In this short form battle report the Khorne Daemonkin take to the field against their arch enemies, the Daemons of Slannesh. Blood, bone, and Daemonic Ichor fly as the two baleful hosts collide with one another. Be sure to check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!
Chaos on Chaos!
Army Slaneesh Lists:
Captain A’s list
Keeper of Secrets – 2 Greater Rewards
Herlad – ML2/Seeker/Exalted Reward/Locus of Beguilement
6 Fiends
5 X 10 Daemonettes
20 Seekers – Heartseeker
2 Soul Grinders – MOS/Baleful Torrent
Daemon Prince – Wings/Armor/ML3/Exalted Reward/Greater Reward
Khorne Daemonkin
Khorne Bloodthirster – Dbag guy
20 Bloodletters
2 FW Blood Slaughterers
Chaos Lord – Power Fist/Lightning Claws/Terminator Armor
10 Cultists
8 Chaos Space Marines – Rhino
FW Land Raider Spartan
Nice bat rep!
Yeah, the short form bat reps are fun. Looking forward to those you will be making as well!
How was Belakor taken? I don’t think he’s a valid HQ choice for Khorne Daemonkin.
I was wondering the same thing, they might have meant for him to be in the Chaos detachment.
Yeah, the Blood Slaughterers as well. They aren’t an “official Daemonkin” choice. They will be when it gets an official FAQ from FW, but as of now they can’t be taken and don’t get BFTBG.
It sounds like this event was billed for fun, and they let folks kind of build the list they want to build, which is cool.
FW is telling everyone via email that anything in IA13 with Mark/Daemon of Khorne can be taken by KDK, and will gain the BftBG rule accordingly, it just hasn’t made it into a print FAQ yet (which they say is being worked on).
That’s enough for most people I know to allow it at home, just obviously not in most tournaments. Be’lakor on the other hand still can’t be in there.
There was a Chaos Space Marines detachment with cultists I believe
Awww yeah!
This wasn’t an ITC game. It was a OFCC practice game. OFCC rules are more about bringing what you want and having fun.
The ITC is also about having fun =P
But I understand what you mean.
Word. Fun is about balanced choices when competitive people get together.
Looks like the OFCC makes some good lists too with their format.
Yeah, it’s all about setting and meeting or exceeding expectations. That is the key to creating a fun event.
Only a few days away! YAY!
They didn’t detail the blood tithe usage. I’d be curious what he did with it.
Great bat rep guys, really miss these 15-30 minute reports. They elevated my game substantially, and I learned some great tactics from them. I love the idea of the twitch videos, but watching a 3+hour long video report so late a night (here on the East Coast) is just something I can’t fit in. Keep up the great work!