We talk Season of war and The Bonesplitterz Battletome.
LVO AoS News: The player packet for the Narrative and GT are up on the site! www.lasvegasopen.net
- Bonesplitterz
- Sample 2k list: Reecius took too many Heroes in this list, doh! You have 6 allowed, total.
- Icebone Warclan: 100pts
- Snagga Rukk: 40pts
- Savage Boarboy Maniaks x 5: 160pts
- Savage Boarboy Maniaks x 5: 160pts
- Savage Boarboy Maniaks x 5: 160pts
- Savage Boarboy Maniaks x 5: 160pts
- Maniak Weirdnob: Big Spirit Stikk: 100pts
- Maniak Weirdnob: 100pts
- Kop Rukk: 100pts
- Wardokk: Big Wurrgog Mask: 80pts
- Wardokk: 80pts
- Wardokk: 80pts
- Savage Orruks Morboys x 10: 120pts
- Savage Orruks Morboys x 10: 120pts
- Teef Rukk: 40pts
- Savage Big Stabbas x 2: 100pts
- Savage Big Stabbas x 2: 100pts
- Wurgog Prophet: Dokk Juice: 140pts
- Savage Big Boss: Da Icebone Skull: 100pts
Reece Robbins
Jason Buter
Featuring and edited by:
Mariana Vera