Zyekian here to discuss a unit that created quite a stir in the Warhammer 40K community when the Forgeworld IA:11 second edition book was released, but has garnered relatively little notice since: the Lynx. Fast and powerful, it takes skill to use effectively without becoming an expensive pothole by turn two. Read on for tips on how to get the most out of this not-quite superheavy grav tank!
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In case you were familiar with one of the earlier iterations of the Lynx, forget what you know and listen up. It’s no longer a superheavy but a conventional vehicle (flyer, hover). Checking in at a hefty 255 points, it has a 12/12/11 hull with an impressive five hull points. Care is required when fielding this unit, as Lynxes are substantial pieces of resin on the table and can be challenging to move around dense terrain without triggering terrain checks you don’t want to make.
That giant gun is why we’re all here though. The Lynx Pulsar is a devastating weapon with the following attack profiles:
Lynx Pulsar:
Saturation: Range 48″, Str: D, AP2, Ordinance 1, large blast
Salvo: Range 48″, Str: D, AP2, Ordinance 3, twin-linked
Both options are useful, however the salvo is far better at focusing on erasing hardened targets. Being twin-linked it’s likely that all three shots will hit, maximizing the chance of a six and overwhelming a knight’s shield. On average a Knight will be a tattered mess after taking pulsar fire with a real possibility of being taken out in one shot. Enemy models positioned closely together should be considered for the large blast mode, though the accuracy is diminished. Salvo is just that good.
The Lynx will garner heaps of attention from the opponent’s army and its size makes it difficult to keep behind cover. This means it will be jinking and otherwise forced to snap fire. Again the Salvo pulsar comes in handy. With three twin-linked shots there’s a 66% chance to land one D-hit while snap firing and a 22% chance to land two. Those are fantastic odds that make the unit a bit more difficult to stop than at first glance.
Lynxes also pick one secondary weapon which is a stock shuriken cannon or scatter laser. A bright/dark lance option is available for just +5 points while the Corsair version can select a splinter cannon out of the Dark Eldar codex for free; the Craftworld version may take a starcannon. Most lists will feature a Lynx to target hardened units, therefore a backup lance weapon may be the best choice. Avoid the 24″ range shuriken cannon. The Pulsar is an ordinance weapon however, meaning the secondary weapon must snap fire. Having 5 HPs means the thing may survive a while with the primary weapon destroyed so it may be more accurate to view the secondary weapon more as an insurance policy.
And for no cost the Lynx can exchange its pulsar for a Sonic Lance which is presently banned in the ITC due to being a hellstorm weapon with torrent. It’s an impressive weapon in its own right, wounding on 3+ regardless of toughness with AP2, and a more mild S1+3D6 armor penetration hit versus vehicles. The critical flaw though is that it cannot snap fire, relegating it to specific strategies which we’ll discuss further. Mostly though it feels like an obsolete holdover from when the Lynx was a superheavy vehicle unable to be forced into snap firing.
Wargear and Special Rules
The Lynx is technically a flyer. But it flies like a duck. Its poorly-named Sky-Hunter rule states that when in zooming flyer mode it cannot jink and may only fire snap shots. While in hover mode it counts as a fast skimmer with the tank type. The Lynx may be deployed in hover mode, as it almost always will be, but may not switch to flying until turn two. It also has the deep-strike special rule in both Corsair and Craftworld versions.
Switching to flyer mode and then zooming off the map can be good way to get out of a pinch. And as mentioned before, the Lynx remains dangerous as a snap shooter so flying can be a wise strategy an likely one your opponent doesn’t see coming.
Craftworld Lynxes can select the usual Eldar vehicle wargear, most notably the holo-field for a 5++ save to help protect the points investment. Where the vehicle really hums though is the Corsair version with a kinetic shroud for +15 points. The shroud provides a 5++ invulnerable save against shooting attacks whenever the Lynx moves at least 6″, improving to 4++ when moving flat out. Additionally when deep striking it gains a 4++ re-rollable save against shooting until the beginning of its controlling player’s next turn. And that is superb.
Eldar players will find it tempting to deploy their Lynx behind cover and use it to go bowling into the enemy ranks, and against certain opponents that may work. Typically though the unit is going to be priority number one for the opponent to take out especially with drop pod melta and grav. Five hull points feels like a lot, however the Lynx is prone to detonating prior to hulling out. Ordinarily I’d point out how drawing fire with a frightening unit provides the advantage of dictating the opponent’s target priority but this thing it far too many points to really pull that off.
Clever Corsair players will run their Lynx with a Kinetic Shroud and deep strike it as part of a Sky Burners coterie. This gives them a 1D6 scatter range and re-rolls to deep strike reserves. That paired with the re-rollable 4++ means the Lynx doesn’t have to jink as it’s safe from enemy shooting. It’s likely to get two turns of firing in without having to snap fire, scaring the space pants off large targets. All said, this is likely the best way to assure the Lynx is worth its points.
Null deployment also works here. Running a Dark Eldar Scalpel Squadron formation for its turn one deep strike ability will allow the Corsair army to null deploy while going second, thwarting many of today’s drop pod lists that would otherwise be very effective in wrecking important units. It’s the last thing a Genestealer cult army wants to see.
