
Round five of the ETC is over. Current leaders France were showing down against England. Despite the round finishing 79-81 and being scored as a draw, the games were not very close. Of all the games played only one was a closely fought dice duel. The others all resounding victories for either one player or another.
- throst (France – Blood Angels) 0 – 20 Alex Harrison (England – Imperium)
- Makai (France – Aeldari) 16 – 4 Josh Roberts (England – Chaos)
- Wilme (France – T’au Empire) 17 – 3 Brett Armitage (England – Imperium)
- JONCOUR Matthieu (France – Adeptus Astartes) 20 – 0 Dan Bates (England – Grey Knights)
- Xavier Abraham (France – Chaos Daemons) 9 – 11 Nathan Roberts (England – Tyranids)
- Dehan (France – Astra Militarum) 16 – 4 Courtney rhodes (England – Orks)
- Ronzier Mikael (France – Adeptus Ministorum) 3 – 17 mani cheema (England – Ynnari)
- Nemos Jean Charles (France – Dark Angels) 0 – 20 Anthony Chew (England – Adeptus Astartes)
This is by no means uncommon at the ETC this year with a large number of games swinging massively in favour of one player or another. This is something I feel, and many have commented on, is indicative of a fundamental game mechanic characteristics which may mean 40k is even less suited to competitive play than ever before. I’m not saying this is a bad thing. The vast majority of players don’t play the list architypes that are seen at the ETC or are at a skill level where they can exploit such lists. And it is there very mechanics which make the game attractive to casual gamers which also make it unsuitable for competitive play. Let’s look at this in a little more detail.
The move to 8th edition re-introduced variable damage rolls. Allowing guns to do D6 or D3 damage which only ever did multiple wounds when ‘doubling out’ someone out in previous editions. Furthermore the Wounding Roll now allows for anything to hurt anything and given the prevalence of T5-7 units in the game, simple guns like bolters and now typically twice as efficient as they used to be. On top of this, the modification to AP means not only can every gun hurt everything, but a lot of the time, it is now more efficient at translating the wound into actual damage than before when AP was an all or nothing test.
Don’t get me wrong, I love all these mechanics. It harks back to 2nd ed 40k and 6th ed Fantasy, when I fell in love with the hobby. But, these changes have been introduced at the same time as a reduction in the resilience of all unit due to the changes to the cover rules, the psychic powers and moral.
What do these two modification result in? A large bias towards 2 list architypes. The ‘I’m going to go first and kill so much or your stuff you can never come back at me.’ Or the ‘I’m going to take so much stuff you can never kill it all and I’ll end the game on all the objectives.’ The two most obvious examples of this are Stormravens + a reroll character, and 550 Brimstone Horror, plus ancillary ‘tax’ units.
As a result of the prevalence of these types of lists a lot of games are effectively over on a single dice roll. If it’s a mirror match and you both have offensive armies, then the game is over either on the roll to see who deploys first roll, or the seize the initiative roll. After that, whoever goes first wins. If it’s a mirror match with resilient armies then whoever gets to pick the deployment zone with more objectives wins, on turn 5, 6, or 7. If it’s not a mirror match, then typically the offensive player just shoots the other off the table. Bang bang. You’re dead. There is of course an answer to this issue: which is ‘Comp,’ to allow for a more enjoyable and representative competitive gaming experience. I’ll talk more about what this comp might look like in the next few articles on my blog www.Warhammer-Tactics.com
So let’s go back to the France / England results and look at them in this context. The only game which was closely scored was an effective mirror match or Nid Hord vs Brimstone Horde. The other games all swung with either the player who went first or has the more offensive army.
Something Else to think about: will any single player score maximum points? This is still possible for a limited few and we’re all keen to see who ends up being the highest scoring single player too.
Going into the final round France play Poland, if France win; they take home the Gold. If they lose and England or Poland has a lager margin of points over Russia then England or Poland win, if not, Russia take home the prize. The Germans and the aforementioned teams are all shooting it out for 2nd place. The USA smashed Wales meaning they play Germany in the final round with a shot at 3rd place along with Sweden, Scotland and a few others.
Round 6
Roll up, roll up. Come closer and I will tell you a secret. A secret which has been hidden for 10 hundred millennia, since Horus slew faithful Sanguineous and the Emperor was banished to the cursed sarcophagus of a throne.
Can you guess what it is yet? Russia Won!
Our comrades from Mother Russian decided they would re-enact Tolstoy’s War and Peace and destroy the French completely. This gave them enough of a points margin to rise above Poland, who finished on the same Win/Loss but down at 558 points to Mother Russia’s glorious 608 points.
