Thanks for watching! You can find the lists in the description below! Also who else is super stoked for The Broadside Bash? Check the for more great video bat reps!
Commander Drone Controller,Iridium Suit, 2x marker drones 1 142
Crisis Suit Bonding Knife 1 23
Crisis Suit Bonding Knife 1 23
Riptide WarnEarlying Override, Stimulant Injector, Bonding Knife 1 221
Riptide Wing
Riptide Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector 2 220
Riptide Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector 1 220
Riptide Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector 1 220
Fast Attack
Drones Marker 5 70
Lord of War
Stormsurge Pulse Driver Cannon, Early Warning Override, Shield Generator 2 860
Totals 1999
White Scars
khan Moondraken 1 150
Chaplain Bike, Auspex, Hunters Eye, Melta Bomb 1 140
Command Squad Bikes, Melta Gun x5, Apothecary, Melta Bomb x5 5 215
Razorback Twin-linked Lascannon, Dozer blade 1 25
Tactical Squad Grav Cannon 5 105
Rhino Dozer Blade 1 5
Tactical Squad Grav Cannon 5 105
Rhino Dozer Blade 1 5
Tactical Squad Grav Cannon 5 105
Rhino Dozer Blade 1 5
Tactical Squad Grav Cannon 5 105
Rhino Dozer Blade 1 5
Tactical Squad Grav Cannon 5 105
Rhino Dozer Blade 1 5
Tactical Squad Grav Cannon 5 105
Droppod 1 0
10th Company Task Force
Scouts Melta Bomb 5 60
Scouts Melta Bomb 5 60
Scouts Melta Bomb 5 60
Fast Attack
Attack Bike Multi Melta 1 50
Attack Bike Multi Melta 1 50
Heavy Support
Devastators Grav Cannon x2 5 140
Rhino Dozer Blade 1 5
Devastators Grav Cannon x2 5 140
Rhino Dozer Blade 1 5
Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Power Armor, Servo Skull x3 1 42
Coteaz 1 100
Callexus 1 140
Totals 76 1987
Nice bat rep but its kind of dark on this map :/
Nice short rep!
Some (hopefully useful) feedback, as I see this one was quite innovative: the “UI” (in lack of a better word) looks great! With the little name tags, small “player cam” at the bottom right while talking through the lists, and the round turn-counter. Small things, but they really make the video look nice and professional.
The background music was cool as well, but a bit too loud while the players spoke (specially at the beginning).
Thanks for the feedback!
I’m curious as to whether the riptide that died was from the wing or if it was the lone one.
Actually, now that I think about it, I’m curious why you didn’t just make that riptide part of the wing by making one of the riptide units a squad of 2.
It’s definitely an option, but especially in a list with so few units to start with I would be hesitant to lose yet another one. Being on its own means that the pair of them are less of a target for “heavy” shooting (such as Grav Cents, etc) and can maneuver individually, which makes the army more flexible overall.
This was really awesome! I loved the culexus staring down the stormsurge shot.
Yeah, that shot was lovely!
Yeah, that was all Mariana! She’s getting better at these for sure.
+1, sound and video quality over the last year has continually improved.
It’s been a challenge but we’re getting better. Thanks for the feedback!
Really great batrep, loved the armies and the style (and the time!) of this one — more please!
Will do!
Great batrep and nice production quality!
Sidenote: It would be nice with a small post game discussion after these short videos. Perhaps something like if any of them would have done things differently or maybe missed opportunities. Perhaps the marines should have played more cagey/defensive since a turn 1 alpha was not possible. Did the riptides go for 3++ early game?
Thanks for the feedback and I agree, a short recap at the end would be great.
If you are running a riptide in a CAD, why not use a Yvara?
Good point, DooDoo, I’d take that, too.
Always a fan of the short forms!
Really liked this format
Especially the fast play of the movement phase
Will do and glad you liked it!