In this battle report, the Valorous Blood Angels led by a newcomer to the studio named Nick take to the field against the otherworldly power of Be’Lakor and his host of Tzeentch Daemons led by Frontline Gaming veteran James. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!

Those BA look great on the table, just finish those bike bases!
huh, interesting that the video was actually fine on your end of the capture.
Hopefully Tzeentch get some love soon. I have games where I roll 20 dive for psychics and I dont get a single power off.
Why wouldnt you make Fatey your WL since the Be’lakor WL trait is worthless against SM?
As much as I like Tzeentch, they arent that good in assault. The screamers are actually WS3. 9-(
Great game though!
Belakor has to be warlord because his leadership is higher
Higher Ld doesn’t have to be warlord anymore that is from 6th edition. No such restriction anymore in 7th.