Hey guys, it’s Adam from TheDiceAbide.com. As much as I enjoy talking about Imperial Knights, what I truly love is Chaos in all forms. With my path set towards damnation, I will be spending some time looking into all the contrivances that a Chaos General has at their disposal. The most recent tool kit added to the Chaos arsenal comes in the form of two books, Imperial Armour 13 and the Siege of Vraks, which bring to bear an entire new army with which to spread the glory of the Chaos Gods.
Chaos Renegades
Clearly the topic of this article, Chaos Renegades brings an army much like Astra Militarum to the ranks of Chaos. You gain access to vast quantities of expendable fodder, lumbering tanks, and thundering artillery. As a long-time Chaos general, all of that sounds amazing. For me though, it’s especially about the artillery, since the loss of the Basilisk and barrage on the Defiler, Chaos has been short of options to deal with opponents that are well dug in.
There are two renegade lists, the Vraks Renegades and the IA13 Renegades and Heretics, both of which are nearly identical, except that Vraks Renegades cannot take the Covenant of Tzeentch or Slaanesh, have no access to flyers, and have different Demagogue Devotions, which I’ll go over in the Command Squad entry.
So to get the ball rolling, lets start at the top with their special rules, wargear and HQ choices.
Renegade Rules
Probably the most important rule to understand in the army is Uncertain Worth. An army of Chaos Renegades is made up of criminals, murderers, militia, and shop keepers, each soldiers motivation is different and you don’t really know if the soldier in question was press-ganged into combat, or a fanatical devotee of your Demagogue. To represent this, the first time a unit is called upon to use their LD value, you roll 1D6+4 to determine the units LD. This could result in an army filled with LD 8-10 fanatics, or a pitiful bunch of cobblers with LD 5-6. Because of this unreliability, it is important to be able to mitigate leadership whenever possible in the army. Some units have the Fanatic rule, which allows them to roll 2D6, discarding the lowest, when determining their LD value.
To give the army the flair of specific gods, Chaos Covenants are granted to specific character models to grant their units the blessings of their patron god. Unlike a Mark, the Covenant is only on the character, so when he dies, the unit he’s with will lose any benefit of the covenant, but like Marks, they’re different for each god.
- Covenant of Khorne – lets the unit re-roll to wound in the first turn of any combat.
- Covenant of Nurgle – gives the unit FNP (6+).
- Covenant of Slaanesh – gives the unit Fleet.
- Covenant of Tzeentch – the unit makes Snap Shots at BS2.
Renegade Wargear
Much like Astra Militarum, Renegades carry vox-casters to keep in communication with their commanders, though it’s rule works entirely differently. A unit with a vox-caster can re-roll the dice used to determine their LD value, always abiding by the second result. This is generally a cheap upgrade and almost always worth taking. The more powerful command net vox, which is only used by the Renegade Command Squad, allows any unit within 12″ to use the LD value of the unit with the command net vox, though is only really helpful if their LD is higher than the unit they’re assisting. Still, a good option mostly because its’ the same price as a regular vox for the command squad, and gives the same bonus as well.
To call the Renegades well armed, skilled or equipped, would be a huge overstatement, most of them have no armour at all, going to battle in their skivvies, but for the particularly well suited ones, you can buy a set of sub-flak armour for a lovely 6+ save! If it’s good enough for Orks, it’s good enough for some underhive scum. Fortunately, it’s cheap.
The Chaos Sigil is one of the more important pieces of wargear, allowing your unit equipped with it to ignore their first failed Morale or Pinning test in each game turn. A must-have for any bigger units of renegades.
Renegade Command Squad

Leading your throng of rabble, you’ll have a brutal or charismatic cult leader, sending them all to their eventual demise. The renegade command squad has a very modest starting points value, but adding additional members is actually quite expensive. They’re armed nearly identical to an Astra Militarum command squad, have access to a couple banners (hint, like AM, neither are worth taking), and come standard with the Fanatics rule. It’s important to note that the Arch-demagogue is an Independent Character and thus able to leave behind his over-priced cronies for a more defensible position. Your Arch-demagogue is a very important character in your army, the Covenant that he takes will determine which god-specific units are unlocked for your army, and his Demagogue Devotion can have very large effects on your list as a whole.
I’ve already gone over the IA13 Demagogue Devotions and Covenants, so I’ll only be adding the new Vraks Demagogue Devotions.
- Ordnance Tyrant – Starting with my favorite, the Ordnance Tyrant lets you have a lot of fun blasting apart your own units, any barrage weapon within 12″ of him may target a unit in combat! So tie up your opponents in melee with expendable hordes, then fire willy-nilly into the melee and watch the fun! Just to make sure you have plenty of artillery to do it with, the Ordnance Tyrant lets you take Artillery Batteries, Strike Batteries, Bombard Batteries and Heavy Ordnance Batteries as Elites, and Field Artillery as Troops, as well as their normal roles as Heavy Support! BOOM! HUR HUR HUR!
- Shock Legion Taskmaster – If you really like Ogryns, this guy’s for you. Taking him means you must take Ogryn Brute squads to fill your compulsory troops choices, and may take more squads as normal Troops, though they never count as scoring or Objective Secured. In return, your Taskmaster gets a special Neural Goad, which can be used to cause D3 wounds to any Ogryn units within 12″, and if done so, they all gain Fleet and Furious Charge until the beginning of your next turn. While not my favorite option, it definitely sounds like it could be fun.
Rogue Psyker Coven

