Hey everyone, it’s Adam from TheDiceAbide! Today I wanted to show off the army that won Best Painted 40k Army at the Las Vegas Open, which was painted by my good friend Obadiah! He brought home the gold winning both the Best Painted Army for the 40k Championships, but also getting ranked Gold in the Draconic Awards for his Canoness! A big congratulations to him for finally earning his awards!

I remember playing this army when it was still a WIP. It has certainly come a long way and the award was well deserved! Congrats sir!
Congratz, Obi!
I remember seeing this at Lvo. It’s unreal. Best looking army I’ve ever seen
You can see his WIP models here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bodhimind/albums/72157648310258314
Thank you for posting this! My phone takes garbage pics so was hoping it was captured by someone else.
Down right amazing, jaw droppingly gooooooooooood!
The free hand is amazing no one can deny that. But honestly the rest of the paint job is so so. If you’d look at the models up close 8t kinda falls apart
I always have a soft spot for well-painted Sisters. And that knight head! So cool.
This is the best looking army I’ve ever seen…. wow… and that Knight!!!! I’m speechless.. Awesome work!
Damn, that is some beautiful work there. Were the Rhinos illustrated freehand?
Yeah, crazy, right?!
These are the pics I always look forward to seeing
Amazing army. I’m sure it’s a joy to play with. Expected to see an assassin in there some where.