Hello, this Cameron, I’m back with another battle report!
This Battle Report was taken at the Las Vegas Open during the Day 2, 3 round, 1500 point Dropzone Tournament. For my first round I was randomly paired against Hawk Simon! Tough draw.
The LVO was a really fun event, and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a travel Dropzone tournament.
Let me know what you think in the comments section
Loving these! Keep em coming.
To clarify; I really like the way the report is done with each activation. Just so you don’t get any ideas of doing it in a simpler way
Yeah, Cameron does a great job with them!
Don’t worry! I’m not planning on changing. If you look back at my early reports I only filmed the end of every turn… I switched to this format because I thought it would be easier to follow.
This way is more work, but I’m used to it now and it goes quickly.
Great! They are the best on the net so far. We swedes are thinking about a standard 1500pts introduction battlereport and then we would do something like this because it is just gives a much better view of the game.