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KDK Review: Elites: Bloodcrushers


Hello, Veterans and Rookies of the table-top. Scuba Steve here to talk about the fastest Crushers this side of Blood River. That’s right! Today’s tactics discussion is going to be on the KDK Bloodcrushers! They’re fast, they’re ruthless, and they’re all you’ll need to take your game to the next level with Khorne Daemonkin! As always, for more great articles, be sure to check out the Tactics Corner!

Here Comes the BOOM!

I would classify the KDK Bloodcrushers as being one of those “stealth” units in a codex. At first glance, sure, they seem underwhelming for their cost. However, when you start to think around their perceived purpose and identify ways to play to the strengths of the unit, then there are some really awesome “up-sides” to using a few units of these bad boys in your army. Like I do with all of my articles, let’s break down the unit’s special abilities and rate them on a scale of “Just okay” to “Good”, it will help if we can all acknowledge what, exactly, makes a unit good and why.


Special Rules:



Alright… all-in-all, pretty good. Let’s move on to HOW you can use them on the table top!

The Whites of Their Eyes!

There are so many ways to use Bloodcrushers! I have come up with two different strategies you can take from this article and feel free to leave a few more in the comments section!

  1. Up Close: As you can probably deduce, the core of this tactic is being close to your opponent – you’re not wrong. The basic premise of this strategy is to charge your opponent with multiple units of Bloodcrushers, applying incredible pressure to your opponent. With this kind of Blitz attack, placement during deployment and movement is really important, you need to move towards particular targets that your opponent is trying to protect, the application of pressure only matters if your opponent cares about the targets you are charging towards. Additionally, saturation of threats with this strategy is key! I would suggest using this strategy with an army format that allows you to use formations to adjust the allotment of Elites you can reasonably take. I would suggest either of the KDK formations: Brazn Onslaught (a personal favorite) or the Chanel Cohort. Once you’ve closed on those prime targets with three/four units of Bloodcrushers, you will likely be able to charge them in the following turn, the best way to ensure that you have your Bloodcrushers alive and well in this initial charge, is to use the terrain to your advantage; Cavalry units are never slowed down by terrain and can really use those cover saves to their advantage. Once they have made contact with the enemy lines, just let them do what they do best.
  2. Personal: This strategy has a slightly more nuanced approach… Instead of barreling forward with your Bloodcrushers, use their speed to contest objectives and chase down “problem units”. What I mean by the “problem units” is those pesky units that every opponent has, sitting on back line objectives, infiltrating onto key objectives, or holding Line Breaker, these kind of units are the PERFECT target for Bloodcrushers because they are usually a little on the weaker side (Scouts, Rangers, etc…), they won’t have the power to fend off the close combat might of a unit of crushers. Additionally, it is also a great use of the Banner of Blood, using the unit’s speed to effectively get a locator beacon to a point on the board where you need it most; making summoning in reinforcements, or securing safe Deep Strikes from reserves.

Sometimes… Dreams Need to be Crushed…

This unit is not the be-all-end-all… unfortunately, they have a really, really BIG downside… Toughness 4… They are a multi-wound model with Toughness 4… Instant Death here we come. Missile Launchers do them in… seems bad. Well, it is bad… You can’t have your super awesome cavalry unit dying to a bunch of Krak Missiles, very underwhelming and super unimpressive. Well, that’s the way it is, unfortunately. These bad boys are by no means Thunderwolf Cavalry. Additionally, having a 6+ armor save and a 5++ don’t make them any more survivable. So, that means you have to be EXTRA careful about where and how you position the Bloodcrushers, use their speed to keep them out of LOS or in some awesome cover.

Out For Blood… and Crush Soda

Well, there it is, not the most fantastic unit in the codex, but definitely a sharp tool in the shed. By using the banner and the Bloodcrusher’s speed to optimize how you use them, I think that everyone will find that they do have spot in most KDK lists, no one can argue with Speed and Power, and the Bloodcrusher has both. I challenge you all to give them a try and find a few different ways to get them off the shelf and onto the tabletop. If you’re interesting in giving them a shot, I hear that Frontline Gaming sells GW products for up to 25% off! A stellar deal! Until next time…

Scuba Steve, Signing Out


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