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Signals from the Frontline #430

signals from the Frontline

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Show Notes





Upcoming ITC Events

Rumors: The Rumor Section is gathered from the web and is not in any way information we receive from  any manufacturer nor is it necessarily accurate. This section of the podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only.

Rant Session

Tactics Corner

Rules Lawyer

Completed Commissions

List Review

1850 ITC Legal

Siege of Vraks, The Purge

Renegade Command Squad, Archdemagogue w/Ordnance Tyrant, Chaos Covenant,

Covenant of Nurgle

Renegade Heavy Ordnance Battery, Medusa Siege Gun Carriage x 3 (Each

Separate Elite Choice)

Renegade Heavy Ordnance Battery, Earthshaker Gun Carriage x 3 (Each Separate

Elite Choice)

4 x 25 Plague Zombies

4 x 3 Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Batteries, Militia Training

Void Shield Generator + 1 Additional Shield

Chaos Daemons (Daemonic Incursion)


Herald of Nurgle, Greater Locus, Palaquin, Doomsday Bell

2 x 3 Nurglings

5 x 10 Plaguebearers

5 Chaos Furies

I know the guys don’t usually see lists like these, so a few highlights. Ton

of 4+ FNP bodies on the table (plenty to bubblewrap), 6 large blasts coming

down a turn, BS 3 twin-linked rapier batteries…. Daemonic Incursion

benefits with Nurgle daemons corrupting objectives, deepstriking, plus the

Doomsday bell lowers LD by 1 for those pinning/LD checks from the artillery.

Presents way too many targets for the enemy to deal with, plus the Ordnance

Tyrant allows my artillery to target friendly units in combat (with plague

zombies).  And the artillery blasts create dangerous terrain when they land.

Fits the fluff of the book as well.



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