So I am having a little trouble understanding the counter charge with ICs ruling. It seemed like every other time we add an IC to a unit it drops the unit’s special rules. Such as skyhammer assault squads not being able to charge out if DS with ICs however in this instance the unit DOES get to charge just the IC doesn’t move? This feels like a double standard.
Just to clarify I DO NOT WANT Draigo assaulting me turn one from deep strike. Just trying to understand the logic.
You guys kind of breezed past the final question about joining Deathpack, and I want to point out that it’s kind of contentious. It allows the TWC and the Wolf Lord from that formation to Run and Charge, which is pretty huge. It says attached ICs don’t get this rule, but it doesn’t keep the unit from doing so. Which begs the question – you can attach some other ICs (perhaps some Rune Priests from a Wyrdstorm Brotherhood on Bikes), and as long as they don’t run or shoot in the Shooting Phase, can the TWCs run for the extra distance and then charge? Because if so, that’s a pretty strong unit that can slingshot ICs via their extra D6″ run into Charge, making even T1 charges not too unreliable.
I hope that you mean ICs that are not part of the formation, because the Wolf Lord that is part of the formation benefits from the formation’s special rules and can join the thunderwolf cavalry and run and charge with them.
If you did mean ICs that are not part of the formation, then, as I understand the FAQ, they don’t prevent the unit from charging, but they aren’t allowed to charge themselves (much the same as ICs that join a unit of Wulfen using Bounding Lope).
But that’s the entire issue. There’s nothing in the Rules that allows just part of a Unit to Charge. That’s an action taken on a Unit-by-Unit basis, not Model-by-Model.
has GW given an faq ruling on auras in regards to open topped vehicles yet? I get why they would rule that an aura wouldn’t leave the confines of an enclosed transport, but with open topped vehicles your guys are essentially outside the vehicle like if you were to sit in the bed of a pickup irl.
Directly, no. However the trend seems to be “You’re in a transport, you’re effectively not on the battlefield (with these couple of exceptions for shooting)”
I’m also enjoying these responses for the meatier FAQS. Keep up coming. Hope we get regular signals as well.
My two teef on the the stance they are taking on auras:
The idea that a model in a vehicle, aka not on the board, can’t interact in the game is preposterous, because it happens all the time.
Everything a marine fires out of a hatch of a rhino,
I’m also enjoying these responses for the meatier FAQS. Keep up coming. Hope we get regular signals as well.
My two teef on the the stance they are taking on auras:
The idea that a model in a vehicle, aka not on the board, can’t interact in the game is preposterous, because it happens all the time.
Everything a marine fires out of a hatch of a rhino,
It’s a model not on a table potentially killing another that is.
And it only gets worse with open topped vehicles. Here’s 20 shoota booyz dakkaing some face, not on the table.
Or how about the reverse? Models can be shaken while riding in a vehicle, but isn’t actually on the table. Or he’ll, a farmer on an open topped vehicle can kill something not on the table.
So maybe that’s too far but just my feelings on it.
Sorry for the double post, I derped.
I’ve been enjoying these video responses. Really appreciate the extra work, guys!
Glad you like them!
Here’s the rule how it should be. But it only counts if your opponent feels like it. Oh GW, bless your hearts.
I know, right? haha. Would have been easier to simply Errata the Dread profile.
It’s almost like they think people are decent
Hahaha, true.
So I am having a little trouble understanding the counter charge with ICs ruling. It seemed like every other time we add an IC to a unit it drops the unit’s special rules. Such as skyhammer assault squads not being able to charge out if DS with ICs however in this instance the unit DOES get to charge just the IC doesn’t move? This feels like a double standard.
Just to clarify I DO NOT WANT Draigo assaulting me turn one from deep strike. Just trying to understand the logic.
Yeah, that was a weird one.