What happened elsewhere? Poland spanked England and gave them a sore bottom. Not only can they not sit down, but it will be difficult for the team to live down finishing 4th for yet another year. The England boys thought this was their year, and it so nearly was. A tough match against Wales and a mess up with the pairings against Germany lost them a spot on the podium.
Germany played the USA in the final game. Although their lists were a little bit of the pace this year and their star players missed game one, the German’s pulled it back and were potentially playing for a podium finished by game 6. To put things into context, the German 40k players are widely viewed as some of the best in the world, and this year’s result vs the USA proved the fact. Winning 5 games to the USA’s 3, finishing the round 94 – 66 and in a respectable 5th place (after penalties for admin they did not complete prior to the event)
So where does that leave us? Well the final round results were thus (points in brackets are match points and 2 tournament points are awarded for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss):
- France(46) 0 – 2 (105) Russia
- England(62) 0 – 2 (98)Poland
- Germany(94) 2 – 0 (66)USA
- Turkey (90) 2 – 0 (70)Norway
- Sweden(87) 2 – 0 (73) Switzerland
- Ukraine(45) 0 – 2 (115)Austria
- Belgium(86) 2 – 0 (74)Northern Ireland
- Finland(89) 2 – 0 (71)Scotland
- Spain(43) 0 – 2 (117)Wales
- Canada(88) 2 – 0 (72)Netherlands
- Czech Republic(60) 0 – 2 (100) Romania
- Ireland (19) 0 – 2 (141) Denmark
- Chichken Stealers (60) 0 – 2 (100) Italy
The final leader board was (note the name of the country is followed by their total VPs, then their Tournament points, then their team members, ‘NP’ signalling coaches):
- Russia 608 10 Alexander Kondakov, Andrey Makhnev (NP), Anton Moscowsky, Arsenii, Yuriy Velichkovskiy, Igor Sokolov, Mikhail Peshkov (NP), Stepan Zotov, Sergey Stazhilo-Alekseev, Dmitry
- Poland 558 10 Piotr Zawila-Niedzwiecki, Michał Duda, Jakub Podruczny, Łukasz Leszkiewicz, Skark, Krzysztof Morzyc, Grzegorz Hellich, Andrzej Bełz, Rafal Kroczka (NP)
- France 529 9 Nemos Jean Charles, Wilme, Doudou (NP), JONCOUR Matthieu, throst, Dehan, Ronzier Mikael, Xavier Abraham, Makai, Paul Basque (NP)
- England 569 8 Tim King (NP), Alex Harrison, Adam (NP), Josh Roberts, Brett Armitage , Dan Bates, Nathan Roberts, Courtney rhodes, mani cheema , Anthony Chew
- Germany 578 (points penalty) 8 David Szymanski, Fritz Peters, Thomas Godesberg, Jan Heidrich, Tom (NP), Franky, Sebastian Müller, Jens Stark, Matthias
- Finland 524 8 Jussi-Pekka Kumpulainen, Jouni, Eetu, Juha Ottelin, Eetu Torikka (NP), Pekka Koskivirta, Riku Saressalo, Jukka Halme, Emppu Niemi
- Sweden 487 8 Johan Persson, Mattias Englund (NP), Jony Kaijankoski, Karl abrahamsson, OlofSvensson, Robert Gustafsson, Pär, daniel, Max Persson
- Denmark 541 7 Michael Bræmer Nielsen, Martin Bræmer Nielsen, Kåre Ettrup, Aslak Lynæs Stenkilde, Lauge Perto (NP), Asbjørn Ettrup-Christensen, Dorner, Bo Penstoft , Morten Kirsted
- Wales 518 7 Joakim Engström, Adam Ryland , James Ramsay (NP), Mike collins, Simon Weakley, Joonas Neva, Stuart Robertson, Nicholas Rose, Gaz Jones
- Italy 490 7 Daniele De Gemini, Alessio Iannuzzi, Francesco Gozzi, Francesco Di Bonaventura, Dario Saturni (NP), Francesco Capponi, Andrea D’Agostino, Federico Buggiani , Matteo Villa
- Turkey 454 7 Giorgio Testanera, Gökhan Sağlam, Florian Leduc, Nicolas Fortin, Görkem Demircioğlu, Isik Belul, Oryan Ogutgen, Giray Aydin (NP), Mathieu Decalonne
- USA 537 6 Andrew Gonyo, Kurt Clauss (NP), Matt Schuchman, Sean Nayden, Matthew Root, Nick, Tyler DeVries, Brad chester, Brad Townsend
- Scotland 475 6 Colm McCarthy, Bernard Lee, aidhan higgins, Kris Mills, Neil Powell, Matthew Edmonds, Tim Dagnall, Zach Becker