When taken as part of an Eldar Warhost, 1-3 Lynxes may be taken as a Skyhunters Squadron, giving them a 4+ cover save the turn they arrive. This is a “support” slot in the host, a Forgeworld-created slot that may be taken once per Core host. This isn’t bad but it pales in comparison to the Corsair option.
Overall the Lynx is a grav-tank with a ton of potential that needs to be handled with skill and planning to avoid being more than a 250-point crater. It’s the kind of model that can make or break a match and isn’t for everyone. What are your thoughts on the Lynx? Is it viable in a competitive or semi-competitive format or is it best left to casual games? Be sure to give your thoughts below on this fun and dynamic unit!
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>Most lists will feature a Lynx to target hardened units, therefore a backup lance weapon may be the best choice.
Remember that both the Pulsar and Sonic Lance are ordnance weapons, which will force you to snapfire whatever secondary gun you have. I only ever use the Scatter Laser, since a couple extra S6 shots are a fine choice against most things.
The Lynx’s low profile (it technically doesn’t even have a flight stand, not even a skimmer one) makes it pretty achievable to maintain a cover save without Jinking, and usually you can use the Jink turn to go into Zoom mode and redeploy somewhere safer (or more threatening to the enemy) anyways.
Spirit Stones are a big help as well, since they give you better odds of just soaking up a random penetrating hit without being useless for a turn. For 10pts, they’re hard to beat.
I’ve played with the Lynx at a number of tournaments that allow the Sonic Lance- it’s certainly good, but given how fragile the Lynx is and the other limitations on it, I don’t really understand why it’s banned in ITC. Other Ignores Cover AP3/2 weapons with Apocalyptic Blasts are allowed, so it seems odd that the Lynx is a holdover. Not that Eldar really need the help, but the the Pulsar variant is pretty outclassed by the Warp Hunter and the Sonic Lance is easily worse than the Skathach Knight.
Yeah Spirit Stones go a long way towards making the Lynx more reliable. Too bad Corsair version doesn’t get something similar.
All good points. Updated to reflect the likely snap firing of the secondary weapon.
As for the sonic lance being banned in the ITC I personally don’t think it was ever warranted. It just got caught up in the no-hellstorm torrent ban. And even that seems to have no purpose in the game anymore since the power level on everything (er… um… many things) is like an 11/10. Dark Angel bikes can re-roll 2+ cover saves but Lynx players can’t bring their tool to counter them. Doesn’t make sense.
I believe Reece said nobody is asking for the hellstorm/torrent ban to be reversed. IMO the main reason for that is there are so few units with that weapon combination in the game though.
I still wouldn’t run my Lynx with the sonic lance though most of the time. Corsairs can deep strike it and probably get off two shots before getting shaken or worse I guess. Meh.
No mention of the differing profiles on the Lynx Pulsar? The Salvo mode on the Craftworlds Lynx is listed as only being range 24″ even though both the Corsair and the Appendix version are 48″. Every tournament I take it to I have to have the TO rule on it, and it’s usually been ruled against the longer range.
That’s silly and clearly a typo since the Appendix at the back has only one weapon profile for the Pulsar and lists salvo as 48″. If they were meant to have two separate profiles then the Appendix would reflect that.
Just my opinion though.
Well I agree, but that doesn’t stop TO’s from ruling that I have to use the profile listed on the datasheet. Would be nice if ITC could just make a decision that it is clearly a typo or at least let us vote on it.
I thought Forge World had said that it was mistakenly printed with the 24″ range and that it should be 48″ across all of the profiles?
I believe there was an email that was circulating that was supposedly from them, but I don’t think most TOs count that as official. That same email said Skathach Wraithknights backpack allows them to jump 18 inches instead of 12 (another typo) and allows them to jump out of combat.
Good stuff Zyekian, solid article as usual. Yeah the Lynx is still potent but nowhere like when it was a Superheavy. Personally I think they should have just kept it a superheavy, but oh well.
As mentioned, there are several rules typos with the FW book, like the CWE version only shooting Salvo out to 24″ (so stupid, come on FW), and there is also some weird wording on the kinetic shrouds… Overall I’m just super uncomfortable with the Lynx in a competitive setting since this book dropped, but absolutely love the model and the way it plays on the tabletop for more friendly games.
I want to be in your casual gaming group!
I love the model, but have not bought it because I know the cheese card would always be played when I would field it. Basically anything that fires D shots is just an auto target for criticism. Even though ITC has greatly reduced its effectiveness… I like fielding a pair of Hemlocks typically in my lists, love the models, and even they get me enough criticism. Some day I will just buy the model though, it is awesome!
Oh man we love some D-slingers in our casual gaming, what’s not to love!? Just so long as you communicate what you are bringing to the table with your opponent BEFORE they show up for the game, that is the big trick..
Double Hemlock would be absolutely brutal, I like it! Recently I’ve been running Corsair Phoenix Bomber + Hemlock Wraithfighter at 2k points which has also been absolutely savage, keep your eyes posted for some batreps soon.
In terms of the model the FW Lynx is super sexy just so long as you get a straight pulsar — those bendy resin pulsars are the worst
The other model that works fantastically for a more retro look (and very very solid, indestructible model) is the old Armourcast Falcon grav-tank. It worked a bit better when Lynx was a superheavy, but it’s still very cool IMO