Hey everybody,
Just a quick passing by post to share a couple of Battle reports from the weekend just gone using the UK GT final format.
Report 1.
Eldar ( Revenant) VS. Imperial Knights -Household Detachment / Iron Hands allies.
Report 2.
War Convocation w/ White Scars Allies Vs. Iron Hands
Please Enjoy!
Good stuff, working on an Iron Hands list myself for an upcoming tourny. What loadout is your command squad running?
Hello bud,
The command sqaud + chapter master is 500pts
5 guys on bikes
4 with grav guns/ storm shields
1 apothecary
Comes to 240pts.
Chapter master
Gorgans chain, thunder hammer, lightning claw, bike, artificer armour
Comes to 260pts.
Cheers for watching!
I love Adam’s nicknames for everything.
Wait, you play tournaments with Revenants? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Welcome to the UK
Always a pleasure having you gents’ bat reps on FLG!
Cheers for having us!