Here are the pictures and lists of all of the top tables, and players at the Las Vegas Open. That I could get a hold of. We have 40k Champs, Age of Sigmar, Malifaux, 30k, and WarmaHordes. I will add more results as I dig them out through the hundreds of pictures I took.
Also remember, you can look at any of the lists from players on the Best Coast Pairings app. So if you are curious about anyone else’s list, go there and give that app a download. It is well worth it.
40k Champs Winner Brett Perkins
and here is a photo gallery of the army he won, in addition to the other prizes.
Here is a video from some of the facebook live coverage of the top table. Head on over to the Twitch channel for more (better) coverage.
Here is his list.
Demons CAD
Fateweaver 300
The Masque 75
Brims 30
Brims 30
7 Screamers 175
Heralds Anarchic Formation
Lv. 3 Herald, Paradox, Disc 145
Lv. 1 Herald, Exalted, Disc 100
Lv. 1 Herald, 45
Renegades CAD
Command Squad, Nurgle, Ordnance Tyrant 85
3x Earthshakers 165
2x Wyverns 110
Wyvern 55
17 Plague Zombies 51
17 Plague Zombies 51
Quad Mortar 30
Quad Mortar 30
Quad Mortar 30
Quad Mortar 30
3x Rapier Laser Destroyer, additional crew, training 79
3x Rapier Laser Destroyer, additional crew, training 79
3x Rapier Laser Destroyer, additional crew, training 79
Skyshield Landing Pad 75
Malifaux Gamble Your Life Masters Winner Michael Hengl
Faction: Neverborn (the list was unavailable on Best Coast Pairings)
For more information about Malifaux, Chris’ list or anything check out this interview with Crissy, the head TO of the event. There she goes over what Malifaux is, and how to get in contact with the community.
Age of Sigmar Best Overall Winner Andrew Standiferd
Here is a Gallery of Andrew’s models, list, and face. Enjoy!
Warhammer TV covered the top table on their stream. Check it out!
Horus Heresy 30k Champion Richard Johnson
No list was found for Rich, but I did get pictures of his army and his top table opponent.

WarmaHordes Masters Finals Champion Thomas Guan
A breakdown of the amazing top table the two players played on. Go to our Facebook page for videos of the other two amazing top tables
And finally, the Number 1 ITC player in the world. After a brutal 8 games and year long ITC season. Matt Root.
I am still wondering if the 40k finals had a different result in case brandan hadn’t forgotten half of his re-rolls with the dogs.
I can’t blame his opponent since he asked him twice if he had done all his rolls and re-rolls.
So, Brett’s list has TWO units of Plague Zombies. What book makes that legal?
The Siege of Vraks book has a different Renegades list than the Lost and the Damned one does; it is limited to only dedications of Nurgle and Khorne, can take multiple units of Zombies, has the Ordnance Tyrant ability, has different numbers for Chaos Spawn, has some wargear work differently, etc.
Good ole FW. Just when you think you’ve learned the rules they’re present in a slightly different format somewhere else
But Isn’t Siege a 10 years old book at this point? Or is there a reprint?
Beautifully constructed article, Pablo.
Very user friendly.
Thank you! That means a lot man. I worked hard on it. Mostly from digging up all the pictures lol.
It shows! Puts even the official GW community posts to shame.
Congrats to all the champions!
In the app it has Brett taking 2 Medusas?
Who is better looking, sporty Reece or business Reece?
I think you meant Posh Reece and Sporty Reece. Nowhere to be found were Baby Reece, Scary Reece, or Ginger Reece