Vegas is coming, Vegas is coming! Get pumped everyone, because the LVO 2016 is going to be absolutely amazing, and now we’ve got the rooms available for you to book, just follow this link!
We will be staying at the beautiful Ballys Casino on the strip in Vegas. The hotel is nice, affordable and centrally located. Staying at the event hotel makes your experience at the LVO infinitely more enjoyable as you don’t have to walk long distances with all of your gaming goodies to get to the event! Plus, you will be right in the middle of the action with all of your gamer comrades for the gaming and nighttime social events! We’ve got a plethora, yay, a cornucopia of gaming awesomeness planned for the convention across a spectrum of games from 40k to Warmachine and everything in between. The full schedule of events will be coming very soon along with ticket sales for individual events.
The event is Feburary 5th-7th, a Friday through Sunday. The core staff actually arrives on Wednesday to make sure everything is in order, so you may see as at the Blackjack tables Wednesday night! Come and say hi, if so.
Book Your Room, Here!
If your preference is to call in and book your room, use the following group code: SBFRO6
Hotel Booking number: 1-800-358-8777
Please be aware, we will not be extending the room block this year. When it is full, it’s full. Last year the first block filled up in a matter of weeks! It is too much financial risk at this point in time to reserve more rooms after the initial block is full, so don’t wait to book your rooms. Last year the hotel was fully booked the weekend of the event, so wait to book at your own risk. You have been warned, muahaha! In the event you do not get a room and it does fill up, there are plenty of accommodations in Vegas, but it may be a bit of a walk to get to the venue each day for you.
We are just so excited for Vegas this year, it is going to be the biggest and best year, yet! See you all there.
Dice out, pints out, wallets out. It’s gonna be a good one.
Hells to the yeah!
what are you talking about? Mrs MoreTanks got all the wallets so you don’t have wallets out
And me not knowing my financial situation
Hope you get those finances in order and can make it, buddy.
Will the gaming start Wed? I’m coming across from the UK and plan to land in the U.S. Wed but I don’t want to miss the event.
No, it is Friday through Sunday.
When will tickets for the event itself be going on sale?
August! Probably towards the end of the month.
Interested in coming with my son, but want to know if there will be any narrative non-tournament Age of Sigmar games being offered. My son is a good age for Age of Sigmar, but a little too young to fend for himself in a traditional style RTT event.
Totally makes sense. We plan to have AoS there, yes. All of the event scheduling and information will be up, next month. Hope to see you both there!
Went with my two boys last year, aged 10 and 12. They had a blast. Played in the 40k friendly. Great bonding experience. Will be coming back this year, because frankly February in the East Coast is just depressing. Need a Vegas sunshine injection!
Superbowl weekend, so will have to pass for this year, here is to 2017
We will be having a Super Bowl viewing party specifically for attendees!
Tell us more. This is actually a big deal for some of our crew.
Knowing that the conflict with the Super Bowl was going to be an issue for some folks but not being able to avoid it (that was the ONLY weekend available for a venue the size we needed), we rented out an extra room for Sunday for folks to watch the big game on. You will be able to hang out with fellow gamers, eat, drink and enjoy the show in a private viewing room! Should be super fun, actually.
^ I hear there is going to be a special Super Bowl party at the LVO …
See you there, buddy!
Booked! Excited to be there again.. best tourney each year. Super Bowl weekend is packing a LOT of fun into one weekend but I am sure I won’t mind watching my Seahawks from there
It’s going to be great winning two championships this year.
No way man, you won’t cheese out a win like last year. Go-Pack-Go!!!!
Going to be a BLAST, brotha!
They better know how to rush a 1/2 yard line this year.
See you there, buddy!
I will be there to defend my Warmachine title, but why did you have to make it the same weekend as Superbowl!!!!!!!
Haha, see you there, buddy! And we had no choice on the weekend, that was the only time available for a venue that size. But, as stated we will be having a Sup[er Bowl viewing party at the event! So, it will be an awesome way to enjoy both Football and gaming!
Done! Flying in from the UK for this.
What’s the best way to make sure I don’t miss out on a 40k Champs ticket?
Awesome! See you there.
We will announce the day and time the tickets are going up for sale so that no one misses out.
Cool, thanks Reecius! Really looking forward to it.
NP, happy to help! We’re getting pumped =)
Ouch! Big price jump from last year for rooms. Granted, Ballys is a nicer hotel but at more then double the price! I see youre trying to strong arm us Canadians away!
Lol, no, we want you all to come. We have no control over room prices and yeah, Ballys is MUCH nicer than the Flamingo. It is still a very reasonable room rate.
Boom! Room Booked!
I’m going to be there way early, i might be able to help out if needed!
See you there!
Figuring out friends plans…
Well, I booked my room. This will be my first non local tournament in 20 years of gaming. Can’t wait to make some new friends.
Gonna be a blast!
Please book on the old north wing on 7th floor or the 23th floor.