We “dig in” to the Flesh Eaters Court and start to talk about the Generals Handbook.
The response to our first 2 episodes was great, and next week we might have a new voice stopping by to talk Age of Sigmar!
Our Fearless Leader:
Reece “Luis” Robbins
Jason “The Sleeze Man” Butler
Featuring and Edited by:
Mariana”trying her very best” Vera
Hey guys,
Loving the podcast. I am thinking about returning to fantasy (been out since the 90s). I would love to see a podcast that kind of does a breakdown of all the specific factions that are out there. Right now it seems very overwhelming trying to choose a faction and your insight would be appreciated!
Thanks for the feedback! That is certainly doable.
Pretty much start with the major alliance you are interested in first. Death, Chaos, Destruction, or Order. Armies can be a combination of any unit from those grand alliances so you have quite a bit to pick from.
Also the app is great for trying out units and army builds. If I’m interested in a model I download the warscroll and see how it plays. It also allows you to look at all the current subfactions on their own if you like.
Agreed, I think the app is secretly one of the best things about AoS.
No confusion over what rules are relevant or usable, just what is it in the app? Then it’s that.
I’m really digging the podcast also i was going to go Undead but there is so many options for undead i didnt know where to start, i knew i was going to buy Nagash first and paint him because well hes amazing!
Glad to hear you’re enjoying it! And yes, nagash is stupid awesome
Really enjoying 9th realm guys!!
Glad you’re enjoying it!
I’m pretty excited to see AOS picking up steam. Definitely going to play a bit with my ogres, just trying to decide on my second army (can’t just have one army for any game!)… Pretty torn between Sylvaneth and Fyreslayers, it just sucks that GW screwed the pooch on giving $ prices to fyreslayers, some of the most expensive infantry in the game!
Yeah, fyreslayers are pricey and they’re fragile, too.
Yeah, though frankly the list would probably be built around 4 Magmadroths, haha.
In which case it will be good, lol
Yeah, it appears the timing on the Fyreslayers release happened before the slightly lower prices we see from GW now… Here’s hoping for a Get Started box – I’m sure they’ll do it, but who knows when.
What Starter box for undead is best for Nagash?
Skeleton horde. Battle line skeletons, black knights or ghost cavalry, and a mortarch. Very good for beefing up the undead. Get three and you can have all the special characters.
loving the podcast so far. i really like the that you can pick what ever box of models build and paint em, then chuck them on the table and play. cant wait to get my iron jawz up and running. had my first game with them the other day, and they hit like a train if they make it to combat. keep up the good work and look forward to when you get around to talking about the battle tome for iron jawz would like to hear your guys thought on them.
Mariana needs a Slaan. Giant, sleepy, magic, toad on a floating recliner.
Really good wizard and he opens up summoning options.
One of the things I really like about AoS is that just about every unit I’ve seen is viable. Units that were terrible in fantasy 8th edition are almost universally better. Everything seems to have some job it does well or at least differently enough to justify its inclusion in your army.
Oh also a very nice change of pace but FW already has a spot for the points download for their AoS units. Didn’t have the file ready yet but that was yesterday.
Very nice to see them update quickly.
Also, also FW just updated their flyers to use death from the skies.
Good day
Nice catch!
Great stuff, as ever!
I like how Flesh Eaters summoning works, as they come on from board edges rather than summoned ‘from the ground’ as with other undead, gives a nice feeling of an endless tide of nasties that are surrounding you.
Already seen some awesome Flesh Eater/Bretonian model kit bashes, their really interesting background has so much opportunity for cool modelling, can’t wait to see what people do
Also I’m currently working on Stormcast, and want to rebase my vampire counts and wood/dark/high elf armies (I like elves…) army and throw some Sylvaneth in there because they’re just too awesome, also got a load of Bloodbound and Skaven stuff built and loads of Tomb Kings unbuilt, in the time of building all that I’ve painted one unit of 5 liberators and some of a lord relictor and I want to re do them anyway… really ought to get painting…
Sounds like a fun project!
Great podcast guys! I’ve only gotten in 2 games of AoS, but I’m really enjoying it. I’m currently just using my Daemons from 40k (even though I haven’t used them for that game in like 8 months), and they kick lots of behind! I have around 2500 points of them, I’ll either expand Chaos some more (want to pick up more Plague Drones and possibly some Slaves to Darkness stuff), or I’m going to start something new. I’m intrigued by Flesheater Courts and Stormcast at the moment, both have good cheap ways to get lots of models (Start Collecting, starter sets, King Vlagorescu’s Ghoulish Host), so I’m trying to be economical about it.
Glad you’re enjoying it!
Another awesome show for AoS!
I’m working on a Harvestboon Wargrove with the Everqueen and Spirit of Durthu. I love the +1 charge and the special wizard artifact is crazy good on Alerielle.
Sorry to say unless it specifically say she can take that relic no named characters are allowed to use relics.
Yeah, Alariellle and Drycha can’t take artefacts, not that they need any
So why are you guys rolling off for the combat phase?
The southcoast GT rules pack just says(under General Changes) that “The dice to see who takes the initiative at the start of each Battle Round may not be re-rolled or modified in any way.” But in the 4 page rules it doesn’t say anything about initiative.
nvm realized it was for the whole turn and not just the combat phase….
What is the list that comes in under 220 dollars I think is what you said?
I feel like for that price point I’ll start a Death Alliance army tonight haha
Hey dude, two Flesh Eater Courts Start Collecting Boxes and one or two other boxes of whatever you want and you have an entire army!
Hey reecius what do you think of the scenarios of the generals hand book, the matched play ones??? I think i kinda dig them. The senarios from before sucked monkey butt, but these new ones are baller.
I haven’t gotten to listen to your AoS podcast yet. Gonna go painting mad this weekend and catch up.
I just started listening to your AoS podcast and I’ve quite tempted to pick up flesh eaters court as my first army. Should I grab the King Vlagorescu’s Ghoulish Host or pick up 2 start collecting? I was also curious which big guy I should build if I choose King Vlagorescu’s Ghoulish Host they both seem so good. Thank for your podcasts I am enjoying them, I’m hoping to hear a skaven podcast soon.
They’re both very good! Alex in our group plays them and was one of the first to defeat Brandon, so they seem very solid so far!