You’re able to buy up to 5 level 1 psykers as an HQ choice, which on the surface sounds great, they have a special set of powers, all of which are fairly decent. As they are harnessing the raw power of the warp, and aren’t nearly as resistant to the energies as a well trained psyker, if they’re ever forced to suffer a wound from a Perils test, they are instead possessed, get an enhanced stat-line, but are no longer a psyker.
Their psychic powers are:
- Creeping Terror – forces an enemy unit within 12″ to only snap-fire and have Initiative 1, though units that are fearless are unaffected and units with ATSKNF or Stubborn are allowed to take a LD test to ignore the results.
- Warp Flux – A short range (12″) witchfire with a S7 haywire blast, not too shabby.
- Unnatural Vigour – Probably the most useful, it targets any friendly unit within 12″ and they gain both Fleet and Crusader, which combined with Covenant of Khorne and some combat drug injectors can turn an unruly mob into a deadly horde in melee.
The big downside is that they’re too creepy, even for other Chaos followers, and cannot join any squads. I think that they’re super cool and funny in the game, but they’re just sitting ducks with only T3 W2 and a 5++ save to keep them alive.
Renegade Enforcer Cadre

What army of fevered masses would be complete without some guys standing in the back, shooting anyone who falls back and whipping them all into a frenzy?! Renegade Enforcers are much like Commissars, they increase the LD value of the unit they’re with by 1 as long as they’re alive, and should the unit fail a Morale check or LD test, they’ll execute one squad member and force the unit to re-roll the test. As if that wasn’t good enough, they have access to a special piece of wargear, combat drug injectors. This lovely item allows you to give the entire unit Rage when you declare a charge, but at the end of the assault phase, they must pass a Toughness test, or D3 random models will be removed.
Overall, the HQ choices aren’t super exciting, the Command Squad is mandatory, but not worth adding more models to, the Rogue Psykers are fun, but definitely risky, but the Enforcers are amazing for keeping large units of infantry on the board and beefing them up in combat. Stay tuned next week when I go over the Elites and Troops of the Chaos Renegades!
Great that R&H finally get some attention!
One key difference you omitted for the Vraks book is that the Sigil has different rules there. It’s a small item, but makes a huge difference.
Wow, would you believe it if I said I didn’t even notice the difference! Stubborn and reroll first failed per turn is interesting. Not sure which I would prefer though, probably the auto pass, rerolling a LD5 test wouldn’t be fun, haha.
Hey Adam, thanks for the article! What a coicidence this is – I just came across IA13 last week and played a first test game yesterday (with lots of proxied models). Even though I got destroyed by Necrons I still really like the fluff and theme of this army and hope to start building one soon! Looking forward to the next installments!
You may want to add a note that you lose two devotions from the IA13 in exchange for the two new ones. When I originally learned of the Purge detachment I wanted to run a Master of Mutants list with a bunch of mutated Ogryn squads, but alas that’s not possible.
Interesting point easily missed, the Arch-demagogue is an Independent Character.
Although he’s purchased as part of the Renegade Command Squad unit I can’t see a reason why he can’t leave and join another, they’re not stuck in the squad like the Astra Militarum Company Commander.
This leaves you with a cheap Disciple squad with a heavy and/or special weapon and allows you to place the Arch Demagogue’s cheap Chaos Covenant into a more critical unit – such as giving 6 lascannon//autocannon support teams BS2 snapshots for some ghetto anti-air or a big blob some daunting flashlight over-watch.
You also didn’t mention the banners. The Banner of the Apostate (+1 combat resolution) isn’t great, but the Banner of Hate (12″ bubble of 3D6 take the 2 lowest for Morale and Pinning) provides some much needed Leadership control. Stick the banner in a Chimera for an expanded bubble and you have a nice little unit (or two).
Definitely worth filling both HQ slots with Command Squads, I say!
I like the Banner of Hate a lot but my experience has generally been that it’s so easy to kill, or if you want to protect it you’re spending 10 points per wound, that I’ve stopped bothering with it. The HQ being an independent character has been great though, both the Psyker and Revolutionary are fearless so great for enhancing a blob.
If armies using Vraks can select units of chaos spawn or not makes a big difference. Currently the entry provides no way of taking them as it seems to have been pasted from IA13.
If Vraks R&H armies can take cheap spawn units as normal elites it makes them very good, especially using the purge detachment.
Just wondering if anybody finds it significant that the vraks book opens up options for renegades to take unlimited zombies?
Nice to see some Renegade-talk, they’re easily my favorite army
“it’s important to note that the Arch-demagogue is an Independent Character and thus able to leave behind his over-priced cronies for a more defensible position.”
WOW…this changes everything for me…now i can stash my HQs in my Medusa batteries without worrying about them getting rekt instanty.
Thanks for this!
The Artillery Tyrant is so cool. If you get first turn you can throw so many blasts out there that you can decimate your enemy. There are obvious counters like drop pod and null deploy but it’s a helluva lot of kaboom.