You guys kind of breezed past the final question about joining Deathpack, and I want to point out that it’s kind of contentious. It allows the TWC and the Wolf Lord from that formation to Run and Charge, which is pretty huge. It says attached ICs don’t get this rule, but it doesn’t keep the unit from doing so. Which begs the question – you can attach some other ICs (perhaps some Rune Priests from a Wyrdstorm Brotherhood on Bikes), and as long as they don’t run or shoot in the Shooting Phase, can the TWCs run for the extra distance and then charge? Because if so, that’s a pretty strong unit that can slingshot ICs via their extra D6″ run into Charge, making even T1 charges not too unreliable.
Good point, that is certainly something we may want to dig in to, further.
I hope that you mean ICs that are not part of the formation, because the Wolf Lord that is part of the formation benefits from the formation’s special rules and can join the thunderwolf cavalry and run and charge with them.
If you did mean ICs that are not part of the formation, then, as I understand the FAQ, they don’t prevent the unit from charging, but they aren’t allowed to charge themselves (much the same as ICs that join a unit of Wulfen using Bounding Lope).
But that’s the entire issue. There’s nothing in the Rules that allows just part of a Unit to Charge. That’s an action taken on a Unit-by-Unit basis, not Model-by-Model.
So, is that “Roused to War” rule going to be on the June vote? And when can we expect that vote to hit?
Here’s hoping!
It will, yes, and the vote will be next week.
I’m all for it. And this isn’t just because my first army was a BA 7 dreads + DC for funsies list.
You should consider adding hellbrutes into the vote also just for completeness sake.
It’s been made an official errata now
GW is so hilarious at times.
Good job on these quick releases no pun
HAHA that Frankie look about CSM getting the 2 attacks extra.
has GW given an faq ruling on auras in regards to open topped vehicles yet? I get why they would rule that an aura wouldn’t leave the confines of an enclosed transport, but with open topped vehicles your guys are essentially outside the vehicle like if you were to sit in the bed of a pickup irl.
Directly, no. However the trend seems to be “You’re in a transport, you’re effectively not on the battlefield (with these couple of exceptions for shooting)”
I think the run and charge response was trying to say that attached ICS can’t run, but can still charge so long as the run doesn’t break coherence.
So roused to war works for any dreadnought data slate regardless of which kind, so Murderfang is base 6 attacks now right :))
Bjorn, too, or at least that’s how I read it.
100% with you on that
this was awesome! Fantastic content!
“All Dreadnaughts”
So… Contemptors with 6 attacks anyone?
No wait. They arent in BA/SW/GK codexes. Nevermind!
Yeah, i would have Roused to War up for a vote.
Rules as intended, in my honest opinion.
I’m also enjoying these responses for the meatier FAQS. Keep up coming. Hope we get regular signals as well.
My two teef on the the stance they are taking on auras:
The idea that a model in a vehicle, aka not on the board, can’t interact in the game is preposterous, because it happens all the time.
Everything a marine fires out of a hatch of a rhino,
I’m also enjoying these responses for the meatier FAQS. Keep up coming. Hope we get regular signals as well.
My two teef on the the stance they are taking on auras:
The idea that a model in a vehicle, aka not on the board, can’t interact in the game is preposterous, because it happens all the time.
Everything a marine fires out of a hatch of a rhino,
It’s a model not on a table potentially killing another that is.
And it only gets worse with open topped vehicles. Here’s 20 shoota booyz dakkaing some face, not on the table.
Or how about the reverse? Models can be shaken while riding in a vehicle, but isn’t actually on the table. Or he’ll, a farmer on an open topped vehicle can kill something not on the table.
So maybe that’s too far but just my feelings on it.
Sorry for the double post, I derped.
Note to self:
Stop posting here on a phone. It never goes well for me.
Farmer = flamer.
Among other more embarrassing typos….
Everyone knows you use a heavy farmer to dispatch orks, hopefully one with a higher power level then 5
Just found room in my Blackmane ITC list for Murderfang in a Lucius pod. Six base attacks…