Hello everyone Frankie here to show off the progress made on my army plus talk about Nova a little bit.
So I added Dozer Blades to all of my Rhinos due to the amount of terrain the Nova Open tables have. The last thing I want to happen is to roll the dreaded one while trying to grab an objective. I am feeling more confident with the list now after playing a few more games. I know some of the limits of the list and what armies I will have issues against. I believe my toughest match-ups will be against fast assault armies such as Thunderdome and Daemons. But for the most part I am feeling more comfortable with the list especially since Nova lets you pick the missions you play. I believe the army will play to the missions really well with the exception of kill points.
Here is the update on my army; it is coming along really well and I cannot wait for it to be finished! The army is going to be very impressive when it is complete and will hopefully grace the top tables with its presence.
Nova is this coming week and I cannot wait to see how the list performs. I am paired up against Chaos Daemons and Chaos Space marines in the invitational. I think this will be a tough match-up due to the Hell Drakes and most likely a Screamer star. Against this army I will need to stay in the Rhinos as long as possible and try to bring the Helldrakes down with the Grav Cannons.
Anyways guys and gals thats all I have for today, but I can’t wait to bring you Nova updates starting Thursday this week. Thank you for reading and hope to see some of you in DC!
Looking forward to the updates! Good luck!
Those look really nice. I really enjoy playing the battle company. It has strength that is not overwhelming. It is a technicians army
I am actually really fucking thrilled to see your army.. looks SO cool
Have you been able to test the list vs. Flyrants?
Hey Nightman I haven’t yet but with all my Grav I think I would do some serious damage to them.
I really like the color theme, looking forward to batreps!
I really like the Spartan theme and the chevrons on the rhinos look amazing!
Yeah the Spartan theme is really cool.
Great work Frankie! Keep us updated as you get even closer to finishing this awesome army!
Can’t wait to see it in person Frankie! Looks fantastic!
Frankie the army looks fuggin sweet. Can’t wait to see it perform on the table top!
Good Luck!
Looks great
Wow Frankie this army is looking gorgeous! Good luck at NOVA buddy, kick some teeth in!
Thanks broth
I really like the color scheme and execution. I like the Greek vibe of the Minotaurs and I think you’ve really come through on that.
Damn that’s nicely done
Wow, that is an awesome army Frankie! Best of luck! It’s been a few years, had to move and sell all my stuff but I’m back. Man, a lot has changed. I’m starting a Nurgle assault based army, definitely going to be stopping by for advice and orders when you and Reece are back.
Great looking army, Frankie!
Let me know if you want any 30k/heresy head bits, with the greek crests!
Night lords don’t have time for crests, not when they can have head-wings, so I have some spare!
How are you going to transport that giant spear?