- Austria 461 6 Michael Zauner, Arno Greiler (NP), Alexander Pittl, Dominik “Avang” Tavernaro, Sasa Dusanic, Christian Stromberger, Andreas Geretschläger, Kaup Roman, Rudolf Kreisinger
- Switzerland 454 6 Bourdeau tristan, Nicolas Rossato, Sébastien “vandir” Debons, Ashanys, Stonick (NP), Sven, Matthieu Porchet, Bertyl CELERIER, Frédéric In-Albon
- Chichken Stealers 477 5 Cendres, Berto, S Chappell, Joshua Death, JEAn (NP), Pierre Wetula, djuro, Bouquet, QUEFFELEC Yann
- Spain 454 5 Ezraen, Jose Mendez, patuka, Pachi, Dekkers, Riddick, Pablo Moya Escriche (NP), Alvaro Rodriguez Sanchez (NP), Odro, SAULION
- Ireland 424 5 Michael Tangney Jnr, David Mc Hugh, Alec Cornelius, Peter Scott, Paul Quigley, Eoin O’Mahony, Dan Ahern, J.Chivite
- Canada 418 5 Chris Hanes, Ciaran Gibb, Dan Platt, Ben Wolstenholme (NP), Joseph Duca, Tristan Mitchell, Jason Sparks, Burton Wright, Ricky Johnson
- Belgium 376 5 Tom Adriany, Neil Kerr (NP), Cyril Bouchat, Niek Vanderispaillie, davy sabo, fred, Jonathan Veil, Marc DM, Paul Scott
- Norway 470 4 Adam Keith Solumsmo, Andrey Kovalenko, Geirr Berthinsen, Espen Roligheten, Dan The Hobbykiller Oldfield, Mariusz Wawrzyn, Christopher Haugland Jacobsen, Magnus Liene
- Ukraine 432 4 Vladyslav, Dmitry Ivanov, Fedor Symonenko, Iurii Blokhin, Aleksey Ershov, Andrey Mocharskiy, Vlad, Karsten Henriksen
- Romania 425 4 Matei Lungu, Zoltan-Levente Bara, Paul Silaghi, Bianca Trailescu, Bogdan Mogos, Velica Vlad, Bogdan Adrian Todosiciuc, MIHNEA CAPILNEAN
- Netherlands 421 2 Michel Jacobs, Maarten Bos, Cees Jan Stam, Gerard Malipaard, Tim Verbeek, Dennie Nuijten, Tom Rijks, Benjamin Ben Harosh
- Northern Ireland 405 2 John Stowe, ALAN MARSHALL, James Johnston, Jan Karnowski, Gary McNeill, Nireland, Darragh Magee, Darran Kerwick
- Czech Republic 386 2 Vojtech Straka, Adam, Martin “Goran” Moravec, Julio Torrado, Pellon, Jan Kárník, Jindrich Cadik, David Vorel
Congratulations to Mother Russia (note: I’m not Russian), Poland and France.
Finally. Who the player who placed best and a singleton was the Czech Republic’s Pellon with his Chaos Daemon list. He was the only player this year to score 120, the tournament’s maximum points value for a player. Not one of his oppentants could take a point off his Daemon list. What do you think of it?
== Battalion Detachment == Daemon [744 Points] + 3 CP
HQ1: The Changeling (100), Boon of Change – [100pts]
HQ2: Daemon Prince With Wings (170), Pair of Malefic Talons (10) Warp Bolter (9) <Daemons of
Tzeench> Bolt of change (0) WARLORD (Inspiring Leader )- [189pts]
HQ3: Daemon Prince With Wings (170), Pair of Malefic Talons (10) Warp Bolter (9) <Daemons of
Tzeench> Bolt of change (0) – [189pts]
Troop1: 30 Brimstone Horrors (60) – [60pts]
Troop2: 28 Brimstone Horrors (56) – [56pts]
Troop3: 10 Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20pts]
Troop4: 10 Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20pts]
Troop5: 10 Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20pts]
Troop6: 10 Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20pts]
Elite1:Exalted Flamer (70) – [70pts]
== Vanguard Detachment == Daemon [649 Points] + 1 CP
HQ4: Daemon Prince With Wings (170), Pair of Malefic Talons (10) Warp Bolter (9) <Daemons of
Tzeench> Bolt of change (0)- [189pts]
Troop7: 10 Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20pts]
Troop8: 10 Brimstone Horrors (20) – [20pts]
Elite2: Exalted Flamer (70) – [70pts]
Elite3: Exalted Flamer (70) – [70pts]
Elite4: Exalted Flamer (70) – [70pts]
Elite5: Exalted Flamer (70) – [70pts]
Elite6: Exalted Flamer (70) – [70pts]
Elite7: Exalted Flamer (70) – [70pts]
That’s all for me folks. I will be doing some post event analysis and posting some more videos of the event on my blog. www.Warhammer-Tactics.com subscribe to keep up to date with all the latest tactical content for all your 40k itches that need scratching.
