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Triumvirate of the Primarch Tactical Review: Grand Master Voldus


PeteyPab is back with part 2 of his tactical review of the Triumvirate of the Primarch. Today he is covering the Grey Knight’s most gifted psyker Grand Master Voldus. For more great tactics articles check out our Tactics Corner

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Grand Master Voldus is renowned across titan as their most powerful psyker and his rules reflect that. He has access to the most psychic powers of any Grey Knight model and is also the only unit with a Grand Master statline who is also Mastery Level 3. Not including Draigo, because he has 1 more wound than your average grand master.

Stats/Wargear/Special Rules

Master Voldus has the exact same statline as a Grey Knights Grand Master, as well as the wargear and special rules of any other Grey Knight rocking a badass suit of terminator armor. As mentioned before he is mastery level 3 but as far as what sets him apart from other Grey Knights… I provided a list below.

Oh, and because I wasn’t perfectly clear in my review of Roboute Guilliman the Primarch of the Ultramarines yesterday. VOLDUS IS 240 POINTS. So at 5 points less than Draigo, let’s see what he has to offer.

Unfortunately we do not have the rules for how Voldus can be taken in a Grey Knight army, but I assume he should be an HQ choice so that’s where I am going to start. Voldus is a great piece to a Grey Knight army looking to make Draigostar a come back thing in 7th edition. He is an Independant Character, so he can join a unit of Paladins along with Kaldor Draigo and use those nifty new psychic powers Tigurius taught him to teleport his unit around the board and give them the ability to reroll their saves. Now, he is most likely going to be the only model in the unit who gets access to those powers so you really have to devote him to rolling on one of those disciplines exclusively. I think this is the best way to run him because he only has a 4+ invuln and 3 wounds to defend himself with.

As for outside of Grey Knight fluff themed armies Voldus falls short and is outclassed by a lot of models. At 240 points you can get a better beat stick in the Space Marine chapter master. Tigurius is still the better all around psyker for a lot less points. Heck, you can even take an entire Librarius conclave for less points then Voldus. He is also not even the best Grey Knight IC in the codex. A title Draigo still held onto with an extra wound and eternal warrior for only 5 more points. Voldus does have a better weapon then Draigo though, so maybe he has better close combat capability. You just have to overlook the fact that the entire codex is teeming with Hammerhand casters.

What do you think about Grand Master Voldus? Is there any army lists I am missing that could us a dominant Grey Knight Psyker? 


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