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Signals from the Frontline #393


Show Notes

Date 12-4-15





Upcoming ITC Events

Rumors: The Rumor Section is gathered from the web and is not in any way information we receive from  any manufacturer nor is it necessarily accurate. This section of the podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only.

Rant Session

Tactics Corner

Rules Lawyer

Completed Commissions

List Review

-Dan Serafimov

Hey guys. Big fan of the show…The tournament format you guys have created is brilliant…your attempts to balance the rules are much appreciated…hoping to make the trip to states in the future, and to partake in either the 40k or the Horus Heresy events there.


-Captain, Artifacer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Shield Eternal


-10 Tacticals, Combi Plasma, Plasma, Grav-Cannon, Rhino

-10 Tacticals, Combi Plasma, Plasma, Grav-Cannon, Rhino

-5 Scouts, 4 Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher, Camo-Cloaks

Fast Attack:

-Stormtalon, TL-Lascannon

-Stormtalon, TL-Lascannon

-Drop Pod

Heavy Support:

-Centurion Devastators, Grav-Cannons, Hurricane Bolters, Omniscope

-Relic Sicaran, Lascannon Sponsons, Schism of Mars

Oathsworn Knight Detachment:

-Knight Errant, Heavy Stubber

So, that’s the list. It comes to 1849 point in total.

-First Question: Should I swap the Grav Cannons in the Tac Squads for Missile Launchers/Plasma Cannons or something else so that I can upgrade the Captain to a Chapter Master? He could drop an Orbital Strike at another unit when he arrives with the Centurions in the Pod…

-Second Question: Am I safe to assume the Vindicator Laser Destroyer is allowed in the tournaments? It was recently released by FW and the rules aren’t marked as being experimental so it’s safe for use…

Thanks guys, all the best and keep up the excellent work!


Second list from Nov 30th

List Review

The game plan of this list is to have the Ratlings sneak onto and hold the objectives that are outside my deployment zone. The two normal Battle Tanks hang back and use their long range to keep in my deployment zone and hold any objectives there might be. Pask and his squadron will clear out infantry and medium vehicles. The veterans are there to provide screening and ap2 threat. The knights are there to provide hand to hand and anti heavy armor. They are also there to take the pressure off my other tanks. Provide the situation of “darned if you do, darned if you don’t”.  Please let me know what you think.

Iron Curtain

Tank Commander 1 30 410 Dragon Fury, Knight Commander Pask 40

Leman Russ Punisher 1 140, Heavy Bolters 20, Dozer Blade 5

Leman Russ Punisher 1, Plasma Cannons 30, Dozer Blade 5

Vet 1 10 60 70 Camo Cloaks 10

Vet 2 10 60 70 Camo Cloaks 10

Leman Russ Battle Tank 1 150

Dozer Blade 5

Leman Russ Battle Tank 1 150

Dozer Blade 5

Ratlings 3 30 30

Ratlings 3 30 30

Wyvern 1 65

Dozer Blade 5

Camo Netting 15

Void Shield Generator 1 50

2 X Extra Shields 50

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