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!
Good luck to the ETC players! …. and get some sleep!!!
So for the ETC are they using both FAQs from GW? Would not think the 5 flyer lists would work well?
They are not using the version 1.1 FAQ. Lists were submitted before it wad published.
Great getting some coverage from the event, it’s been pretty lacklustre in previous years so this is a nice initiative
Good luck to all players, have fun!
Why is Nick Rose playing for the Welsh?
Maybe he is of Welsh decent.
He’s a merc for their team.
I think drawing too many conclusions about warhammer 40,000 as a competitive game from the current ETC would be a very serious mistake for a couple of reasons.
The first and most obvious is that the current ETC games are not using the current rules; they are using a set of rules a few weeks out of date which are missing some important balance changes. Some of the data these conclusions are being drawn from is already obsolete. By next week (with changes to horrors) more of that data will be obsolete. This balancing exercise is clearly not a one-off thing from GW and is part of how they will keep the game viable in a tournament format; if organizers choose to set it aside by not including these balance changes in an event then the resulting imbalance – on known and published balance issues – is totally predictable and teaches us nothing.
The second and more subtle reason is that the team format is designed to encourage and promote extreme rock-paper-scissors list building which can then be used to win the match during the pairings part of the contest. Singles tournaments are not so extreme because the best players recognize the weaknesses of list building this way in anything other than a team format. Extreme lists have been a feature of team tournaments long enough that we must consider it to be a feature not a bug – the organizers and competitors presumably like it that way or they would long since have changed it.
Hey Happy Inquisitor,
I completely agree with you.
Yes, the ETC had a rules freeze before the latest FAQ from GW. But, these only impact upon certain specific list builds, not the core mechanics which enable such lists to be effective. The list examples given here are not given to encourage ‘net listing’ but only as indicative of a systemic property.
Interestingly you’re spot on with the rock paper scissors nature of the list this year. Pretty much all the top teams bar 1 ran ‘meta’ lists. Where as the winner went ‘anti-meta’ check out the update about to drop and the lists on our blog to see what I mean…
Where/who the heck is Chichken Stealers?
Chicken Stealers are a Mecinary team so that the event didn’t have and odd number of teams.
the brim list that won is taking all the tournaments around my area and is clearly abusing brims and the characters rules… enjoy shooting only at brims… while we just run forward and smite you to death.
Very tedious daemon list.
The change to points on brims might help tone this down a little but I think some players will still just bring this sort of list because between its inherent strength and their ability to avoid the game having enough turns for anyone to cut through the chaff it just wins games.
The new ObSec in the SM and CSM codexes should also help deal with brim spam. Short games due to the time taken to move 150+ models will work against them if a single marine can hold the objective against 50 brims.
400 conscripts are moe harsh vs brimstones.
Hi guys, about the army wich scored the 120 points, you lack one the detachments in the list, and on the other hand you have to take into account that we were playing in the bottom tables aganist countries with not that much experience and not so optimized army lists.
What was the missing detachment? And thanks for the clarification.
== Supreme Command Detachment == Daemons+Thousand Sons [567 Points] + 1 CP
HQ5: Daemon Prince With Wings (170), Pair of Malefic Talons (10) Warp Bolter (9) Warp Time (0)- [189pts]
HQ6: Daemon Prince With Wings (170), Pair of Malefic Talons (10) Warp Bolter (9) Bolt of change (0) – [189pts]
HQ7: Daemon Prince With Wings (170), Pair of Malefic Talons (10) Warp Bolter (9) Bolt of change (0) – [189pts]
Anyway, the list was not 100% optimized since we had no more brimston models (just removing an exalted for more brimstones would be enought i think) and i didnt include blue horrors for smite.
Soulburst dead! Soulburst dead! Soulburst dead!