The Raven Guard Talon Strike Force vs. the Tau Hunter Contingent! Gonna be a hoot-nanny! Check the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps. Check out the pre-game report for the lists and tactics!

The Raven Guard Talon Strike Force vs. the Tau Hunter Contingent! Gonna be a hoot-nanny! Check the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps. Check out the pre-game report for the lists and tactics!
I really enjoy your battle reports. But I really miss the 15-30 minute ones as I don’t have to dedicate a large part of my day watching them.
Any chance you guys will do more short reports?
I know you just did one, but they are few and far in between.
We will be putting out 1 a week! We’re actually filming one, now.
Absolutely love the new Raven. That armie plays the way I like to play 40k
The game we’re filming now is actually Grey Knights vs. Battle Company, but yeah, the Raven Guard detachment is slick rick!
The Skyhammer pinning power made this game a walk over. It’s silly that that does that the whole game. Just amazing that we’ve come to a point in playing 40k that a formation can lock down 4 units a turn, every turn, with no way to defend your self from it and of the how ever many hundreds of people who have watched this game didn’t even comment that those pinning checks made this game a forgone conclusion.
Wow, just wow.
All bike army or mounted in transports or daemons and Tyranids in synapse range can’t be pinned, there are counters to it
There being armies that don’t get shut down like that isn’t terribly relevant to what I’m saying. This one power in a formation made this particular game very nearly a pointless endeavor in competitive terms. That’s really not okay.
but if you don’t play like that against tau, you will just loose..
you can always just have some leadership… ie an ethereal with stubborn going…
Fearless units can’t be pinned either right? Not on wifi so can’t watch it but are these checks or automatically pinned? 40k has that Rock Paper Scissors feel a lot, and this is probably one of those games where one side has an advantage.
interceptor on a yvarha would of changed that alpha strike dramatically =D
Loved the game, watched the end live on twitch and was glad to see that uber beginning raven guard turn everyone on the twitch chat was talking about.
I also sent some playtest info from my tau coordinated firepower list to, hope it helps.
Kind of annoying when you can’t hear what the players are saying, I had no idea what majority of dice rolls were for, especially since I’m not familiar with any of the armies on the table.
And it would be nice if the commentator was commenting the game instead of the online comments which you can’t see in the video anyway.
I agree, would be great if the commentary was more like is done during a game of golf. Comments on the on-line comments could be done during rules disputes.
Would also like to have breaks at the start of the turn where each player secretly outlines his strategy out of hearing of the other player. Pointing out the points where he is worried, excited about, secret traps, etc.