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RUMBL: 1000 Users & Early Data Analysis

Hey guys, it’s Adam from TheDiceAbide and RUMBL. One of the big things I was excited for about RUMBL was the data. I’m a bit of a data nerd and enjoy making visualizations, as well as just seeing what large aggregate data for products looks like.

It’s a bit of a niche fetish, but it comes with the territory in my field. When we created RUMBL, we knew that we would be in a unique position to see how people really play miniature games. Not just buying habits at a regional level that game companies have to go by, or convention attendance, but instead, we get to actually see how often gamers play, what they’re playing and where, it’s quite exciting!

Taking this information in aggregate, it’s fun to see trends of behavior of my fellow nerd, and to pull the curtain back on how people actually enjoy the games we all play.

RUMBL: Over 1000 Users

First I would like to thank you all for helping the success of RUMBL, our online player finder for miniature wargames. It’s a very exciting time, being able to leverage the latest technology to connect gamers to their larger, global communities. In less than 2 weeks from our initial announcement, we have grown much larger than we could have anticipated. The road has been a tad bumpy, and we are still struggling with some issues (damn you SMS verification!), but nothing which actually impairs the use of the app. We have already been implementing customer feedback and added or changed features to make it even easier to connect with and play games against, new opponents in your area.

Number of Game Systems

First up the basic question, how many games does our average user play? I was expecting the overwhelming majority of players to only play the one game, which was probably because of my personal experience of my 40k days, it was hard to convince me to play anything else. It’s nice to see though, that in actuality, over half of the players play 2 or more games, and almost a quarter play 4 or more games. Still, there are a huge amount of purists that only play one game, which could be either attributed to not being interested in other games, or playing smaller, niche games that we haven’t included on RUMBL just yet.

Most Frequently Added Games

There is some really interesting data to be found here, especially in terms of general popularity. This graph is showing the % of our users who have added a particular game. Beyond the Gates of Antares is currently in the lead, their community was the first to adopt RUMBL, and they have been very supportive of the platform so far. Right on it’s heels though is the behemoth Warhammer 40k, and Warhammer 40k: ITC Format, which we’ve included separately, due to it’s popularity. There is a lot of overlap with the two, so combining them into one doesn’t do the other games justice (most ITC players also registered for standard 40k). X-Wing also has an amazingly strong showing, coming up right behind 40k, despite us not publicizing it directly to X-Wing players. From there Bolt Action and Infinity have strong showings, and surprisingly we have more players registered for Age of Sigmar than Warmachine, maybe people do play it after all!

Now, I suspect this data will be fluctuating greatly. We have more partnerships coming down the line with other publishers (many of whom are on this list), and I suspect these values will change drastically in the next few months, but it is at least fun to get a snapshot of the community so far.

Are You Ready to RUMBL?

For those who haven’t heard, RUMBL is an online player finder for miniature wargames, and the official player finder for the ITC. In addition to helping you find new opponents, RUMBL also provides a secure way to chat and set up games, before meeting, so there is no need to exchange personal data. After you have finished playing your game, you can submit your scores, and compare your rank against other players of the same games. You can battle to be the best in the world, or at the very least, the best player in your area.

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